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Invantive Estate

In this form you can register and change requests for access.Open screen in browser Open Form

The screen is an extension to the screen Request Entrance, that is specifically meant for persons currently without access rights. In this screen, the application administrator can close access requests, for example, after granting access rights.

Access Request Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:


Name of the requester.

Email Address

The email address where the access credentials should be sent to.

Login Code Requested

The login code that is requested for the applicant.


The name of the organization at which the applicant is employed.


The country of residence.

Reason of Request

The reason why you wish access to Invantive Estate.

Possible Explanation

A free textual explanation of the reason for the request.

Associated User

The person who was registered as user for the request.

License Agreement

The terms and conditions under which access is granted.

No Competitor

The confirmation that you will use the information received solely for the purposes described.


The request has been finished if checked.