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GLAccountTranslations: Exact Online General Ledger Account Translations

Catalog: ExactOnlineXML

Schema: XML

Label: General Ledger Account Translations


Additional where-clause columns supported:

- division

- downloadid

- code

- glschemecode (1 )

- glclassificationtree (1 )

- oldstyle

The data in this table is partitioned per value of the Division column.

Retrieve: true

Insert: true

Update: true

Delete: false

Exact Online API URL: GLAccounts

Topic: GLAccounts

Base XPath: /eExact/GLAccounts/GLAccount

XPath: /Translations/Description

Named Complex Type: GLAccounts

Filters on API Server: division- downloadid- code- glschemecode (1 )- glclassificationtree (1 )- oldstyle

15-11-2021 21:33 Version 20.2.120-PROD+3536