Duplicate Environment including complete Database Export |
According to this procedure, a complete database export can only be used to duplicate an environment without changing the names of the schemas involved.
Follow these steps to copy a home environment based on a full database export:
•Export the data to a file with the statements:
exp userid=system/...@orcl buffer=1000000 file=pbubs.dmp grants=no log=pbubs_exp.log consistent=yes full=yes
•Check in the first ten lines of the log file that no conversion of characters between character sets has occurred.
•Stop Microsoft IIS and Apache Tomcat for the target environment.
•Clear the target environment: delete all old tables, sequences, views, functions, procedures, triggers and packages under the application schema.
•Upload the file in the target environment based upon a complete database export (fill in the relevant schedules in both ‘fromuser’ as in ‘touser’):
imp userid=system/...@orcl buffer=1000000 file=pbubs.dmp log=imp_bubs.log full=y ignore=y fromuser=(abubs,abubs_web,abubs_web_res) touser=(abubs,abubs_web,abubs_web_res)
•Further follow the instructions in Duplicate Environment using an Export Schema beginning with ‘Copy the software...’.