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Invantive Estate

In this screen you can enter and edit person involvements.Open screen in browser Open Form

Here person involvements can be added. This is done per person. Per person you can indicate who this is and who this person is in relation to another person. You can set the involvement role. Subsequently it is optionally possible to enter other information. Here you can think of a limit, or whether the person is added implicitly or not and finally a explanation. In the end the starting moment and the end are inidicated of the person involvement.

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The meaning of the entry fields is:

Person (From)

The person to be added to the person involvement.

Person (To)

The person to whom the added person is related to in terms of involvement role.

Involvement Role

The type of role that the person has.


The limit of the person.

Added Implicitly

This box needs to be checked if the addition is implicit.


A possible explanation with the person involvement.

Start Moment

The date on which the person involvement starts.


The date on which the person involvement ends.