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Invantive Estate

In this form you can register and change applications.Open screen in browser Open Form

An application is a coherent group of data and functions.

The registration of applications is a typical activity for application developers. See the warning under Application Development.

Applications Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:




The code which refers to the application.


The name of the application.

include call additional business rules

The business tier gets requests for the application specific extensions when checked. See Additional Business Rules.

Prefix procedure additional business rule

The prefix of the name of the packages for the application specific extensions. To call these extensions, the prefix is combined with the table alias and ‘.fill_defaults’. See Additional Business Rules.

Include Natural Key Columns


Column Specifications


Column Identity

Code used to identify (uniquely) the row.

Column ‘date created’

The name of the column that is automatically filled by Invantive Producer with the date a row was added.

Column ‘created by’

The name of the column automatically filled by Invantive Producer, showing the name of the user who added the row.

Column ‘created in’

The name of the column automatically filled by Invantive Producer, showing the name of the function in which a row was added.

Column ‘date last update’

The name of the column that is automatically filled by Invantive Producer with the date on which last row was calculated.

Column ‘updated by’

The name of the column that is automatically filled by Invantive Producer with the name of the user that calculated the last row.

Column ‘updated in’

The name of the column that is automatically filled by Invantive Producer with the name of the function which calculated the last row.

Column ‘transaction created’

The name of the column automatically filled by Invantive Producer with the number of the transaction which added the row.

Column ‘transaction updated’

The name of the column that is automatically filled by Invantive Producer with the number of the transaction which calculated the last row.

Column ‘original system reference’

The name of the column used to register a uniquely reference to a possible supplying system.

Column ‘original system group’

The name of the column used to register a non-unique reference to the supplying system.

Column ‘date interface created’

The name of the column used to store the data on which a row was added using the interface.

Column ‘date interface updated’

The name of the column used to store the data on which the last row was calculated using the interface.

Column ‘column type’

The name of the column used to define the structure of the free columns.

Column ‘column prefix’

The prefix of the name of the columns used as free columns. The full column name consists of the prefix and the serial number.

Column ‘history event’

The name of the column in a history table that is automatically filled by Invantive Producer with the type of change in the current table. See Historical Storage.

Column ‘history date start’

The name of the column in a history table, automatically filled out by Invantive Producer with the date on which a row became current.

Column ‘historical date ends’

The name of the column in a history table, automatically filled out by Invantive Producer with the date on which a row became non-current.

Column ‘history active when filled’

The name of the column in a history table that is automatically filled out by Invantive Producer with ‘Y’ if the current row is current.

Column ‘session created‘

The name of the column where the session which was created is saved.

Column ‘session updated‘

The name of the column where the session which was updated is saved.




Documentation of the application.

Postfix for Code Field

Postfix added to the field name if the field contains code.


Indicates if typed text will be completed in case the text was entered before into the application.

Template for LOV View Name

Determines the format of the name list of LOV views.

Template for LOV View

Determines the format of the list of LOV views.

Postfix for flag field

Postfix added to the name of an indicator field.

Flag field value for ‘no’

Value which is registered if an indicator is negative.

Flag field value for ‘yes’

Value which is registered if an indicator is positive.

Table with Interactions

Name of the table which contains the Interactions.

Table with Transactions

Name of the table that contains the Transactions.

Procedure for Logging Execution of Attribute Rules

Name of the procedure that registers the execution of attribute rules.


Displays the legal person who has the exclusive copyrights on the software.

Expression point_in_time


Expression Set Point in Time


Expression set_session_info


Expression unset_session_info


Expression Effective Date


Expression Translate Keys


Standard Where Clause


Standard Select Clause


Natural Key Column


Expression to get last Identity Assigned


Expression to Get Session User Identity