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Invantive Estate

In this screen you can register and timesheet statuses.Open screen in browser Open Form

Timesheet Statuses Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:


Unique code that identifies the ‘Timesheet Status’.


Description of the ‘Timesheet Status’.

Sort Order

A numeric value on which the ‘timesheet statuses’ are sorted when they are shown in a list box in a screen.

Role to Change Unlimited

Reference to a role as registered in Roles. Shows the role that a user must have - despite the change and disposition of the flags - still able to edit hours with this status.


Possible explanation.

Start status

Indicator which indicates if it is a ‘start status’ of the hours.

End Status

Indicator which indicates if it is an ‘end status’ of the hours.


Indicates if it concerns the realised hours and not the planned hours.

Ready for Invoicing

Indicator of whether the hours are ready for invoicing.


Indicator indicating if the hours are invoiced and booked.

Change Comment

Indicator if it is allowed to change the comments.

Change Start

Indicator if it is allowed to change the start date.

Change Location

Indicator if it is allowed to change location.

Change Notes

Indicator if it is allowed to change the notes.

Change Project

Indicator if it is allowed to change the project code.

Change Process

Indicates if the process code may be modified.

Change Effort

Indicator if it is allowed to change the number of working hours.

Change Labor Type

Indicator if it is allowed to change the Labor Type.

Delete Timesheets

Indicates if it is possible to delete hours.