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Invantive Estate

If a user logs on as ‘Application Manager’ (see Settings) or as ‘System’, Invantive Estate will perform several system checks. If these system checks generate errors, a popup window will appear asking to go to the screen ‘System Checks’. Open screen in browser Open Form


Warning system control

The current versions of Invantive Estate runs three system checks:

In the first check verifies if all files are present and checks if the file names contain no special characters.

The second check verifies if the URL in the browser is similar to the one in the Settings. If you check the box ‘Execute Proposed Action’ and subsequently click on ‘Save’, then the settings are automatically adjusted. For example, this functionality is useful if you have made a copy of an existing environment on a new location.

The third check verifies whether the stored and real-time contract positions match.

System Control Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:

Execute Proposed Action

If checked, the ‘proposed action’ will be executed when you click ‘Save Change’. Not in all cases is it possible to execute the ‘proposed action’ automatically and manual actions will be required. An error message appears if you check the box and click on ‘Save Change’ when manual actions are necessary.

The meaning of the other fields:


The code of the system check.


The part of the application where the code relates to.


If checked this indicates that a malfunction occurs within the application.

Explanation Problem

An explanation of the occurring problem.

Explanation Importance

An explanation of the importance of the problem.

Proposed Action

Proposal to solve the problem.