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Invantive Estate

In this screen you can register and change values for the lov-cache.Open screen in browser Open Form

The ‘list of values’-cache contains translated choice list values.

LOV-Cache Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:

Domain Code

Reference to a domain code as registered in view BUBS_CODES_V.CDE_CODE.

Domain Value Code

Reference to a domain value code as registered in BUBS_CODE_VALUES_V.CWE_CODE.

Untranslated Value

Reference to an untranslated value as registered in BUBS_CODE_VALUES_V.CWE_DESCRIPTION.

Translated Value

Translation based on the language and the untranslated value.


Reference to a language code as registered in BUBS_LANGUAGES_V.TAL_CODE.


Key Value as registered in BUBS_CODE_VALUES

Sort Order

A numeric value where the translated values are sorted on if several are shown in a choice list.