Newsletter Example |
In this example using ISP a newsletter will be composed in the next steps:
•Create a profile option containing the layout of the newsletter.
•Create a profile option containing the ISP.
•Send newsletter, select the users and create the emails used for the newsletter.
Note that you can merge both profile options to one profile option.
The final result is a newsletter in the following format:
Profile Option Layout Newsletter
This local profile option contains the layout of the newsletter. The texts ‘: Payload’ and ‘: FOOTER’ are replaced by the message:
Profile Option ISP
This local profile option contains the ISP to compose the message:
The code is:
<%@ page language="ISP" %>
l_gbr_aanhef varchar2(500);
l_template clob;
l_payload clob;
l_tak_found boolean;
l_template := bubs#profiel_opties.get_value('xxinet-html-nieuwsbrief-template');
l_payload := '';
-- Determine greeting.
select 'Geachte '
|| case
when gbr.gbr_geslacht_ind = 'M'
then 'heer '
when gbr.gbr_geslacht_ind = ‘V’
then 'mevrouw '
else ''
|| gbr_naam
into l_gbr_aanhef
from bubs_gebruikers_v gbr
where gbr.gbr_id = l_parameters_map('GBR_ID')
l_payload := l_payload || l_gbr_aanhef || ‘,’;
l_payload := l_payload || '<br/>';
l_payload := l_payload || 'De processen die door u gemeld zijn:';
l_payload := l_payload || '<ul>';
l_tak_found := false;
for r_tak in
( select tak.code tak_code
, tak.omschrijving tak_omschrijving
from bubs_processen tak
where tak.gbr_id_melder = l_parameters_map('GBR_ID')
by desc
l_payload := l_payload || '<li>Proces ' || r_tak.tak_code || ': ' || r_tak.tak_omschrijving || '</li>';
end loop;
if not l_tak_found
l_payload := l_payload || '<li>Geen meldingen.</li>';
end if;
l_payload := l_payload || '</ul>';
-- Merge both.
l_template := replace(l_template, ':PAYLOAD', l_payload);
l_template := replace
( l_template
, 'Deze e-mail is verzonden op '
|| to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
|| ' aan '
|| l_parameters_map('GBR_EMAIL_ADRES')
|| '. Klik <a href="http://site/afmelden?GBR_ID='
|| to_char(l_parameters_map('GBR_ID'))
|| '">hier</a> om af te melden.'
<!-- Aangemaakt met Invantive Estate -->
Send Newsletter
After this one time activities it is easy to send the newsletter with for example:
-- Log on to Invantive Estate
( 'toad.sql'
, 'install'
, 'system'
, 'Newsletter'
, coalesce(sys_context('userenv', 'ip_address'), '?')
, sys_context('userenv', 'host')
, 'n/a'
, 'TOAD ' || to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')
insert into bubs_berichten_v
( brt_afgehandeld_vlag
, brt_afzender
, brt_afzender_naam
, brt_boodschap_l
, brt_mime_type
, brt_onderwerp
, brt_ontvanger
, brt_ontvanger_naam
, brt_ref_tabel
, brt_ref_sleutel
, brt_vertalen_vlag
select 'N'
, ''
, 'ACME'
( bubs#profiel_opties.get_value('xxacme-html-nieuwsbrief-isp')
, 'GBR_ID=' || itgen_url.escape_cached(to_char(gbr.gbr_id), 'Y')
|| '&' || 'GBR_NAAM=' || itgen_url.escape_cached(gbr.gbr_naam, 'Y')
|| '&' || 'GBR_EMAIL_ADRES=' || itgen_url.escape_cached(gbr.gbr_email_adres, 'Y')
, 'text/html'
, 'ACME nieuwsbrief november 2009'
, gbr.gbr_emil_adres
, gbr.gbr_naam
, 'GBR'
, gbr.gbr_id
, 'Y'
from bubs_gebruikers_v gbr
where 1=1
and gbr.gbr_email_adres is not null