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Invantive Estate

In this form you can register and change indexes.Open screen in browser Open Form

An index is a quick access path to the data stored in a table. Multiple indexes can be uploaded per table.

There are two kinds of indexes:

Unique indexes: act as a constraint on the table by preventing duplicate entries in the index and thus in the backing table. Unique indexes are used to protect the uniqueness of the artificial key as defined in the column ‘id’. The index then has a name in the format ‘<application>_<table alias>_pk’. Unique indexes are also used to guarantee the unicity of the natural keys. A natural key index will have a name in the format ‘<application>_<table alias>_nk’ for a primary unique natural key and ‘<application>_<table alias>_uk_<column>’ for all other natural keys.

Non-unique indexes: these are indexes used to quickly find data in a table. The most common non-unique index is the referential index: for each referential column ‘<table alias>_id_<possible postfix>’ exists an index with the name ‘<application>_<table alias>_<possible postfix>’.

The registration of indexes is a typical activity for application developers. See the warning under Application Development.

Indexes Screen

The meaning of the entry fields for indexes is:


The application of which the index is part of.

Table Code

The table of which the index is part of.


The name of the index.


Checked in case the index is unique.


Checked in case the index needs to be included in the database.

The meaning of the entry fields for indexes is:


The name of the column.


The number of the position of the column in the index.