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Navigation: Invantive Data Access Point

Request Parameters

Invantive Data Access Point supports a list of pre-defined URL parameters for which a value can be supplied as GET or POST parameters. The following pre-defined parameters are supported:

connection: name of the database to use, in the format 'GROUP\DATABASE'.

query: SQL statement(s) to execute.

printparameters: flag whether to print the parameters and their values in the output ('true' for yes, 'false' for no, default is no).

includeheaders: flag whether to include the headers in the output ('true' for yes, 'false' for no, default is no).

usetechnicalheaders: flag whether to use technical headers instead of functional headers in the output ('true' for yes, 'false' for no, default is no).

format: output format in which the results must be presented (Html, Xml, Json, NDJSON, JsonDataSet, Atom, Rss, Csv, Tsv, Text, Xlsx, MsExcel, Data, default is Html).

xsl: Filename or URL of XSL to apply on the output, preferrably located in the Templates folder.

contenttype: Content type of the output.

dispositiontype: Disposition type of the output.

preset: use a specific preset configuration defined on the server and located by default in the Templates folder.

The value of all other GET and/or POST parameters provided will be bound as parameters to the SQL statement(s).

POST parameters take precedence above GET parameters.

RSS and Atom Format

For RSS and Atom format, please using the following column aliases: content, title, id and updated.

Data Format

The data format returns a binary download, such as a ZIP file.

For Data format, please using the following column aliases: Contents, FileName, ContentCreationDate, DispositionType and ContentType.