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In this screen you can register and change background schedulers.Open screen in browser Open Form

A background scheduler is a process that executes background jobs requested by users. Thes jobs are based on Background Scripts.

Background Schedulers Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:


The unique code.


The description.

Activation Interval

When they are not executing a job, the background schedulers often check whether there are jobs ready to be started. The activation interval determines the time in seconds between the checks.


The skills the scheduler has to offer. A Background Script can only be executed on schedulers possessing the required skills.

Activate on Startup

The scheduler is activated while starting the web server when checked.

The meaning of the other fields:


Status of the background scheduler:

Off: the background scheduler is not activated while starting the web server.

Initialising: the background planner is being initialised, but is not active yet. This status only occurs for a short moment of time while starting the web server.

Active: the background scheduler is actively working to check whether there are background jobs to be started.

Executing: the background scheduler is currently executing a background job.

Sleeping mode: the background scheduler sleeps until the end of the activation interval.

Error: the background scheduler is in error mode.

Database Session

A unique database session belonging to this background scheduler.

Java Object

The Java object that the background scheduler executes.


The machine on which the background scheduler runs.

Last Installed

The system time where the background scheduler was last installed.

Last Message

The last message of the scheduler.

Old Messages

Earlier values of the last message that the planner has given.

The background schedulers are also visible in, for example, Probe as Threads in Apache Tomcat:

Threads in Apache Tomcat Screen