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Invantive Estate

In this form you can register and change messages.Open screen in browser Open Form

A message is a text which is shown when an error occurs during the processing of a change. Error messages from the software use an internal error code and the message translates this internal code in a comprehensible text.

The registration of messages is a typical activity for application developers. See the warning under Application Development.

Message Window

The meaning of the entry fields is:


They internal code used to refer to the message.

User Message

The message that will be displayed. This message will be translated with Translations.

Constraint Code

The database error code from the software. These error codes usually have the format ORA-99999.

Constraint Name

A part of the database error codes are provided with a reference to the exact location of the message.

When translating the database error code to the message, the program will first check if the combination of constraint code and constraint name already exists:

If so, the respective message will be used.

If not, a general constraint code will be looked for, without a filled out constraint name.