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Invantive Estate

In this screen Interest Rate Methods can be registered and edited.Open Window Icon Open Form

Screen Interest Methods


The meaning of the entry fields is:


Unique alphanumerical code that identifies the interest rate method.


Description of the interest rate method.


Effective annual interest.

Interest Days Per Year

Indicated the number of days per year that are used for the interest rate method, like 360 NASD or 365 days per year.


Reference to a unit as registered in Units.

Sort Order

A numeric value on which the interest rate methods are sorted when they are shown in a list box in a screen.


Reference to a warehouse as registered in Warehouses.

Initial Process Unit Status

Reference to a process unit status as registered in BUBS_TAK_UNT_STATUSSEN in a role as the old status of the process task unit.

Number of days without Interest

Number of days you substract from the period for which interest is calculated.