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Invantive Estate

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Contact Information

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Invantive® BV is distributor of software solutions owned by Invantive® Software BV.

Location Harderwijk

Biesteweg 11
3849 RD Hierden
the Netherlands

Phone: +31 88 00 26 500
Fax: +31 84 2258178

Chamber of Commerce: 13031406
Managing Director: Guido Leenders
Company domiciled in Roermond (NL).
Bank: NL 42 RABO 01 23 4097 80, BIC RABO NL 2U
VAT: NL812602377B01

Founded: 1992
2012 NAICS: 511210


Support: +31 88 00 26 599
Customer Portal:
Opening hours: 9:00 - 17:00 CET Monday to Friday excluding Dutch holidays

Privacy Policy

Security incidents

Security incidents: +31 88 00 26 598
Opening hours: 9:00 - 17:00 CET Monday to Friday

Always include your telephone number, your e-mail address and a short description. Please do not give sensitive details until a secure communication channel has been established.

For urgent security incidents please send both an email outside of opening hours and call with number display on. You will be called back as soon as possible.

We use the threat matrix of NCSC to classify a reported incident. We use the Responsible Disclosure Guideline of NCSC as basis for our policy.

You will always receive a confirmation of receipt within 1 working day.

We ask you not to share information about the security incident with others until Invantive has had sufficient opportunity to resolve the problem and users have had sufficient opportunity to use a possibly updated version of the software. We ask you to not further use any knowledge of the security incident and to omit any actions made possible after the existence of the security problem.

If you are not satisfied with the handling, we would like to ask you to contact the NCSC.

Published: 09 November 2021