Cost Centers |
The import of cost centers to Exact Online is described here. For the port of cost centers a background script is available. This ensures that the people who write time Invantive Estate are saved as cost centers in Exact Online.
Next to that, it is necessary to manually develop cost centers for fixed price processes (see profile option 'bubs-interface-exactonline-factuur-kostenplaats-proces'), process units (see profieloption 'bubs-interface-exactonline-factuur-kostenplaats-proces-unit') and conversion (see profieloption 'bubs-interface-exactonline-factuur-kostenplaats-conversie').
Perform the following steps:
•Go the screen 'Submit Background Job'.
•Run the background job ' Manage: Run ETL'.
•Voer bij ETL Specification de volgende waarde in: ../etl/bubs2exactonline costcenters.kjb
•Wait till the background process is finished.
•Check the log file if the data was successfully imported in Exact Online.