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Invantive Estate

In het providers configuratiebestand providers.xml geef je op door welke providers verzoeken worden afgehandeld en gerouteerd binnen de Invantive Web Service. De mogelijkheden staan beschreven in het voorbeeldbestand providers.xml.sample:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


 (C) 2004-2013 Invantive BV, the Netherlands (


 $Header: 23549 2013-11-01 14:21:27Z smoke $


 Configuration of providers for Invantive Webservice



 You can configure providers here, sorted by order.

 Providers are tried to handle a request in decreasing order. So the provider with order 500 is offered

 the request before the provider with order 400 is offered the request.

 Providers with order 70, 80, 90, 100 and 200 are reserved for Invantive internal use (see the table below).



 Providers are used to provide functionality that is not part of the webservice.

 A provider knows how to handle a specific action on a specific platform.

 Some providers are included in the installation, such as providers for database or webservice connectivity or a file logging provider.

 The default providers are included in the software, so they are not listed here between the <providers> tag.


 A provider does in general NOT define WHERE the action will be executed. That is normally specified by the settings.xml.

 But specific providers may contain the location WHERE the action will be executed as default value or specified as attributes

 with the provider's configuration.


 Default providers:

 The default providers are always available.

 A list of the default providers and there order (which cannot be used again):


 Order   Name                    Comments


  70     Oracle MySQL            Provider supporting the execution of actions on Oracle MySQL.

                                 Built and tested with Connector/Net 6.7.4. See

                                 File: Invantive.Data.Providers.MySql.dll

  80     Microsoft SQL Server    Provider supporting the execution of actions onMicrosoft SQL server 7.0 and later.


                                 File: Invantive.Data.Providers.SqlServer.dll

  90     IBM DB2 UDB             Provider supporting the execution of actions onIBM DB2 UDB  9.7 for Windows.

                                 Not tested on any other version.

                                 File: Invantive.Data.Providers.IbmDb2.dll

 100     Oracle RDBMS            Provider supporting the execution of actions onOracle RDBMS 9i - 12c.

                                 Needs ODP.NET and OCI to be installed.

                                 File: Invantive.Data.Providers.Oracle.dll

 200     Invantive Webservice    Provider that is executing action by forwarding it to another Invantive Webservice over HTTP/HTTPS.

                                 File: Invantive.Data.Providers.Webservice.dll

                                 Order 200 ensures that forwaring is preferred instead of a database connection by default.


 The providers tag contains a list of providers available, each one consisting of the provider-tag.


 Attributes of the <provider> tag:

 * "order": Sorting order of the provider. The higher the value, the sooner it is called.

 * "file": The file name of the provider. This can be a path relative to the Providers directory, or an absolute path.

   Fully specify the path or use a path relative to the Invantive Webservice installation folder.

   Do not use the ASP.NET/IIS ~/-prefix to indicate the current folder.

 * "class": Optional. Full class name of the provider. You can specify the class name to increase startup performance since

   it reduces the time needed querying the file.

   You need to specify the class if you want to load a single provider in a file that contains multiple providers.


 The elements of the <provider> tag:

 * All: you can specify elements within the provider tag. See for instance the <templatesfolder> element

   in the example below.

   Their names and values will be passed as attributes to the provider during instantiation.

















 <!-- Custom logging. -->










 <!-- Most preferred provider due to order 400.

      Data access provider for Invantive Estate and/or Invantive Vision.

      Generates an Oracle SQL execute request. Invantive Estate and

      Invantive Vision currently only support the Oracle RDBMS.









 <!-- Less preferred provider due to order 300.

      Data access provider for Invantive Producer products.

      The following Invantive Producer products require the use of Oracle RDBMS:

      * Invantive Studio

      * Invantive Query Tool

      The following Invantive Producer products run with all supported database platforms

      although this specific provider does not yet support it. Use a database specific

      provider instead:

      * Invantive Composition

      * Invantive Control








