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Invantive Estate

In this screen you can register and change processes, along with their history.Open screen in browser Open Form

A process is an activity to be executed to complete a project. Normally, not all activities are recorded as a process. Usually only the critical activities or the activities that should be monitored separately, are registered as a process. An example of a process that should be monitored separately is a process that has to be performed by several people,

Tasks on a project Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:




The unique code for a process, for example, a contract.


A short description of the target or the problem.


The project to which the process belongs.

Planned Hours

The total number of planned hours to compete the process.

Prognosis to Go Hours

Estimation of the remaining hours required to complete the process.

Hours Determined on

The date on which the forecast of the hours needed to complete the process was made.

Process Holder

The person currently responsible for the following up of the process.

Reported By

The person who has reported the process.

On Behalf of

The organization on behalf of which the process is created.


The origin of the process.

Supplier Reference

A reference of a Supplier to this process. This can be for instance a report number of a service provider for the heating.

Customer Reference

A reference of the buyer to this process. This can be for instance a reference to a purchasing order.


Processes are grouped according to categoryën. Examples of a process categoryën are: ‘documentation’, ‘failure’ and ‘installation’.


The unit where the process relates to, see Units.

Fixed Price

You can fill in a fixed price here, if this is relevant on the process.


The gravity of the problem in case of an unfinished process.


The date on which the process should be finished.

Planned Start of Realization

The date on which you planned to start on the running of the process.


The status of the process.

Next Review

The date on which the next review of the process should take place.


Linked documents, see Linking Documents.

Progress (%)

The percentage which shows how long the process still has to go to be finished.


Free text field in which notes concerning the process are taken up.

Contract (not visible)

Pattern for the contract code belonging to process units. With this pattern, placeholders are replaced by actual values during invoicing. The following placeholders are supported:

':pjt_code_short, ̔




̔:unt_serial number,



':hour_mm_delivered' and


Process Notes



Process notes are grouped to Process Note Categories. Examples of note categories are: ‘telephone conversations’, ‘emails’ en ‘steering committee meetings’.

Publishing Text

Indicator whether the process note should be displayed to users who have a role that does not allow to see all process notes. The administrator can indicate in the screen Roles if the user is allowed to see all documents with the indicator ‘See all Process Notes’.


Free text box where notes can be added. The entry field grows according to the size of the data entered.




The classification of the process. A classification is a label that can be linked to a project, an organization, a process, a document or a person. Using these labels you can find your information more efficient.

Units Used



Group of the process unit. Can be used for accumulation of the task units in task-related groups, such as those are generated by Payment Schedules.


The unit that is used for the realization of the process, see Units.


Payment Schedule of the unit.


The number of units used to achieve the process.

Process Unit Status

Reference to a Process Unit Status.

Unit Sales Price

The price for the used units for the total number of units on this line.


The number of units that can be invoiced.


Delivery date of the units.

Date Start Rate

The date and the number of units in usage.

VAT Code

Reference to a VAT code as registered in VAT codes.

Redemption Price

Purchase price of the Unit.


The units are booked when checked.


Possible explanation.

The meaning of the other fields:

Status Filter

Here you can choose the status filter. The filter has three values: ‘open processes’; ‘closed processes’ and ‘all processes’.

Process Owner Filter

Here you can choose the filter for the process owner.


A reference from a supplier or customer to this process.


Code of the status.

Status Description

Description of the status.

On Behalf of

The organization on behalf of which the process is created.


The name of the process detector.

Product group

The product group to which the process is related. See Product Group.


The Product type.

Unique Identifier (SN)

The unique address, location or serial number of the unit.


A text you want to search the contents of all visible processes. The process related process notes and linked documents to the process are also searched. The text may be expressed as an expression in Oracle Text.


Often used search queries are:

‘area’: documents containing the word ‘area’.

‘area or surface’: documents containing the word ‘area’ or the word ‘surface’.

‘area or surface * 3’: documents containing the word ‘area’ or the word ‘surface’ where the occurrence of the word ‘surface’ counts three times as heavy as the word ‘area’.

‘area’ and ‘surface’: documents containing both the word ‘area’ and the word ‘surface’.

‘?area’: documents with both the word ‘area’ and words that look like ‘area’.

‘area-surface’: documents containing the word ‘area’ but preferably without the word ‘surface’.

‘area;surface’: documents containing the word ‘area’ near to the word ‘surface’.

‘area not surface’: documents containing the word ‘area’ but preferably without the word ‘surface’.

‘$area’: documents containing the word ‘area’ and inflections from it like for example ‘areas’.

‘% area’: documents containing all terms that begin with ‘area’.

‘area or ( surface and feet )’: documents containing the word ‘area’ or containing a combination of the words ‘surface’ and ‘feet’.

Created at - by

Date at which the process is created and by which the user.

Last Change

Date at which the process was last modified.

Source ID

The unique number of the kind of data which you want to link the process. This field is filled automatically when you open this screen via a ‘Process’ link in another window. This field together with the field ‘Source’ makes is possible to retain the relation with the origin of an object for the workflow processes.


The type of data (message, order, project, etc.) to which you want to link the process. This field is filled automatically when you open this screen via a ‘Process’ link in another window.



Spent (hours)

The number of hours spent to the process up to this moment.

Invoiced (hours)

Number of hours invoiced.


All changes to a process and process notes lead automatically to a message to the process owner by email.

See also Documents.