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Export Results

The results from the last query can be exported to a file using the syntax:

local export results

(as "<FILENAME-WITH-PATH>"|using filename column <COLUMN-NAME>)

format FORMAT

[split on <COLUMN-NAME>]

[tablename <TABLE-NAME-FOR-SQL>]

[columns <COLUMN1>[,<COLUMN2]*]


[fieldseparator "<FIELD-SEPARATOR-TEXT"]

[recordseparator "<RECORD-SEPARATOR-TEXT>"]

[quotingcharacter "<QUOTING-TEXT>"]

[escapedquotingcharacter "<ESCAPED-QUOTING-TEXT>"]

[(include|exclude) sql]

[limit <NUMBER> rows]

[when contains at least <NUMBER> rows]

[((remove|keep) field separator in content)|replace field separator in content by "<REPLACEMENT-TEXT>"]

[((remove|keep) record separator in content)|replace record separator in content by "<REPLACEMENT-TEXT>"]

The most frequently used variant is:

local export results as "c:\temp\output.xlsx" format xlsx

which exports the results as an Excel workbook.

Output File Name

The name of the output file can either be hard-coded using


or taken from a column using

using filename column <COLUMN-NAME>

Multiple output files can be generated, each with different part of the results, when 'split on' is specified. A new output file is started on every change on the value of the split on column.

Output Formats

The following export formats are supported:

xlsx: Excel xlsx file.

csv: comma-separated values.

tsv: tab-separated values.

txt: text.

html: HTML.

rtf: Rich Text Format.

docx: Word docx format.

xps: Microsoft XPS page format.

sql: SQL statements.

pdf: PDF page format.

json: JSON format.

jsondataset: JSON data set format.

xml: XML.

sqlselect: SQL select query.

sqlcreatetable: SQL create table statement. The table name can be specified by specifying a value for 'tablename'.

The csv, tsv and text output formats allow specification of separator and quoting behavior:

fieldseparator: the characters to use as field separator.

recordseparator: the characters to use as record separator.

quotingcharacter: the character to use as quoting character for field and record separator in content.

escapedquotingcharacter: the character to use to escape the quoting character.

The field and record separators in content can also be removed or replaced by a value using the 'remove/keep' specification.


The maximum number of rows to include in the export can be specified using a 'limit' specification.

The minimum number of rows the export must contain for it to create a file can be specified using a 'when contains at least' specification.


The list of columns to include can be specified using a list of column names specified after 'columns'.


The headers can be configured using one of the following three options:

exclude headers: no headers are included.

include headers: headers with user-friendly labels are included.

include technical headers: headers with the column names are included.