To Reeleezee |
Normal Use
Create File with Products
Only products will be included in the file.
•Start an ETL script:
•Upload the file as described below.
Create File with Products
Only clients and suppliers will be included in the file.
•Start an ETL script:
•Upload the file as described below.
Create File with Sales Invoices
Only concept invoice lines which are not yet exported will be included in the file.
Upload to Reeleezee
The files to be uploaded are placed in the folder as set for the profile option bubs-interface-reeleezee-input. No use is made of the web service of Reeleezee. Import goes via Settings -> Help -> Service -> Import:
Then select the file:
The results are returned as an XML file that you can access using Notepad, for example:
Pay especially attention to the outcome of ‘Succeeded’. ‘Succeeded’ indicates if the scan was successful.