Installation Database |
Perform the following steps to install the database:
•[All] Stop Tomcat, for example with ‘/etc/init.d/invantive stop’ (UNIX) or ‘net stop "Apache Tomcat"’ (Microsoft Windows).
•[All] Create/check configuration files p104/cfg/XXX.bat and p104/cfg/XXX.sql.
•[All, Installation] The tablespace will be created automatically if all data files are located in 1 folder. Else: Create a tablespace ‘<OMGEVING>’ that will contain the data of Invantive Estate. This can be done, for example, with:
create tablespace invantive datafile 'LOCATION' size 25m autoextend on maxsize 2000m
•[All, Installation] In case the application is installed for the first time, use bubs_create.bat in the bin-directory to prepare the installation of Invantive Estate. This takes about 1 minute.
•[All, Installation] If the application is installed for the first time, use bubs_smoke.bat in the bin directory to install the application. This takes approximately 60 minutes. Break off when asked if the demo data can be loaded.
•[All, Installation] Create the license with the special installation steps from doc/*.sql.
•[All, Upgrade] Run the upgrade_main.sql script from the map ddl/upgrades/build<DOEL-1>to<DOEL>. It takes approximately 10 minutes to the steps that may only be performed after the upgrade. Confine yourself to the builds between the start and target build. Execute bubs_smoke.bat located in the bin-directory if this is mentioned in the upgrade_main.sql script. It will take 60 minutes. Abort when asked if the demo data should be loaded.
•[All, Upgrade] Install the possible customizations from xx<COMPANYNAME>.sql.
•[All] Start Tomcat, for example with ‘/etc/init.d/invantive start’ (UNIX) or ‘net start "Apache Tomcat"’ (Microsoft Windows).