Extraction Sales Orders |
Create a file with sales invoices which can be read using KING. See also Concep Invoices.
The format of the sales invoices can be send through a number of profile options:
•Bubs-interface-king-order-tarief-uren: the rate inside KING that is used for hours, possibly using the field :gbr_initialen.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-tarief-vaste-prijs: the rate inside KING that is used for fixed price processes.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-tarief-proces-units: the rate inside KING that is should be used for process units, possibly using the fields :ust_code, :usp_code, :unt_omschrijving, :ust_omschrijving, :usp_omschrijving, :unt_serienummer en :tut_toelichting.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-kop-regel-1: an optional head line on the invoice.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-kop-regel-2: an optional head line on the invoice.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-kop-regel-3: an optional headline on the invoice.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-voet-regel-1: an optional footnote on the invoice.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-voet-regel-2: an optional footnote on the invoice.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-voet-regel-3: an optional footnote on the invoice.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-formaat-arbeid: the description of the invoice line for hours, possibly using the fields :tak_code, :tak_omschrijving, :tak_referentie_klant, :tak_referentie_leverancier, :unt_omschrijving, :cfl_datum_start_l, :cfl_datum_einde_l, :uur_locatie, :cfl_datum_start_s, :cfl_datum_einde_s, :pjt_code_kort, :pjt_code_erp, :pjt_code, :kbg_code, :cfl_volgnummer en:cfl_omschrijving.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-regel-formaat-product: the description of the invoice line for process units, possibly using the fields :tak_code, :tak_omschrijving, :tak_referentie_klant, :tak_referentie_leverancier, :unt_omschrijving, :ust_code, :usp_code, :ust_omschrijving, :usp_omschrijving, :unt_serienummer, :tut_toelichting, :cfl_omschrijving, :pjt_code_kort, :pjt_code_erp, :pjt_code, :kbg_code, :cfl_volgnummer en :cfl_omschrijving.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-regel-formaat-vaste-prijs: the description of the invoice line of fixed price processes, possibly using the fields :tak_code, :tak_omschrijving, :tak_referentie_klant, :tak_referentie_leverancier, :pjt_code_kort, :pjt_code_erp, :pjt_code, :kbg_code, :cfl_volgnummer, :cfl_omschrijving, :unt_omschrijving en :uur_locatie.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-tekst-geen-commentaar: text to ue if no comment was specified in the hour registration.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-tekst-geen-locatie: text to use if no location was specified in hour registration.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-tekst-geen-proces-code: text to use as process code if there are direct hours registered on a project.
•Bubs-interface-king-order-tekst-geen-proces-omschrijving: text to use as process description if there are direct hours registered on a project.
•Bubs-interface-king-formaat-datum: the (fixed) format for dates.
•Bubs-interface-king-formaat-getal: the (fixed) format for numbers.