The Invantive implementation of SQL is based upon ANSI SQL, extended by aspects from popular SQL implementations such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Teradata and Microsoft SQL Server. It is topped of with Invantive-specific extensions, especially for procedural SQL, distributed SQL and distributed transactions. The basis is to implement functions such that as little as possible changes are necessary to run a SQL statement originating from another SQL implementation on Invantive SQL. For instance, to retrieve the current time you can use 'sysdate', 'now', 'getdate()' and 'sysdatetime' to name a few. The same holds for the procedural extension Invantive Procedural SQL, which reflects SQL/PSM and makes it easy to port Oracle PL/SQL or PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL statements.
Distributed SQL, Databases and Data Containers
It is easy to exchange and/or combine data across the supported platforms with data. To each platform (such as Salesforce or Exact Online Belgium) multiple connections can be active with the same or different platform-specific connection settings. Each open connection to a platform is named a 'data container'.
All opened connections together are named a 'database'.
When multiple data containers have been opened, each one has an alias to refer it by in Invantive SQL statements. For instance, a connection can be open for two different customer accounts on Exact Online Netherlands aliased as 'eolnl_comp1' and 'eolnl_comp55') and one for an Exact Online Belgium custom, aliased as 'eolbe_my_new_company'. The aliases can be freely chosen as long as they are valid identifiers and defined in the databases configuration file 'settings.xml'.
Service Providers
A number of special connections are always made, each of which can occur at most once. These are the 'service providers' such as:
- 'datadictionary': metadata of the current database, such as list of tables and executed SQL statements performance.
- 'os': information on the operating system running the SQL engine, such as reading file contents.
- 'smtp': synchronously send mails through SMTP.
Especially online platforms have a multi-tenant structure, in which the data is partitioned per customer, company or person. When the data model is identical across tenants, Invantive SQL considers them 'partitions'. SQL statements can run across multiple or one partitions, often in parallel. This enables consolidation scenarios across partitions (such as Exact Online or Nmbrs companies) as well as high-performance in MPP environments.
The partitions to be used can be specified with the 'use' statement, either through an explicit list of partitions to be selected across data containers, or through a SQL select statement returning the list of partitions to use. Please note that although the 'use' statement resembles the 'use DATABASE' statement on Microsoft SQL Server or PostgreSQL you can on Invantive SQL have multiple partitions active at the same time in one user session.
For identifiers, the regular conventions hold for the set of allowed characters. Depending on the platform, the identifiers are case sensitive or not. In general, it is best to assume that the identifier are case insensitive. There is no length limit on an identifier imposed by Invantive SQL.
Procedural SQL
Invantive Procedural SQL (or "PSQL" for short) is a procedural extension on top of Invantive SQL. It is based on the ISO-standard 9075-4:2016 (SQL/PSM) and extends Invantive SQL with procedural options like blocks, variables, conditional execution and loops. The procedural code is - together with the Invantive SQL contained - as a whole into pseudo-code and then executed.
The procedural code does not lean on the procedural options of the platforms being used, so it is easy to retrieve and change data in all supported cloud, file and database platforms. The pre-compiled procedural code does not perform context switches between procedural and SQL logic.
The available functionality of Invantive SQL features is based upon the licensed features. For instance the free implementation of Invantive SQL is limited to 15.000 rows and no access to group functions. Please consult the data dictionary contents for your license features.
Usage Fees
For paid products, the fee depends on a number of factors: users, devices and billable partitions. All fees depend on actual use. Additionally, the number and volume in KB of reads and writes is registered to enable communication with the platform partners on the performance of their platform.
A rough estimate is that the billable partitions reflect the product of number of legal entities times number of source systems. The number of billable partitions is determined as follows, where using twice or more often the same billable partition doesn't influence the number:
- Accessing a provider which does not have a concept of "partition" typically counts as one partition per different connection. A so-called data container ID is determined which reflects the backend connected to. For instance, connecting to my-ftp-host.com and another-ftp-host.com counts as two partitions. Examples of such providers are FTP, SQL Server and cbs.nl.
- Accessing a provider which has a concept of "partition" counts as the number of partitions used during the connection. For instance, using the Exact Online company 234 and 456 counts as two partitions. Examples of such providers are Exact Online, NMBRS, Loket and XML Audit File Financieel.
- Accessing data through xmltable, csvtable, internettable, jsontable and exceltable counts as the number of different parameter combination used. For instance, accessing an Excel range 'Sheet1' and a named range 'mydata' counts as two partitions.
The file settings.xml defines for a user or program the list of defined databases. Databases are grouped in 'database groups' for visual display. Database groups have no further functionality. Each database consists of one or multiple data containers.
The file 'settings.xml' is most often found on Microsoft Windows in your '%USERPROFILE%\invantive' folder, such as 'c:\users\john.doe\invantive\settings.xml'. It is shared across all Invantive SQL product installations for the user.
There are many scenarios to share database specifications across a user community, such as WAN-scenarios with Invantive Web Service, large corporate scenarios using DNS-entries as well as file shares, included files as well as single user solutions. Please involve a consultant when you want to deploy across thousands of users or more.
For user communities of up to 10 users, we recommend that company-specific settings are grouped per role in a separate file named 'settings-ROLE.xml' and placed in the default folder. Invantive SQL will automatically merge these files in the main settings.xml file.
Group Functions
The Invantive implementation of SQL is based upon ANSI SQL, extended by aspects from popular SQL implementations such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Teradata and Microsoft SQL Server. It is topped of with Invantive-specific extensions, especially for distributed SQL and distributed transactions. The basis is to implement functions such that as little as possible changes are necessary to run a SQL statement designed for use with another SQL implementation on Invantive SQL. For instance, to retrieve the current time you can use 'sysdate', 'now', 'getdate()' and 'sysdatetime' to name a few.
Popular group functions such as 'stddev' are available. However, currently you can not combine in one unnested SQL statement both group functions as well as expressions on the variables. In that case use an inner (nested) SQL statement to apply the expressions on the data, and execute the group functions in the outer SQL statement with the syntax 'select group() from ( select ... from ... )'.
An Invantive SQL statement can work with many traditional and online platforms. There are no locking features on data and objects, since few online and traditional platforms connected provide these and the typical use of distributed transactions leave even less opportunity for data and object locking.
Invantive SQL has limited support for transactions. DML is forwarded to a platform and depending on the platform an error can cause part of the work to be registered or everything to be rolled back. Within the SQL engine, multiple changes can be collected and forwarded to the platform at once. For instance, when creating an EDIFACT message you need to combine an invoice header with invoice lines into one EDIFACT message. Collection of multiple changes is done using the 'identified by' and 'attach to' syntax, optionally preceded by 'begin transaction'.
Format Masks
Operations such as to_char and to_date support a limited number of format masks:
- YYYY: 4-digit year.
- YYYYMM: 4-digit year, plus 2-digit number month within year.
- YYYYMMDD: 4-digit year, 2-digit month number within year, plus 2-digit day number within month.
- YYYYMMDDHH24MI: 4-digit year, 2-digit month number within year, 2-digit day number within month, 2-digit 24-hour clock hour number, plus 2-digit minutes number within hour.
- YYYYMMDDHH24MISS: 4-digit year, 2-digit month number within year, 2-digit day number within month, 2-digit 24-hour clock hour number, 2-digit minutes number within hour, plus 2-digit seconds number within minute.
- YYYY-MM-DD: 4-digit year, dash ('-'), 2-digit month number within year, dash ('-'), plus 2-digit day number within month.
- YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS: 4-digit year, dash ('-'), 2-digit month number within year, dash ('-'), plus 2-digit day number within month, 2-digit hour on 24 hour clock, colon (':'), 2-digit minutes within hour, colon (':'), 2-digit seconds within minutes.
- YYYY/MM/DD: 4-digit year, slash ('/'), 2-digit month number within year, slash ('/'), plus 2-digit day number within month.
- YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS: 4-digit year, slash ('/'), 2-digit month number within year, slash ('/'), plus 2-digit day number within month, 2-digit hour on 24 hour clock, colon (':'), 2-digit minutes within hour, colon (':'), 2-digit seconds within minutes.
- MMDDYY: 2-digit month number within year, 2-digit day number within month, plus 2-digit year.
- MMDDYYYY: 2-digit month number within year, 2-digit day number within month, plus 4-digit year.
- DDMMYYYY: 2-digit day number within month, 2-digit month number within year, 4-digit year.
- DD-MM-YY: 2-digit day number within month, dash ('-'), 2-digit month number within year, dash ('-'), 2-digit year.
- DD-MMM-YY: 2-digit day number within month, dash ('-'), short month name, dash ('-'), 2-digit year.
- DD/MM/YY: 2-digit day number within month, slash ('/'), 2-digit month number within year, slash ('/'), 2-digit year.
- DD/MMM/YY: 2-digit day number within month, slash ('/'), short month name, slash ('/'), 2-digit year.
- DD-MM-YYYY: 2-digit day number within month, dash ('-'), 2-digit month number within year, dash ('-'), 4-digit year.
- DD-MMM-YYYY: 2-digit day number within month, dash ('-'), short month name within year, dash ('-'), 4-digit year.
- DD/MM/YYYY: 2-digit day number within month, slash ('/'), 2-digit month number within year, slash ('/'), 4-digit year.
- DD/MMM/YYYY: 2-digit day number within month, slash ('/'), short month name within year, slash ('/'), 4-digit year.
- DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS: 2-digit day number within month, dash ('-'), 2-digit month number within year, dash ('-'), 4-digit year, space (' '), 2-digit hour on 24 hour clock, colon (':'), 2-digit minutes within hour, colon (':'), 2-digit seconds within minutes.
- DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS: 2-digit day number within month, slash ('/'), 2-digit month number within year, slash ('/'), 4-digit year, space (' '), 2-digit hour on 24 hour clock, colon (':'), 2-digit minutes within hour, colon (':'), 2-digit seconds within minutes.
- DD/MMM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS: 2-digit day number within month, slash ('/'), short month name within year, slash ('/'), 4-digit year, space (' '), 2-digit hour on 24 hour clock, colon (':'), 2-digit minutes within hour, colon (':'), 2-digit seconds within minutes.
- YYYYIW: 4-digit year, plus ISO week number.
- YYYY-IW: 4-digit year, dash ('-'), plus ISO week number.
- IW: ISO week number.
- D: day of week according to ISO 8601.
- MMMM DD, YYYY HH24:MI TT: long month, 2-digit day number within month, comma (','), space (' '), 4-digit year number, space (' '), 2-digit hour on 24 hour clock, colon (':'), 2-digit minute within hour, space (' '), time zone.
The following list of pointers provides you with samples and instructions:
- Invantive SQL wiki: https://invantive.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SUP/overview
- Blog articles: https://documentation.invantive.com/notes/webhelp/index.html.
Release History
The following significant changes were made to the Invantive SQL grammar:
- Release 17.29 (BETA) adds:
- 20181031: allow named expressions as table function parameters, using => as association operator.
- 20181123: add WHEN EXCEPTION to PSQL BEGIN..END block, with exception being WHEN OTHER or WHEN exception name.
- 20181123: extend SYNCHRONIZE statement.
- 20181224: extend SYNCHRONZIE statement with IGNORE NULLS clause.
- Release 17.30 (Production): All changes sofar.
- Release 17.31 (BETA) adds:
- 20190116: addition of language code parameter to TRANSLATE_RESOURCE.
- 20190117: addition of IS_NUMBER function.
- 20190124: addition of TO_BOOLEAN, IS_BOOLEAN, IS_DATE, IS_GUID functions.
- Release 17.32 (Production): All changes sofar.
- Release 17.33 (BETA) adds:
- 20190131: texts as partition names .
- 20190310: expression as billing id and reference.
- 20190322: select all columns 'except' syntax.
- 20190401: months_between SQL function.
- 20190401: excel_day SQL function.
- 20190403: sqlrowcount, sqlerrm and sqlcode functions.
- 20190410: 'exists' expression.
- 20190601: 'when obsolete within' variant of 'alter persistent cache refresh'.
- 20190605: gzip and ungzip functions.
- 20190624: 'alter session set roles' syntax for connectors with row-level security.
- 20190701: ascii_to_blob and unicode_to_blob functions.
- 20190706: 'alter session set iuid source' syntax.
- 20190821: add htmltable.
- 20191007: add 'except' to synchronize statement for insert and update.
- 20191008: add 'ignore changes to' to synchronize statement for update.
- 20191209: multiple PSQL batches in one statement.
- 20200102: add internettable.
- Release 17.34 (Production): All changes sofar.
A SQL batch consists of one or more Invantive SQL and/or PSQL statements separated by the semi-colon batch separator (';').
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A number of SQL and PSQL statements can be used to compose a batch.
sqlOrPSqlStatement ::= sqlStatement | pSqlStatement | pSqlBlockNoBatchSeparator | pSqlCreateFunction | pSqlCreateProcedure | pSqlAlterFunction | pSqlAlterProcedure | pSqlDropFunction | pSqlDropProcedure
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An Invantive SQL statement can retrieve or exchange data for many traditional and online platforms. Many platforms also support the use of DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements to change the data contained. On a few platforms you can execute DDL (Data Definition Language) statements to create new data structure or objects such as tables, procedures or sequences.
Popular Invantive SQL extensions are the synchronize statement to make sure multiple data sources contain the same data and the use statement to run SQL across multiple partitions.
sqlStatement ::= selectStatement | insertStatement | updateStatement | deleteStatement | ddlStatement | setStatement | useStatement | transactionStatement | executeFileStatement | synchronizeStatement
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A SQL select statement retrieves data from one or multiple data containers. A select statement can be composed of multiple data sets retrieved from many platforms, combined by set operators such as 'union'.
Often the performance of cloud platforms is less than traditional database platforms. With the 'limit' clause a limited number of rows can be retrieved quickly from a table or view after applying sorting as specified by the possibly present 'order by'. An alternative for a 'limit' clause is to use the 'top' clause.
A sequence of Invantive SQL statements, separated by the semi-colon separator character.
Each statement in the SQL batch will be executed consecutively. Execution will be stopped when an error occurs during execution of a statement.
referenced by:
- arithmeticExpression
- createTableStatement
- embeddedSelect
- existsExpression
- inSelectStatement
- insertStatement
- pSqlForRecordLoopStatement
- sqlStatement
- useStatement
A SQL select statement retrieves data from one or multiple data containers. This variant makes this data available to a containing SQL select statement. This feature is also known as an 'inline view'.
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SQL is based upon a solid mathematical foundation named 'set theory' with some exceptions. The set operators of Invantive SQL enable you to combine sets of data sets such as merging two sets of data. Please note that SQL actually uses 'bags', which opposed to 'sets', allow duplicates. To change bags of data into sets, either use 'distinct' or the 'union' set operator without 'all'. In general, the extensive use of 'distinct' signals bad database design.
The 'union' set operator returns the union of the data on the left and right side of the union while removing duplicate rows. The 'union all' set operator returns the union of the data on the left and right side of the union without removing duplicate rows. The 'minus' set operator returns all rows from the left side which do not occur in the right side. The 'intersect' set operator returns all rows that occur both in the left and right side.
The 'union' set operator has an extension to facilitate sieving overlapping data sets of decreasing quality using 'distinct on'. The 'union distinct on' set operator returns the union of the data sets listed, but only the first match on the column list is returned. The first match is defined as a fallthrough from left to right. In general, the preferred source of a set of data is listed first, followed by one or multiple 'union distinct on' set operators, each with a data set of less preference.
setOperatorSelectStatement ::= ( UNION ( ALL | DISTINCT ON columnList )? | MINUS_C | INTERSECT ) uniqueSelectStatement
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Retrieves a data set from one or more data containers.
uniqueSelectStatement ::= select executionHints? distinct? topClause? selectList ( into pSqlVariableList )? ( FROM dataSource joinStatements? whereClause? )? groupBy?
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A data source can be a table, a table with parameters or a nested select (an 'inline view'). Also, a data source can be a binary or text string being interpreted as XML, CSV, JSON or binary Excel Open XML format.
dataSource ::= ( tableOrFunctionSpec | embeddedSelect | xmlTableSpec | csvTableSpec | jsonTableSpec | excelTableSpec | htmlTableSpec | stringSplitSpec | internetTableSpec ) aliased? pivotClause?
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Execution hints allow you to control individually the execution of SQL statements. Whenever possible, the hints will be used. In contrary to other platforms, Invantive SQL requires a hint to be valid according to the grammar when specified. This reduces the engineering risk that hints become invalid by accident.
executionHints ::= EXECUTION_HINT_START ( joinSet | noJoinSet | ods | resultSetName | resultSetSerialization | lowCost | httpDiskCache | httpMemoryCache )* EXECUTION_HINT_END
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The http_disk_cache-hint specifies whether messages may be cached on disk when the provider uses HTTP to exchange data with the backing platform. This typically holds only for cloud-based platforms such as Exact Online, Teamleader or Salesforce. The default setting is false. The first parameter is a boolean whether data may be taken from the disk cache, the second parameter is a boolean whether data retrieved must be stored also in the disk cache and the third parameter is an integer that specifies the number of seconds before a disk cache hit found is to considered stale.
The use of the http_disk-cache-hint is recommended for data which is known to change seldom such as seeded or reference data. The contents of the disk cache are persistent across Invantive SQL sessions.
The disk cache is located in the Cache folder of the Invantive configuration folder.
httpDiskCache ::= HTTP_DISK_CACHE ( PARENTHESIS_OPEN booleanConstant ( COMMA booleanConstant ( COMMA intervalConstant )? )? PARENTHESIS_CLOSE )?
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The http_memory_cache-hint specifies whether messages may be cached in memory when the provider uses HTTP to exchange data with the backing platform. This typically holds only for cloud-based platforms such as Exact Online, Teamleader or Salesforce. The default setting is false. The first parameter is a boolean whether data may be taken from the memory cache, the second parameter is a boolean whether data retrieved must be stored also in the memory cache and the third parameter is an integer that specifies the number of seconds before a memory cache hit found is to considered stale.
The use of the http_memory-cache-hint is recommended for data which is known to change seldom such as seeded or reference data. The contents in the memory cache are forgotten across Invantive SQL sessions.
The memory cache is located in the Cache folder of the Invantive configuration folder.
httpMemoryCache ::= HTTP_MEMORY_CACHE ( PARENTHESIS_OPEN booleanConstant ( COMMA booleanConstant ( COMMA intervalConstant )? )? PARENTHESIS_CLOSE )?
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The ods-hint controls the use of the Invantive Data Cache stored in a relational database. The Invantive Data Cache is also the basis of the Operational Data Store managed by Invantive Data Replicator and the data warehouses managed by Invantive Data Vault. The ods-hint specifies the maximum age data from the data cache eligible for use.
The boolean specifies whether the Data Cache may be used to answer a query. Set it to false to disable use of Data Cache for the duration of the query. Keep it on the default true to use Data Cache.
The interval specifies the period of time during which cached results are considered sufficiently fresh for use, such as '30 minutes'.
When no interval is present, the actual platform is consulted. The default with Invantive Data Cache enabled is to always use the data cache contents when not stale according to the metadata of the data cache. In general, that defaults to a maximum age of 7 days.
When use of data cache is requested and a filter is applied, all data will be retrieved from the actual platform and filtered on the Invantive SQL engine. This also applies when a filter is applied that can be forwarded to the actual platform. When the data is requested a limited number of times and the filter severely reduces the amount of data to be transported, it can be faster to not use the data cache.
ods ::= ODS ( PARENTHESIS_OPEN booleanConstant ( COMMA intervalConstant )? PARENTHESIS_CLOSE )?
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Control join approach between two data sources. A column-indexed lookup will be used instead of a full table scan when the number of rows on the left-hand side does not exceed the maximum number of rows specified in the hint. When not specified, a hash lookup will only be used when the number of rows on the left-side does not exceed 5.000.
The actual implementation of a hash lookup depends on the platform on which the data container runs. For instance with OData, a number of requests will be made using an in-construct with a limited number of in-values. With a relation database platform, a native SQL 'in' will be used.
The first identifier is the alias of the table on the right-hand side of the join. The second identifier is the name of the column used to join upon in the right-hand side. The numeric constant specifies upto what number of rows on the left-hand side of the join will allow the join set hint to be used. When the number of rows exceeds the numeric constant, a full table join is made.
The following example takes for instances 5.000 sales invoices from an Exact Online environment with 100.000 sales invoices. Each sales invoice has 4..10 lines. The join does not retrieve all sales invoices nor all invoice lines, but instead fetches the 5.000 sales invoices using the where-clause, and then retrieves the related invoice lines using a column-indexed lookup by invoiceid. Since Exact Online is an OData source, the approximately 30.000 invoice lines will be retrieves in 300 session I/Os each having an in-construct for 100 lines on invoiceid.
joinSet ::= JOIN_SET PARENTHESIS_OPEN identifier ( COMMA identifier ( COMMA numericConstant )? )? PARENTHESIS_CLOSE
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The no_join_set hint disables the use of hash-joins. It can be enabled using the join_set hint.
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The low_cost-hint specifies that the select with the hint must be considered a select with low execution costs. Low execution costs trigger early evaluation during parsing. By default, select statements using solely in memory storage, dummy and data dictionary are considered low cost and evaluated early. The evaluation of all others is delayed as long as possible.
The use of the low_cost-hint is recommended when the select is used with a 'in ( select ... )' syntax and the developer knows beforehand that it will evaluate fast to values and that the use of these values will allow the use of server-side filtering for the outer select.
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Addition of the 'distinct' keyword to a SQL select statement de-duplicates the rows returned. Rows are considered duplicates when the values in all selected columns are identical, with two null-values considered equal.
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- avgAggregateFunction
- countAggregateFunction
- listAggAggregateFunction
- productAggregateFunction
- stdDevAggregateFunction
- sumAggregateFunction
- uniqueSelectStatement
With the 'top' clause a limited number of rows can be retrieved quickly from a table or view after applying sorting as specified by the possibly present 'order by'.
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With the 'limit' clause a limited number of rows can be retrieved quickly from a table or view after applying sorting as specified by the possibly present 'order by'.
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An embedded select, also known as an 'inline view', retrieves rows using the specified select statement. These rows are consumed by the outer select as were it the results of retrieving the rows from a table.
Invantive SQL does not allow grouping rows with expressions as columns. An embedded select is typically used to evaluate expressions to rows with solely constants. After applying the embedded select the group operators can be applied.
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A table specification without parameters. The optional alias after the at-sign specifies a specific data source to be used, such as 'exactonlinerest..journals@eolbe' specifying the use of Exact Online Belgium when 'eolbe' is associated by the database definitions in settings.xml with Exact Online Belgium.
A number of special so-called 'service providers' are always present, such as 'datadictionary' for use by an alias.
referenced by:
- alterPersistentCacheConfigureWebhooksStatement
- alterPersistentCacheDropStatement
- alterPersistentCacheSetTableOptions
- alterPersistentCacheTableRefreshStatement
- applyToClause
- createTableStatement
- deleteStatement
- dropTableStatement
- insertStatement
- synchronizeStatement
- updateStatement
A table specification requiring a comma-separated list of parameters to determine the rows to be retrieved.
Traditional SQL syntax did not provide for parameterized queries, matching set theory. Modern variants such as pipelined table functions allow a stored procedure or other imperative language-based approaches to generate rows based upon parameter values. Many data containers support queries that returns rows based upon parameter values. This holds especially for SOAP web services. Table specifications with parameters ease queries on such data containers.
The optional alias after the at-sign specifies a specific data source to be used, such as 'exactonlinerest..journals@eolbe' specifying the use of Exact Online Belgium when 'eolbe' is associated by the database definitions in settings.xml with Exact Online Belgium.
tableOrFunctionSpec ::= fullTableIdentifier distributedAliasDirective? tableFunctionSpec? distributedAliasDirective?
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A list of parameter value expressions identified by position or name to determine the rows to be retrieved by a tableOrFunctionSpec.
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numberedOrNamedExpressionList ::= ( expression ( COMMA expression )* | namedExpression ) ( COMMA namedExpression )*
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An ordered comma-separated list of value expressions.
expressionList ::= expression ( COMMA expression )*
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An unordered list of value expressions, identified by the parameter name.
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A value expression, identified by the parameter name, the association operator '=>' and the value expression.
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The distributed alias after the at-sign specifies a specific data source to be used, such as 'exactonlinerest..journals@eolbe' specifying the use of Exact Online Belgium when 'eolbe' is associated by the database definitions in settings.xml with Exact Online Belgium.
A number of special so-called 'service providers' are always present, such as 'datadictionary' for use by an alias.
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When multiple data containers have been defined in settings.xml for a database, each one is assigned an alias. An alias typically takes the form of a limited number of characters. The presence of an alias allows Invantive SQL to precisely determine to what data container forward a request for data.
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The passing option specifies the source of the contents to be interpreted. The contents can be specified as the outcome of an expression such as from a previous read_file() table function, a URL downloaded using httpget() or a string concatenation. The contents can also be specified as to be taken from a specific file identified by it's file name and path as an expression.
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Data stored in XML format can be interpreted as a data source using the xmltable keyword.
The expression specifies a master XPath expression within the context of which the rows are evaluated using the column specifications.
The passing option specifies the source of the data in XML format. The source is often the outcome of a read_file() table function, a URL download using httpget() or a previous xmlformat() SQL function.
The columns are specified using their XPath relative to the master path.
xmlTableSpec ::= XMLTABLE parenthesisOpen ( expression | null )? ( xmlTablePassing | xmlTableLiteral ) xmlTableColumns parenthesisClose
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A literal value containing a valid XML document.
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A list of XML table column specifications.
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The columns are specified using their XPath relative to the master path.
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Data stored in JSON format can be interpreted as a data source using the jsontable keyword.
The expression specifies a master JSON expression within the context of which the rows are evaluated using the column specifications.
The passing option specifies the source of the data in JSON format. The source is often the outcome of a read_file() table function or a URL download using httpget().
The columns are specified using their JSON path relative to the master path.
jsonTableSpec ::= JSONTABLE parenthesisOpen ( expression | null )? ( jsonTablePassing | jsonTableLiteral ) jsonTableColumns parenthesisClose
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A literal value containing a valid JSON document.
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A list of JSON table column specifications.
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The columns are specified using their JSON path relative to the master path.
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Data stored in CSV format can be interpreted as a data source using the csvtable keyword.
The passing option specifies the source of the data in CSV format. The source is often the outcome of a read_file() table function or a URL download using httpget().
The interpretation process can be controlled on table level using the table options and the specification ends with the CSV columns being mapped to data source columns using their relative position within a row.
csvTableSpec ::= CSVTABLE parenthesisOpen ( csvTablePassing | csvTableLiteral ) csvTableOptions csvTableColumns parenthesisClose
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The interpretation process can be controlled on table level using the table options.
The row delimiter is a text that separates two CSV rows, such as "chr(13) || chr(10)" or simply a pipe character "'|'". The default is the operating system-specific variant of new line.
The column delimiter is a text that separates two CSV columns such as "';'". The default is comma.
Data in CSV will typically have one or more header CSV rows labeling the individual columns. The 'skip lines' statement excludes the first number of CSV rows from processing.
csvTableOptions ::= ( ROW DELIMITER expression )? ( COLUMN DELIMITER expression )? ( SKIP_ LINES expression )?
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A literal value containing a valid CSV document.
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A list of CSV table column specifications.
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Each CSV column is mapped to a data source column using it's relative position within the CSV row. Position 1 represents the first CSV column.
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Excel file contents in Open XML, such as used with the file extensions 'xlsx' and 'xlsm', can be interpreted as a data source using the exceltable keyword.
The rectangle specifies the rectangular area from which should be taken. Rows in Excel are interpreted as rows from the data source, whereas columns in Excel are interpreted as columns.
The passing option specifies the source of the (binary) contents in zipped Open XML format such as used with the file extensions 'xlsx' and 'xlsm'. The source is often the outcome of a read_file() table function or URL download using httpget().
The interpretation process can be controlled on table level using the table options and the specification ends with the Excel columns being mapped to data source columns using their relative position within the rectangular area.
excelTableSpec ::= EXCELTABLE parenthesisOpen excelDataRectangle excelTablePassing excelTableOptions excelTableColumns parenthesisClose
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The rectangle specifies the rectangular area from which data should be taken. Rows in Excel are interpreted as rows from the data source, whereas columns in Excel are interpreted as columns. All cells within the rectangle are considered data; headings should be excluded from the rectangle specification.
A rectangle can be either:
- the contents of a complete worksheet, specified by an expression returning the worksheet name;
- a named range within a specific worksheet, specified by expressions for worksheet name and named range name;
- a cell range identified by an expression with it's dimensions;
- an Excel table identified by an expression with the table name;
- a named range identified by an expression with the named range name.
excelDataRectangle ::= ( WORKSHEET ( expression NAME )? | AREA | TABLE | NAME ) expression
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The interpretation process can be controlled on table level using the table options.
Empty rows will typically be found when consuming a rectangular area larger than the actual data, such a complete worksheet. The 'skip empty rows' statement eliminates all completely empty rows from the output.
excelTableOptions ::= ( SKIP_ EMPTY ROWS )? ( SKIP_ FIRST numericConstant ROWS )? ( SKIP_ LAST numericConstant ROWS )?
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A list of Excel table column specifications.
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Each Excel column is mapped to a data source column using it's relative position within the rectangular area. Position 1 represents the first Excel column falling within the Excel rectangular area.
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Data lossy stored in HTML format can be interpreted as a data source using the htmltable keyword.
The expression specifies a master path within the context of which the rows are evaluated using the column specifications.
The passing option specifies the source of the data in HTML format. The source is often the outcome of a read_file() table function or a URL download using httpdownload(). Full adherence to the HTML format is not required; the parser often automatically corrects many HTML format errors.
The columns are specified using their path relative to the master path.
htmlTableSpec ::= HTMLTABLE parenthesisOpen htmlTableExpression ( htmlTablePassing | htmlTableLiteral ) htmlTableColumns? parenthesisClose
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A list of HTML table column specifications.
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Each HTML table column is mapped to a data source column using the path relative to the master path.
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Splits a text upon another text, return one row per element.
- Input: The text to split.
- Splitter: Text being split upon.
Returns: a number of rows with one column named 'value'; one per element in the input.
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Data stored on the Internet accessible through the HTTP protocol can be interpreted as a data source using the internettable keyword. A depth-first scan is done in which solely unique URLs are returned. Starting of at one starting URL, URLs are downloaded from the Internet consisting of webpages and content. Contents is made available with no further deeper inspection. Webpages in HTML format are scanned for more URLs by default for the following paths:
- //a[@href]: all hrefs in anchors;
- //script[@src]: all sources of scripts;
- //link[@href]: all hrefs of links.
- //img[@src]: all hrefs of images.
The startAtExpression specifies the initial webpage to retrieve data for.
A pre-defined list of columns is available per retrieved URL:
- URL: URL of page;
- Contents_char: the character contents, converted from the original character set into UTF-8;
- Contents_blob: the binary contents;
- Mime_type: MIME-type returned by the web server;
- Http_status_code: numeric HTTP response status code;
- Date_retrieval_utc: date/time when the response was received (UTC);
- Retrieval_duration_ms: time between the request and complete response in milliseconds;
- Bytes_retrieved: number of bytes retrieved;
- Depth: recursion depth, starting at 1 for the initial URL;
- Retrieval_successful: indicator whether the response was completely successful retrieved;
- Last_modified: date/time when the response's content was last modified;
- Etag: ETAG on the content as returned by the web server;
- Content_disposition: preferred file name and encoding to be used;
- Cache_Control: contents of cache-control HTTP response header;
- Expires: contents of the Expires HTTP response header;
- Error_message_code: Invantive SQL engine error message code if any occurred;
- Error_message_text: Invantive SQL engine error message code if any occurred.
internetTableSpec ::= INTERNETTABLE parenthesisOpen startAtExpression internetTableOptions parenthesisClose
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startAtExpression ::= ( START AT_C )? expression
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The process can be controlled using options:
- Stay on site: when present, recursion restricts to URLs on the same host name as the starting URL. Default behaviour is to branch out to other sites too.
- Maximum depth: limit the depth of the recursion to a specific number.
- Ignore errors: do not stop on the first error but continue. Default behaviour is to stop on the first error or result completion, whatever comes first.
internetTableOptions ::= ( STAY ON SITE )? ( ( MAX | MAXIMUM ) DEPTH numericConstant )? ( IGNORE ERRORS )?
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dataTypeWithLength ::= dataType ( parenthesisOpen numericConstant ( COMMA numericConstant )? parenthesisClose )?
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List of supported data types. Each data type may be referred to by it's name, but several names will converse to one data type. For instance, 'CHAR' and 'CHARACTER' are synonyms.
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- csvTableColumnSpec
- dataTypeWithLength
- excelTableColumnSpec
- htmlTableColumnSpec
- jsonTableColumnSpec
- pSqlArgument
- pSqlFunctionSpec
- pSqlItemDeclaration
- xmlTableColumnSpec
Grouping of multiple rows into groups is specified by the groupBy. A group will be introduced for each distinct combination of column values for the columns listed. The values of grouped columns can be used in the select clause. Columns not being grouped upon can only be used within the context of a group function listed as 'aggregateFunction'.
groupBy ::= GROUP BY columnList
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Sort the rows returned as specified by the list of columns. Values are either sorted ascending (the default) or descending.
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pivotClause ::= PIVOT parenthesisOpen aggregateFunction FOR column IN parenthesisOpen columnNoAliasList parenthesisClose parenthesisClose aliased?
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A sort direction can be either 'asc' for 'ascending' (the default) or 'desc' for 'descending'.
sortDirection ::= asc | desc
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A comma-separated list of columns.
columnList ::= column ( COMMA column )*
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- allColumnsSpecId
- groupBy
- identifiedByMultipleClause
- insertFieldList
- setOperatorSelectStatement
- synchronizeStatement
An ordered comma-separated list of column values to sort upon.
sortedColumnList ::= sortedColumn ( COMMA sortedColumn )*
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A column values to sort upon.
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A column is identified by an identifier, possibly prefixed by the name of the table or the alias of the table from which the column is to be taken.
column ::= identifier ( DOT identifier )?
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columnNoAliasList ::= columnNoAlias ( COMMA columnNoAlias )*
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The where-clause restricts the number of rows in a result set by applying one or more boolean condiditions which rows must satisfy.
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A list of join statements.
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A join statement combines two result sets. Only combinations of rows taken from both result sets are returned when they meet the join conditions.
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The join category specifies what combinations of rows are considered. The following variants can be used:
- inner join, as indicated by 'join' or 'inner join': an inner join returns all combinations of rows from both result sets that meet the join conditions.
- left outer, as indicated by 'left outer join': a left outer join returns the same rows as an inner join, extended by one row for each row in the left result set having no matching rows in the right result set. Each column that originates from the right result set is assigned a null value.
- right outer, as indicated by 'right outer join': a right outer join returns the same rows as an inner join, extended by one row for each row in the right result set having no matching rows in the left result set. Each column that originates from the left result set is assigned a null value.
- full outer, as indicated by 'full outer join': a full outer join returns the same rows as an inner join, extended by one row for each row in the right result set having no matching rows in the left result set. Each column that originates from the left result set is assigned a null value. The results are also extended by one row for each row in the left result set having no matching rows in the right result set. Each column that originates from the right result set is assigned a null value.
- cross join, as indicated by 'cross join': a cross join returns a Cartesian product of the rows from both result sets. A 'Cartesian product' is a term from set theory, which indicates that all combinations are returned.
joinCategory ::= ( inner | joinSubCategory outer? | cross )?
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The join sub-category refines the join category. Please see 'joinCategory' for an explanation.
joinSubCategory ::= left | right | full
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Extracts a substring from a value with the given length from the left side. Keyword is also used with joins.
- Input: Text to extract substring from.
- Length: Maximum length of the substring.
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Extracts a substring from a value with the given length from the right side. Keyword is also used with joins.
- Input: Text to extract substring from.
- Length: Maximum length of the substring.
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Group function to sum together individual numerical values. Occurrences of null are considered 0, unless there are only null values. In that case the outcome is null.
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Group function to multiply together individual numerical values. Multiplying large values can quickly exceed the range of the resulting Decimal data type. The product group function is typically used in financial and probability calculations with values near 1.
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Group function to find the minimum value from a group of numerical values or text values.
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Group function to find the maximum value from a group of numerical values or text values.
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Group function to find the average value from a group of numerical values.
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Group function to the first non-null value in an ordered result set.
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Group function to the last non-null value in an ordered result set.
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Group function to find the standard deviation from a group of numerical values.
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Group function to find the number of values from a group of values.
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Group function which concatenates all individual values, separated by the separator when provided and comma plus space otherwise.
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A boolean expression which defines valid combinations of the join.
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selectList ::= selectPart ( COMMA selectPart )*
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selectPart ::= part aliased? labeled?
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Defines the textual label of an expression. The label may contain resources in the format '{res:resource code}' such as 'My {res:itgen_description}'. Similar to the data type and alias of an expression, the label is maintained across selections. Application of a calculation or a SQL function resets the label to the empty value. User interfaces can choose to display the label when available instead of the column name to provide a more natural interface.
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aggregateFunction ::= sumAggregateFunction | productAggregateFunction | minAggregateFunction | maxAggregateFunction | firstAggregateFunction | lastAggregateFunction | avgAggregateFunction | stdDevAggregateFunction | listAggAggregateFunction | countAggregateFunction | zipAggregateFunction
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productAggregateFunction ::= product parenthesisOpen distinct? arithmeticExpression parenthesisClose
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listAggAggregateFunction ::= listagg parenthesisOpen distinct? arithmeticExpressionList parenthesisClose ( WITHIN GROUP parenthesisOpen orderBy parenthesisClose )?
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Selects all columns from an SQL statement or from one or more data sources used. The except clause allows retrieval of all columns except the listed names. The except clause is typically used with wide result sets with possibly varying column lists from which a few pre-defined columns need to excluded.
allColumnsSpec ::= allColumnsSpecId allColumnsSpecColumnNamePrefix? allColumnsSpecColumnNamePostfix? allColumnsSpecLabelPrefix? allColumnsSpecLabelPostfix?
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allColumnsSpecId ::= ( alias DOT )? ASTERIX ( EXCEPT columnList )?
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Defines the aliases of columns selected by the select all ('*') operator as their original alias, prefixed with the specified text. For instance, the select operator changes the alias of the column 'code' with the prefix 'pjt_' into 'pjt_code'.
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Defines the aliases of columns selected by the select all ('*') operator as their original alias, postfixed with the specified text. For instance, the select operator changes the alias of the column 'code' with the postfix '_from_table2' into 'code_from_table2'.
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Defines the label of columns selected by the select all ('*') operator as their original label, prefixed with the specified text. For instance, the select operator changes the label 'Name' of the column 'name' with the prefix 'Project ' into 'Project Name'.
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Defines the label of columns selected by the select all ('*') operator as their original label, postfixed with the specified text. For instance, the select operator changes the label 'Name' of the column 'name' with the postfix ' from Table2' into 'Name from Table2'.
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All available Data Definition Language statements.
ddlStatement ::= createTableStatement | dropTableStatement | alterPersistentCacheStatement | alterDataDictionaryStatement | alterSessionStatement
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Besides an in-memory cache valid during the duration of a session, Invantive SQL offers an integrated cache storing data persistently using an on-premise or cloud relation database such as SQL Server or PostgreSQL. When configured, Invantive SQL first tries to find sufficiently fresh data in the cache. This reduces the number of data loads from slow data containers such as some cloud platforms. In general, the performance increase when the rows can be fully retrieved from a cache is between a factor 25 and 2.500.
Invantive SQL itself manages the table structure and table contents in the relation database used as a data cache. On initial use just provide an empty database. Platforms supported include SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL and MySQL. Invantive SQL installs a repository consisting of a dozen tables. The repository tables have names starting with 'dc_'. Most repository tables are accompanied by a view named identically except for a trailing '_r'. The repository views join in all master tables for easier analysis from within the database storing the facts
For each table partition version, a so-called 'facts table' is created. A facts table contains a full copy of the rows retrieved from the data container. Facts tables have names starting with 'dcd_', followed by a unique hash signaling the table partition version. When necessary, additional database objects are maintained such as indexes to improve performance. As with facts table names, all column names are also hashed based upon an algorithm including the original column name. These facts tables are not intended for direct use using native SQL.
Each facts table has a unique state from the following state, with 'Ready' state signaling the now current version:
- Initializing ('I'): the facts table will be created.
- View creation ('V'): logical views will be created.
- Prepared ('P'): the facts table has been created, but contains yet no rows.
- Seeding ('S'): the facts table is being seeded with the contents of the previously current version.
- Loading ('L'): loading new facts from data container using water shed or another algorithm.
- Ready ('R'): the facts table is available and the current one to be used.
- Obsoleted ('O'): the facts table still exists, but the data has passed it's conservation period. Often a newer version is now current.
- Dropped ('D'): the facts table now longer exist, but the metadata is still present in the repository tables.
The persistent cache in the database can be used with native SQL when extended by Invantive Data Replicator. Invantive Data Replicator creates and maintains database view (a so-called 'partition view') for the now current version of table partition. Similarly, it can create an 'overall view', showing the rows across all partitions of the now current versions per partition. Invantive Data Replicator provides a high-performance high-volume operational data store with little effort.
The overall views are typically used for consolidation purposes, bringing together data across multiple companies or persons.
alterPersistentCacheStatement ::= alterPersistentCacheSetStatement | alterPersistentCacheDownloadStatement | alterPersistentCachePurgeStatement | alterPersistentCacheRefreshStatement | alterPersistentCacheLoadStatement | alterPersistentCacheTableRefreshStatement | alterPersistentCachePartitionRefreshStatement | alterPersistentCacheDropStatement | alterPersistentCacheConfigureWebhooksStatement
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The purge statement maintains existing table partition versions. It can purge table partition versions in several ways:
- ready: selects table partition versions in state 'Ready'. Table partition versions go to the state 'Obsolete'. Facts are not deleted.
- obsolete: selects table partition versions in state 'Obsolete'. Facts of these are deleted. Table partition versions go to the state 'Dropped'. The facts deleted might be used in queries that started running when they were in state 'Ready'. The facts can be deleted safely when the database platform supports reading data from rows already deleted, such as Oracle. Purging obsolete facts is often used as a background task separate from refresh to reduce refresh runtime, since the deletion of data has already been executed before refresh.
- droppable: selects table partition versions in state 'Dropped'. Facts are deleted when any facts are still present despite the dropped state. This will be useful only under exceptional conditions, since the dropped status indicates that the facts have already been deleted. Table partition versions remain in the state 'Dropped'.
- unknown: queries the database for tables that match the naming convention 'dcd...' or 'dcs...'. Any tables that is not registered in the repository is dropped from the database. This will be useful only under exceptional conditions, such as when the repository was unintentionally dropped or incorrectly changed.
- all: first performs the "unknown" variant and then the "droppable" variant. This will be useful only under exceptional conditions.
Specification of a data container limits the scope of table partition versions to the listed data container.
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alterPersistentCacheDownloadStatement ::= ALTER PERSISTENT CACHE DOWNLOAD FEED ( LICENSE CONTRACT CODE stringConstant )? ( TOKEN stringConstant )? ( DATACONTAINER stringConstant )? ( PARTITION partitionSimpleIdentifier )? ( LIMIT numericConstant )? ( NO DELETE )?
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Trickle loading is an advanced strategy to efficiently and fast update the replicate data. It requires all changes (insert, update and delete) on the replicated data to be registered as event messages, possibly with a delay.
The registration of changes can be activated on selected platforms using webhooks. Configuration of the webhooks can be done using this statement. When not specified, the license contract code of the current subscription will be used.
alterPersistentCacheConfigureWebhooksStatement ::= ALTER PERSISTENT CACHE ( ENABLE | DISABLE ) WEBHOOKS ( LICENSE CONTRACT CODE stringConstant )? ( TABLE tableSpec )? ( PARTITION partitionSimpleIdentifier )? ( DATACONTAINER stringConstant )?
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This statement triggers the refresh of replicated data of all connected or one specific data container alias. A refresh of the replicated data can also be triggered by executing a SQL statement specifying the use of replicated data of a specific age.
In default mode (without 'force'), a refresh is only executed on the specified data when the age of the replicated data exceeds the configured maximum age. An offset to the configured maximum age can be specified using the 'when obsolete within' clause. With a forced refresh, the replicated data is always replaced by a recent version of the source data.
The maximum number of parallel processes to replicate the data can be configured using the 'parallel' clause to increase throughput and decrease runtime of the replication process.
By default the approach as configured on each table partition is used to update the replica. However, a deviating approach can be specified. This is typically done after switching a table partition to trickle loading to run a one-time replication process with the copy approach, effectively ensuring that no changes have gone unnoticed.
alterPersistentCacheRefreshStatement ::= ALTER PERSISTENT CACHE FORCE? REFRESH ( DATACONTAINER dataContainerAlias? )? ( PARALLEL numericConstant )? ( APPROACH ( COPY | TRICKLE | SAMPLE | DEFAULT ) )? ( WHEN OBSOLETE WITHIN intervalConstant )?
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Loads all available tables across all connected data containers in the cache. Typically used for demonstrations.
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Refresh all data of a specificied table. The options are explained at alterPersistentCacheRefreshStatement.
alterPersistentCacheTableRefreshStatement ::= ALTER PERSISTENT CACHE TABLE tableSpec FORCE? REFRESH ( PARTITION partitionIdentifierWithAlias )? ( PARALLEL numericConstant )? ( APPROACH ( COPY | TRICKLE | SAMPLE | DEFAULT ) )? ( WHEN OBSOLETE WITHIN intervalConstant )?
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Refresh all data of a specificied partition. The options are explained at alterPersistentCacheRefreshStatement.
alterPersistentCachePartitionRefreshStatement ::= ALTER PERSISTENT CACHE PARTITION partitionIdentifierWithAlias FORCE? REFRESH ( PARALLEL numericConstant )? ( APPROACH ( COPY | TRICKLE | SAMPLE | DEFAULT ) )? ( WHEN OBSOLETE WITHIN intervalConstant )?
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Drops all facts stored in table partition versions from the database and the associated metadata from the cache repository for a range of table partitions. The tables and partitions can be specified using the table, partition and/or data container clause.
alterPersistentCacheDropStatement ::= ALTER PERSISTENT CACHE DROP ( TABLE tableSpec ( PARTITION partitionIdentifier )? | PARTITION partitionIdentifier | DATACONTAINER stringConstant )
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Change central maintained settings for the cache, including defaults for new tables or data containers.
- Fresh: number of seconds during which facts are considered fresh after completiong of loading.
- Retention: number of seconds trickle loading messages are kept available after processing.
- Metadata: number of seconds metadata are kept available after dropping the associated facts in the version.
- Metadata recyclebin: number of seconds dropped metadata are kept available.
- Version: reset data model version to another version to re-run upgrade scripts.
- Token: secret text used as token to retrieve trickle loading messages.
- Prefix/postfix: prefix and/or postfix for Invantive Data Replicator maintained database views.
- Maintain: indicator whether to maintain database views per table partition and/or overall table.
- My Messages: indicator whether to place a copy of incoming trickle loading messages in dc_my_incoming_messages for custom code purposes.
- Index Tables: whether to create non-unique indexes on the facts tables for speedier retrieval on database views.
- Auto Upgrade: whether to run a data model upgrade once.
- Data Container Prefix/postfix: prefix and/or postfix for Invantive Data Replicator maintained overall views.
alterPersistentCacheSetStatement ::= ALTER PERSISTENT CACHE SET ( ( FRESH | RETENTION FORWARDED INCOMING MESSAGES | METADATA? RECYCLEBIN | DATA MODEL VERSION ) numericConstant | TOKEN stringConstant | LOGICAL ( OVERALL | PARTITION ) VIEW ( NAME ( PREFIX | POSTFIX ) stringConstant | MAINTAIN booleanConstant ) | ( LOAD MY MESSAGES | INDEX ( FACTS | HISTORY ) TABLES ) booleanConstant | AUTO UPGRADE ONCE | alterPersistentCacheSetBackingConnectionString | alterPersistentCacheSetTableOptions | alterPersistentCacheSetDataContainerOptions )
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alterPersistentCacheSetBackingConnectionString ::= BACKING ENCRYPTED CONNECTION STRING stringConstant
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Changes settings of a data container.
The prefix and postfix for the logical overall view of every new replicated table registered in the data container can be specified. This is typically done when there are multiple data containers pointing to the same platform, such as multiple subscriptions on Teamleader or multiple Exact Online countries. Specifying a prefix ensures that the automatically generated logical overall views have unique and recognizable names.
alterPersistentCacheSetDataContainerOptions ::= DATACONTAINER stringConstant LOGICAL OVERALL VIEW NAME ( PREFIX | POSTFIX ) stringConstant
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Change table and table partition-specific settings for the cache. Most options are identical as on alterPersistentCacheSetStatement, but intended for table/table partition-specific deviations. Additional options are:
- State: move all table partition versions with an earlier state to a specific end state.
- Approach: replication strategy.
alterPersistentCacheSetTableOptions ::= TABLE tableSpec ( LOGICAL ( OVERALL VIEW ( MAINTAIN booleanConstant | NAME stringConstant ) | PARTITION VIEW ( MAINTAIN booleanConstant | NAME ( PREFIX | POSTFIX ) stringConstant ) ) | INDEX ( FACTS | HISTORY ) TABLE booleanConstant | STATE ( OBSOLETE | DROPPED ) | ( PARTITION partitionIdentifier )? APPROACH ( COPY | TRICKLE | SAMPLE ) ( LICENSE CONTRACT CODE stringConstant )? )
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Various statement to alter properties of the current Invantive SQL session.
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Change properties of the current Invantive SQL session.
alterSessionSetStatement ::= ALTER SESSION SET ( alterSessionSetBillingId | alterSessionSetBillingReference | alterSessionSetIuidSourceAlias | alterSessionSetRoles )
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Associate a persistent store to back the data dictionary associated with the current Invantive SQL session. The persistent store will be used to store and retrieve object definitions such as PSQL procedures, SQL views and PSQL packages.
alterDataDictionarySetStatement ::= ALTER DATA DICTIONARY SET alterDataDictionarySetBackingConnectionString
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alterDataDictionarySetBackingConnectionString ::= BACKING ENCRYPTED CONNECTION STRING stringConstant
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Change the ID used for to charge usage to another agreement as specified in the license. Used solely for hosted use of Invantive products to associate usage statistics on data downloaded, data uploaded, users, devices and partitions use with individual billing IDs. Original agreement code is also registered.
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Add a reference to billing to differentiate use within one agreement depending on application. department or operating company. Typically used for use of Invantive products by larger organizations to associate usage statistics on data downloaded, data uploaded, users, devices and partitions use with individual billing references.
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Use a non-default data container to determine the IUID (Invantive User ID) value used for identifying the user. Typically used when the actual user is available in a user directory of a higher-numbered data container.
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Invantive SQL offers advanced security features including row-level security with custom connectors. Sets the active roles of a session.
alterSessionSetRoles ::= ROLES ( DEFAULT | roleIdentifier ( COMMA roleIdentifier )* )
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Create a table on the specified platform, filled with data from the select statement. An error is raised when a table with the same name already exists. When 'or replace' is specified, a previously existing table with the same name is dropped before creating the new table.
A new table is assigned a technical primary key column. Also indexes are created by default where deemed useful.
createTableStatement ::= CREATE orReplace? TABLE tableSpec ( AS selectStatement | parenthesisOpen createTableArgument ( COMMA createTableArgument )* parenthesisClose ) ( BATCHSIZE numericConstant )?
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createTableArgument ::= identifier dataTypeWithLength ( NOT? NULL )?
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Drop the specified table on the specified platform. An error is raised when no table exists by that name.
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Replaces the value of a provider attribute by a new value.
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transactionStatement ::= beginTransactionStatement | rollbackTransactionStatement | commitTransactionStatement
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Execute a file loaded from the operating system with Invantive SQL statements. The file may contain Invantive SQL and Procedural SQL. The use of Invantive Script is not possible; Invantive Script is a client-side solution such as with Invantive Data Hub and Invantive Query Tool.
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A begin transaction statement initiates a transaction. Invantive SQL typically provides no transaction logic given the distributed nature and the limitations of the possible platforms. Some platforms enable collection of transaction data, which are to be handed over to the backing platform all together.
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Forgets all collected transaction data not yet handed over to the backing platform.
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Hand over all collected transaction to the backing platform for registration.
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The use statement enables you to specify which partitions should be accessed by subsequent select, insert, update and delete statements. You can specify one or multiple partitions as a comma-separated list, possibly for a specific data container by appending an at-sign plus data container alias to the partition code. The value 'default' has a special meaning; it specifies to use the partition(s) originally selected when you logged on. The value 'all' also has a special meaning: it selects all partitions available.
For instance, to select partition '35' in the data container with alias 'eolnl' and partition '57345' in the data container with alias 'nmbrsnl', you can execute: 'use 35@eolnl, 57345@nmbrsnl'.
For complex scenarios, you can specify any valid Invantive SQL select statement which returns one or two columns. Each row from the query specifies one partition to select. The first column specifies the partition code, whereas the optional second column specifies a specific data container alias.
For instance, to select partition '35' in the data container with alias 'eolnl' and partition '57345' in the data container with alias 'nmbrsnl', you can execute: 'use select '35', 'eolnl' from dual@datadictionary union all select '57345', 'nmbrsnl' from dual@datadictionary'.
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A partition identifier uniquely identifies one or more partitions from the currently available data containers.
The special partition identifer 'default' stands for all partitions that were chosen as default partitions during setup of the database connection. The special partition identifier 'all' stands for all available partitions across all available database connections.
partitionIdentifier ::= parameterExpression | stringConstant | numericConstant | identifier | ALL | DEFAULT
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referenced by:
- alterPersistentCachePartitionRefreshStatement
- alterPersistentCacheTableRefreshStatement
- partitionIdentifiersList
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Inserts data into a table of a data container. Low-volume inserts are typically done one-by-one, but on some connectors a bulk insert option is available which inserts data with multiple rows each time for higher throughput. The data can be sourced from a select statement or values. Values can be single row values or multiple row values.
The identified by and attach to clause can be used in combination with transactions. The identified by clause is used to register the master rows, whereas the attach to clause is used to register which master rows detail rows belong. Upon commit, a master row (such as a sales order) plus it's details (such as multiple sales order lines) are sent to the target data container.
insertStatement ::= bulk? insert into tableSpec ( insertFieldList valuesExpression | insertFieldList? selectStatement ) identifiedByClause? attachToClause? ( BATCHSIZE numericConstant )?
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valuesExpression ::= values_ ( insertValuesBulk | insertValues )
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Updates data in a table of a data container.
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updateValuesList ::= updateValue ( COMMA updateValue )*
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Deletes data from a table of a data container.
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The compare and synchronize statement provides one-directional and bi-directional analysis and alignment of data in two tables. It is an extended version of SQL statements like 'upsert' and 'merge' found in other SQL implementations.
In an one-directional approach as specified by 'FROM' or 'TO', the compare and synchronize statement typically analyzes the differences between two tables with identically named columns, separating all differences in one out of four groups:
- insert: a row exists in the source table and not in the target table;
- delete: a row exists not in the source table, but exists in the target table;
- update: the row exists in both tables, but the column contents are different.
- none: the row exists in both tables and the column contents are equal.
Rows in both tables are matched using the list of columns as specified by 'IDENTIFIED BY'. Identifying column null contents are considered a specific value for matching; when both the source and target table have a null value, the rows will be matched.
After analysis, the differences can be filtered to only contain the type of operations specified using 'WITH' and then either be:
- applied on the target table to make the tables equal, using bulk operations where supported.
- returned as a list of content differences;
- returned as Invantive SQL DML-statements to achieve synchronization.
After analysis, the differences can be applied on the target table.
In a bi-directional approach, as specified by using the keyword 'AND' between the two table identifiers, deletes will not be returned from the analysis phase and replaced by inserts on the table which does not have the other table's row. The determination of the target for an update is based upon the resolution preference as defined by the 'RESOLVE' clause. The 'RESOLVE' clause either defines to always apply updates to the left or right table as listed in their order using, respectively, 'PREFER LEFT' and 'PREFER RIGHT'. Otherwise, the combined ordinal value of the columns listed in the 'RESOLVE BY' clause will be evaluated and the highest-ranking value is considered to be leading.
synchronizeStatement ::= ( synchronize | COMPARE ) tableSpec ( FROM | TO | AND ) tableSpec ( WITH ( INSERT ( ALL ( EXCEPT columnList )? )? )? OR? UPDATE? ( ALL ( EXCEPT columnList )? )? ( IGNORE CHANGES TO columnList )? OR? DELETE? )? identifiedByMultipleClause synchronizeIgnoreClause? resolveByClause? applyToClause? ( RETURNING ( SQL | DIFFERENCES ) )? ( BATCHSIZE numericConstant )? ( CONTINUE ON FIRST numericConstant ERRORS )?
referenced by:
synchronize ::= SYNCHRONIZE | SYNC
referenced by:
referenced by:
resolveByClause ::= RESOLVE ( BY sortedColumnList | PREFER ( LEFT | RIGHT ) )
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
- alterSessionSetBillingId
- alterSessionSetBillingReference
- alterSessionSetIuidSourceAlias
- caseElseExpression
- caseWhenThenExpression
- castExpression
- csvTableLiteral
- csvTableOptions
- excelDataRectangle
- expressionList
- htmlTableLiteral
- jsonTableLiteral
- jsonTableSpec
- namedExpression
- numberedOrNamedExpressionList
- pSqlAssignmentStatement
- pSqlContinueStatement
- pSqlElsIfExpression
- pSqlExecuteImmediateStatementNS
- pSqlExecuteNativeStatementNS
- pSqlExitStatement
- pSqlForNumberLoopStatement
- pSqlIfStatement
- pSqlItemDeclaration
- pSqlRaiseStatement
- pSqlReturnStatement
- pSqlWhileLoopStatement
- part
- passingSourceOrPathExpression
- setStatement
- startAtExpression
- stringSplitSpec
- xmlTableLiteral
- xmlTableSpec
A boolean expression, evaluatin geither to true, false or null.
booleanExpression ::= ( not | booleanExpression ( and | or ) ) booleanExpression | parenthesisOpen booleanExpression parenthesisClose | predicateExpression | true | false
referenced by:
Evaluates to an expression, testing a number of boolean expressions in sequence for true. When no boolean expression evaluates to true, the else expression is returned.
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
Changes the data type of an expression into the indicated data type.
referenced by:
Evaluates into a boolean expression. Returns true with the default 'exists' clause when the select statement has one or more rows and false otherwise. The 'not exists' clause has actually opposite boolean outcome.
referenced by:
referenced by:
- arithmeticExpression
- avgAggregateFunction
- booleanExpression
- castExpression
- countAggregateFunction
- createTableStatement
- csvTableSpec
- dataTypeWithLength
- embeddedSelect
- excelTableSpec
- existsExpression
- firstAggregateFunction
- functionExpression
- htmlTableSpec
- insertFieldList
- insertValues
- insertValuesBulk
- internetTableSpec
- jsonTableSpec
- lastAggregateFunction
- listAggAggregateFunction
- maxAggregateFunction
- minAggregateFunction
- now
- pSqlCallProcedureStatement
- pSqlProcedureStatement
- pivotClause
- predicateExpression
- productAggregateFunction
- stdDevAggregateFunction
- stringSplitSpec
- sumAggregateFunction
- tableFunctionSpec
- utc
- xmlTableSpec
- zipAggregateFunction
referenced by:
- arithmeticExpression
- avgAggregateFunction
- booleanExpression
- castExpression
- countAggregateFunction
- createTableStatement
- csvTableSpec
- dataTypeWithLength
- embeddedSelect
- excelTableSpec
- existsExpression
- firstAggregateFunction
- functionExpression
- htmlTableSpec
- insertFieldList
- insertValues
- insertValuesBulk
- internetTableSpec
- jsonTableSpec
- lastAggregateFunction
- listAggAggregateFunction
- maxAggregateFunction
- minAggregateFunction
- now
- pSqlCallProcedureStatement
- pSqlProcedureStatement
- pivotClause
- predicateExpression
- productAggregateFunction
- stdDevAggregateFunction
- stringSplitSpec
- sumAggregateFunction
- tableFunctionSpec
- utc
- xmlTableSpec
- zipAggregateFunction
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
- booleanExpression
- existsExpression
- isLikeComparingExpression
- isNullComparingExpression
- predicateExpression
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
predicateExpression ::= arithmeticExpression ( ( gt | ge | lt | le | eq | neq ) arithmeticExpression | not? ( between arithmeticExpression and arithmeticExpression | in_ parenthesisOpen ( arithmeticExpression ( COMMA arithmeticExpression )* | inSelectStatement ) parenthesisClose ) | isNullComparingExpression | isLikeComparingExpression | isEqualComparingExpression )
referenced by:
referenced by:
Greater then is a binary operator which returns true when the left value is greater than the right value. When one of both values is null, the outcome is null. Otherwise it is false.
referenced by:
Greater or equal is a binary operator which returns true when the left value is greater than or equal to the right value. When one of both values is null, the outcome is null. Otherwise it is false.
referenced by:
Less then is a binary operator which returns true when the left value is less than the right value. When one of both values is null, the outcome is null. Otherwise it is false.
referenced by:
Less or equal is a binary operator which returns true when the left value is less than or equal to the right value. When one of both values is null, the outcome is null. Otherwise it is false.
referenced by:
Equals is a binary operator which returns true when the left value and right value are identical. When one of both values is null, the outcome is null.
referenced by:
Not equals is a binary operator which returns true when the left value and right value are not identical. When one of both values is null, the outcome is null.
referenced by:
Like is a operator which returns true when the left value matches the right value. Occurrences of '%' in the right value can be matched by a sequence of 0, 1 or more characters in the left value. Occurrences of '_' in the right value can be matched by any character in the left value.
referenced by:
Between is a tertiary operator which returns true when the left value has a value between the second and third values, including edges. When one of values is null, the outcome is null.
referenced by:
In is a n-ary operator which returns true when the left value is one of the right-hand side values after the 'in'.
referenced by:
Is null is a postfix which returns true when the value is null and false otherwise. Evaluation of 'is not null' evaluates to the boolean opposite of 'is null'.
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
arithmeticExpression ::= ( minus | plus | arithmeticExpression ( times | divide | plus | minus | concat ) ) arithmeticExpression | parenthesisOpen ( selectStatement | arithmeticExpression ) parenthesisClose | existsExpression | functionExpression | parameterExpression | castExpression | caseExpression | fieldIdentifier | constant
referenced by:
- arithmeticExpression
- arithmeticExpressionList
- attachToClause
- avgAggregateFunction
- caseWhenThenExpression
- expression
- firstAggregateFunction
- identifiedByClause
- insertValuesList
- isLikeComparingExpression
- lastAggregateFunction
- maxAggregateFunction
- minAggregateFunction
- predicateExpression
- productAggregateFunction
- stdDevAggregateFunction
- sumAggregateFunction
- updateValue
referenced by:
functionExpression ::= ( abs | acos | anonymize | ascii | ascii_to_blob | asin | atan | atan2 | base64_decode | base64_encode | basename | bit_length | octet_length | camel | ceil | chr | coalesce | concat_func | cos | covfefify | compress | uncompress | dateadd | datepart | date_ceil | date_floor | date_round | date_trunc | day | dayofweek | dayofyear | dense_rank | double_metaphone | double_metaphone_alt | excel_day | exp_func | floor | from_unixtime | gzip | hour | httpget | httpget_text | httppost | initcap | instr | is_boolean | is_date | is_guid | is_number | jsondecode | jsonencode | left | length | levenshtein | ln | log | lower | lpad | ltrim | md5 | metaphone | metaphone3 | metaphone3_alt | microsecond | millisecond | minute | mod | month | new_time | newid | number_to_speech | normalize | nvl | power | quarter | quote_ident | quote_literal | quote_nullable | raise_error | random | random_blob | rand | rank | regexp_instr | regexp_replace | regexp_substr | remainder | replace | repeat | reverse | right | round | row_number | rpad | rtrim | second | sign | sin | soundex | sql_variant | sqrt | substr | sys_context | tan | to_binary | to_boolean | to_char | to_date | to_number | to_guid | to_hex | translate | translate_resources | trim | trunc | unicode_to_blob | unistr | unix_timestamp | upper | urldecode | urlencode | user | ungzip | xmlcomment | xmldecode | xmlencode | xmlelement | xmlformat | xmltransform | year | add_months | months_between | zero_blob | IDENTIFIER ) parenthesisOpen expressionList? parenthesisClose | random | rand | row_number | now | utc | user | sqlrowcount | sqlerrm | sqlcode
referenced by:
Returns the absolute value of a number.
- Input: A number that is greater than or equal to System.Double.MinValue, but less than or equal to System.Double.MaxValue.
referenced by:
Returns the angle of the provided cosine.
- Input: the cosine to get the angle of.
referenced by:
Anonymize a text or number. Anonymization is executed such that when the same original value is anonymized within the same session, the anonymized value will be identical. The anonymized value also uniquely matches the original value. With no access to the anonymization map however, the original value can however not be calculated from the anonymized value.
In mathematics, the anonymization function is a bijection: each element of the original set is paired with exactly one element of the anonymized set, and each element of the anonymized set is paired with exactly one element of the original set.
- Value: A text or number to be obfuscated.
- Maximum length (optional): Maximum length in digits for numbers or characters for text of anonymized value. Null means no restriction on maximum length.
- Mapping (optional): algorithm to use. The default algorithm is 'DEFAULT' which maps text values to a range of hexadecimal characters and numbers to a range of numbers. Alternative mappings are described below.
- DEFAULT: the default algorithm.
- IVE-GL-JOURNAL-DESCRIPTION: general ledger journal descriptions: no preferred anonymizations, leave familiar and non-confidential descriptions in original state.
- IVE-GL-ACCOUNT-DESCRIPTION: general ledger account descriptions: no preferred anonymizations, leave familiar and non-confidential descriptions in original state.
- IVE-PSN-FIRST-NAME: person first names: prefer readable alternative first names, anonymize all.
- IVE-PSN-LAST-NAME: person last names: prefer readable alternative last names, anonymize all.
- IVE-ADS-CITY-NAME: address city names: prefer readable alternative city names, anonymize all.
- IVE-ADS-STREET-NAME: address street names: prefer readable alternative street names, anonymize all.
referenced by:
Get the position of a character on database character set.
- Input: character to get position from.
referenced by:
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Returns the angle of the provided sine.
- Input: the sine to get the angle of.
referenced by:
Returns the angle of the provided tangent.
- Input: the tangent to get the angle of.
referenced by:
Returns the angle of the provided tangent.
- First number: the first number to get the angle of.
- Second number: the second to get the angle of.
referenced by:
Add an amount of months to a datetime.
- Date: datetime to add the months to.
- Months: the amount of months to add.
add_months ::= ADD_MONTHS
referenced by:
Get the number of months between two dates. The fractional part is determined using a 30-day month length.
- Date 1: first date.
- Date 2: second date.
Introduced in 17.32.
referenced by:
Converts the base64_encoded value back to the binairy value as defined on Wikipedia.
- Input: value to convert back to the original.
referenced by:
Converts a binairy value to base64_encoded characters as defined on Wikipedia.
- Input: value to convert to base64 characters.
referenced by:
Extract file name from a file path.
- File path: Full path of a file, consisting of drive, folders, file name and possible extension.
- Extension: Optional extension to remove, including leading '.' when necessary.
referenced by:
Converts provided string to Camel case.
- Input: the string that will be converted to Camel case.
referenced by:
Rounds the input to the largest following integer. Unless an amount of decimals is defined, in which case it rounds to the largest integer number with the amount of decimals or date with the amount of positions.
- Input: A number or datetime to ceil.
- Decimals [optional]: A number to specify how many decimals it may ceil to in case of a number. In case of a datetime, it reflects the number of time positions, ranging from -2 for years to 2 for minutes.
referenced by:
Get a character from database character set.
- Input: a numeric value of a character.
referenced by:
Get the number of bits needed to represent a value. For a blob, this is the number of bits for the bytes of the blob. For all other data types, the value is first converted to a string and then the number of bits of the UTF8 representation is determined.
- Value: value to determine length in bits for.
bit_length ::= BIT_LENGTH
referenced by:
Get the number of bytes needed to represent a value. For a blob, this is the number of bytes of the blob. For all other data types, the value is first converted to a string and then the number of bytes of the UTF8 representation is determined.
- Value: value to determine length in bytes for.
referenced by:
Get a concatenation of the text by a number of times.
- Text: text to repeat.
- Times: number of time to repeat the text.
referenced by:
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Performs a coalescing operation.
- Left: an object.
- Right: an object.
referenced by:
Concatenate the left and right values together as a text.
referenced by:
Concatenate a list of values together as a text.
concat_func ::= CONCAT
referenced by:
Returns the cosine of the provided angle.
- Input: the angle to get the cosine of.
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
uncompress ::= UNCOMPRESS
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Adds an amount of time to a date.
- Interval: the date interval to be added.
- Number: the number of intervals to add.
- Date: the date to wich the interval should be added.
referenced by:
Get the specified datepart from a datetime.
- datepart: a part of a date.
- date: a datetime to get the datepart from.
referenced by:
referenced by:
date_floor ::= DATE_FLOOR
referenced by:
date_round ::= DATE_ROUND
referenced by:
date_trunc ::= DATE_TRUNC
referenced by:
Collect the day from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
referenced by:
Collect the day of a week from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
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Collect the day of a year from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
referenced by:
dense_rank ::= DENSE_RANK
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Divide one number by the second number.
- first: a number to divide.
- second: a number to divide with.
referenced by:
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Returns the provided number raised to the specified power.
- Input: the number to raise by the specified power.
no references
referenced by:
Get the number which in Excel represents the date. The leap year bug of Excel is included, so the day number increments by 2 between February 28, 1900 and March 1, 1900.
- Date: datetime to get number for.
Introduced in 17.32.
referenced by:
Rounds the input to the smallest following integer. Unless an amount of decimals is defined, in which case it rounds to the smallest integer with the amount of decimals or date with the amount of positions.
- Input: A number or datetime to floor.
- Decimals [optional]: A number to specify how many decimals it may floor to in case of a number. In case of a datetime, it reflects the number of time positions, ranging from -2 for years to 2 for minutes.
referenced by:
Get the date/time from an integer representing a UNIX epoch time.
- Input: An integer.
referenced by:
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Collect the hour from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
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Changes the first letter of each word in uppercase, all other letters in lowercase.
- Input: Text to convert.
referenced by:
Get a number which is a position of the first occurrence of substring in the string.
- String: String to be searched.
- Substring: Text to search for.
- StartPosition [optional]: Position of string to start searching.
- occurrence [optional]: Return the position of the occurrence.
referenced by:
Determines whether a value is a valid boolean. When true, the value can be converted by to_boolean.
- Input: value to convert.
is_boolean ::= IS_BOOLEAN
referenced by:
Determines whether a value is a valid number according to the specified format. When true, the value can be converted by to_date.
- Input: value to convert.
- Format: format mask. Optional; defaults to local style. List of format masks is available in a separate section.
referenced by:
Determines whether a value is a valid GUID. When true, the value can be converted by to_guid.
- Input: value to convert.
referenced by:
Determines whether a value is a valid number according to the specified format. When true, the value can be converted by to_number.
- Input: value to convert.
- Format: format mask. Optional; defaults to local style. List of format masks is available in a separate section.
referenced by:
jsondecode ::= JSONDECODE
referenced by:
jsonencode ::= JSONENCODE
referenced by:
Gets the number of characters in provided string.
- Input: the string to get the length of.
referenced by:
Determine the Levenshtein distance between two values as defined on Wikipedia.
referenced by:
Get the natural logarithm of a number.
- Input: a number to get the natural logarithm from.
referenced by:
Get the natural logarithm of a number in a specified base.
- Input: a number to get the natural logarithm from.
- Base [optional]: the base to get the natural logarithm from.
referenced by:
Converts provided string to lowercase.
- Input: the string that will be converted to lowercase.
referenced by:
Pad a string to the left to make it a specified length.
- Input: string to be padded.
- Lenght: the length the string should be padded to.
- Characters [optional]: Characters to pad with.
referenced by:
Trims characters from the left side of a string.
- Input: the string from to trim characters from the left side.
- (Optinial) Chars to trim: the character to trim. Default is " ".
referenced by:
Converts a value to a 128-bit hash value as defined on Wikipedia.
- Input: Text to convert with MD5.
referenced by:
Converts a value to the Metaphone code as defined on Wikipedia.
- Input: value to convert to metaphone.
- Length: maximum output length of the given input.
referenced by:
metaphone3 ::= METAPHONE3
referenced by:
referenced by:
Get the remainder of a divide calculation.
- dividend: a number.
- divider: a number.
referenced by:
Subtracts a value from another.
- Value: a number or datetime.
- Subtract: a number or datetime.
referenced by:
Collect the minute from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
referenced by:
Collect the month from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
referenced by:
referenced by:
Creates a new Guid id.
Returns: the new Guid id.
referenced by:
Coalesce all values together.
Returns: All values coalesced together.
referenced by:
Adding a value to another.
- Value: a number or datetime.
- add: a number or datetime.
referenced by:
Gets a value of a number raised to another.
- Value: a number.
- exponent: a number.
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Generates a random number between 0 and 1.
- Seed: Produce a repeatable sequence of random numbers each time that seed value is provided.
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Generates a blob with pseudo-random values.
- Length: Produce a blob with this length in terms of bytes.
referenced by:
referenced by:
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Extracts a substring from the given value using regular expression.
- Input: The text to get the substring from.
- Pattern: Regular expression pattern.
- Start position [optional]: The start index from the input.
- Appearance [optional]: Indicating the appearance of the substr operation.
- Match_parameter [optional]: A text literal that lets you change the default matching behavior of the function.
referenced by:
Determine the position of the regular expression in the given value. Returns 0 when the regular expression is not contained in the given value.
- Input: The text to get the regular expression position from.
- Pattern: Regular expression pattern.
- Start position [optional]: The start index from the input.
- Appearance [optional]: Indicating the appearance of the instr operation.
- ReturnOption [optional]: Select either the first character found or the first character after the occurrence of the pattern.
- Match_parameter [optional]: A text literal that lets you change the default matching behavior of the function.
referenced by:
Replaces all occurrences matching the regular expression with the replacement value. The replacement value may contain references to matches in the regular expression by using the dollar-sign ('$') plus the reference number.
- Input: The text to get the substring from.
- Pattern: Regular expression pattern.
- Replacement [optional]: Text to replace with.
- Start position [optional]: The start index from the input.
- Appearance [optional]: Indicating the appearance of the replace operation.
- Match_parameter [optional]: A text literal that lets you change the default matching behavior of the function. The available options are 'c' for case-sensitive, 'i' for ignore case, 'n' for single-line, 'm' for multi-line and 'x' for ignore pattern white space.
Returns: the input with every occurrence of the regular expression pattern replaced with the replacement.
referenced by:
Get the remainder of a divide calculation.
The REMAINDER function uses the round function in its formula, whereas the MOD function uses the floor function in its formula.
- Number1: a number.
- Number2: a number.
referenced by:
Changes a given text by replacing all occurrences from an ordered list of texts by their associated replacement texts.
- Input: the text to change.
- Old text 1: the text to be replaced.
- New text 1: the replacement text.
- Old text n: additional texts to be replaced.
- New text n: additional replacement texts.
referenced by:
Flips the input around.
- Input: text to flip around.
referenced by:
Rounds the input to the closest following integer. Unless an amount of decimals is defined, in which case it rounds to the closest integer number with the amount of decimals or date with the amount of positions.
- Input: A number or datetime to round.
- Decimals [optional]: A number to specify how many decimals it may round to in case of a number. In case of a datetime, it reflects the number of time positions, ranging from -2 for years to 2 for minutes.
referenced by:
row_number ::= ROW_NUMBER
referenced by:
Rightpad function pads the right-side of a string with a specific set of characters to the given length. When no set of characters given, it will pad with a whitespace.
- Input: Text to be padded.
- Length: The length to make the input to.
- Pad text [optional]: Text to add to the input if the length is larger then the input.
referenced by:
Trims characters from the right side of a string.
- Input: the string from which to trim characters from the right side.
- (Optional) Chars to trim: the character to trim. Default is " ".
referenced by:
Collect the microsecond from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
referenced by:
Collect the millisecond from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
referenced by:
referenced by:
Normalize a file path by replacing all invalid and non-ASCII characters for use in a file path by underscore. After that, the file path is made more readable by various operations such as removal of duplicate whitespace and underscore characters.
- Original file path: path of the file.
- Maximum file name length: length in characters into which the normalized file name must fit.
- Allow path separator: whether to allow the path separator '\' in the normalized file name. When not, occurrences are replaced.
referenced by:
Collect the second from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
referenced by:
Converts a value to the Soundex code as defined on Wikipedia.
- Input: Text to that retrieve the soundex value from.
referenced by:
Returns the sign of a number, with -1 representing a negative number, 1 a positive number and 0 a zero.
- Input: A number.
referenced by:
Returns the sine of the provided angle.
- Input: the angle to get the sine of.
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
Returns the square root of the provided number.
- Input: the number to get the square root of.
referenced by:
Gets a substring from the input.
- Input: text to gather the substring from.
- Start: start position.
- Lenght: maximum lenght of the substring.
referenced by:
Text value of a parameter associated with a context.
- context: a namespace.
- parameter: name of the parameter.
- (Optional) alias: name of the active data container to query. The most high ranked data container is queried when not specified or null.
- APPLICATION_VERSION: version of the client application.
- APPLICATION_FULL: name and version of the client application.
- APPLICATION_BUILD_EXPIRATION_DATE: build expiration date of the client application.
- AUTHENTICATION_METHOD: current authentication method.
- BILLING_ID: billing ID deviating from agreement code.
- BILLING_REFERENCE: additional billing reference.
- CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS_INTERNAL: internal IP address of the client device.
- CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS_EXTERNAL: external IP address of the client device.
- CLIENT_LOGICAL_CORE_COUNT: number of logical processor cores in the client device.
- CLIENT_MACHINE_NAME: machine name of the client device.
- CLIENT_SYSTEM_64_BIT: whether the OS is 64-bit on the client device.
- CLIENT_SYSTEM_NAME: full OS name running on the client device.
- CLIENT_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: system directory of the client device.
- CLIENT_SYSTEM_PAGE_SIZE: system page size of the client device.
- CLIENT_VIRTUAL_MACHINE: whether the client device is a virtual machine.
- CLR_VERSION_BUILD: build version of the Common Language Runtime.
- CLR_VERSION_MAJOR: major version of the Common Language Runtime.
- CLR_VERSION_MAJOR_REVISION: major revision of the Common Language Runtime.
- CLR_VERSION_MINOR: minor version of the Common Language Runtime.
- CLR_VERSION_MIN_REVISION: minor revision of the Common Language Runtime.
- COMPANY_ID: ID of the company of current user.
- COMPANY_NAME: name of the company of current user.
- COMPANY_PHONE: phone of the company of current user.
- COMPANY_WEB_SITE: web site of the company of current user.
- DATA_CONTAINER_ALIAS: alias of active data container.
- DATA_CONTAINER_ID: ID of active data container.
- DATABASE_DESCRIPTION: description of database.
- DATABASE_FULL_NAME: full name of database.
- DATABASE_VERSION: version of database.
- IIID: Invantive installation ID.
- IUID: Invantive user ID.
- LANG: ISO abbreviation for the language name of the user. Alternative: USER_LANGUAGE_CODE.
- MODULE: name of the client application. Alternative: APPLICATION_NAME.
- PROCESS_64_BIT: whether the OS process on the client device runs as 64-bit.
- PROCESS_COMMAND_LINE: command line used to start the OS process.
- PROCESS_CURRENT_DIRECTORY: current directory of the OS process.
- PROCESS_STACK_TRACE: current stack trace of the OS process.
- PROCESS_WORKING_SET: working set of the OS process.
- PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION: description of active data container.
- PROVIDER_DOCUMENTATION_URL: documentation (URL) of active data container.
- PROVIDER_DOWNLOAD_IMPLEMENTATION_URL: download driver (URL) of active data container.
- PROVIDER_NAME: name of active data container.
- PROVIDER_SHORT_NAME: short name of active data container.
- PROVIDER_TECHNICAL_DOCUMENTATION_URL: technical documentation (URL) of active data container.
- SESSION_USER: log on code of the current user. Alternatives: CURRENT_USER and USER.
- SESSION_TIME_OFFSET_SEC: difference in seconds between UTC and the date/time representation of the session. A positive number means that the represented date/time of the session is higher than the UTC time of the date/time.
- SESSIONID: session ID of current session.
- UI_LANGUAGE_CODE: language code of the user interface.
- USER_DOMAIN_NAME: Windows domain name of current user.
- USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS: email address of current user.
- USER_FIRST_NAME: first name of current user.
- USER_FULL_NAME: full name of current user.
- USER_GENDER: gender of current user.
- USER_HOME_DIRECTORY: home directory of current user on client device.
- USER_INTERACTIVE: whether the current user works interactive.
- USER_PICTURES_DIRECTORY: pictures directory of current user on client device.
- USER_FAVORITES_DIRECTORY: favorites directory of current user on client device.
- USER_DESKTOP_DIRECTORY: desktop directory of current user on client device.
- USER_DOCUMENTS_DIRECTORY: documents directory of current user on client device.
- USER_PROFILE_DIRECTORY: profile directory of current user on client device.
- USER_LAST_LOG_ON: time of last log on of current user.
- USER_LAST_NAME: last name of current user.
- USER_LINKED_IN: LinkedIn name of current user.
- USER_MIDDLE_NAME: middle name of current user.
- USER_MOBILE_NUMBER: mobile number of current user.
- USER_NATIONALITY: nationality of current user.
- USER_PHONE_NUMBER: phone number of current user.
- USER_PICTURE_URL: picturel (URL) of current user.
- USER_SKYPE: Skype name of current user.
- USER_TITLE: title of current user.
- USER_TWITTER: Twitter name of current user.
- USER_WEB_SITE: personal web site of current user.
referenced by:
Returns the tangent of the provided angle.
- Input: the angle to get the tangent of.
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Multiplies one number by the second number.
- First: a number to multiply.
- Second: a number to multiply with.
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Translate replaces all occurrences of each character in from_string to its corresponding character in to_string.
- input: The string to replace a sequence of characters with another set of characters.
- from_string: The string that will be searched for in the input.
- to_string: All characters in the from_string will be replaced with the corresponding character in the to_string
referenced by:
Replace all Invantive-style resources ('{res:...}') by their translation in the specified user interface language.
- txt: The string to replace resources in.
- language: ISO 639-1 language code. Optional; defaults to current user interface language.
referenced by:
Trims whitespaces from both sides of the provided string.
- Input: the string from which to trim characters.
referenced by:
Calculates the integral part of a number. Unless an amount of decimals is defined, in which case it calculates to the integer with the amount of decimals or date with the amount of positions.
- Input: A number or datetime to truncate.
- Decimals [optional]: A number to specify how many decimals it may truncate to in case of a number. In case of a datetime, it reflects the number of time positions, ranging from -2 for years to 2 for minutes.
referenced by:
Converts a value into a hexadecimal number.
- Input: value to convert.
referenced by:
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Converts a text with unicodes to regular characters.
- Input: text with unicodes.
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Converts provided string to uppercase.
- Input: the string that will be converted to uppercase.
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Decodes a url.
- Url: url to decode.
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Encodes a url.
- Url: url to encode.
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Get the UNIX epoch time of a date/time.
- Input: A dateTime. Current date/time is used when no value is specified.
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referenced by:
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Format a text as an XML comment.
- Input: the input which will be formatted as XML comment.
xmlcomment ::= XMLCOMMENT
referenced by:
Returns the XML decoded input.
- Input: the input which will be decoded into XML.
referenced by:
Returns the XML encoded input.
- Input: the input which will be encoded into XML.
referenced by:
xmlelement ::= XMLELEMENT
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Applies an XSL style sheet to the XML instance.
- XML: XML type instance to be transformed with the XSL style sheet.
- Style sheet: The XSL style sheet to apply.
referenced by:
Pretty-print xml text.
- Xml: xml to pretty-print.
referenced by:
Collects all data from the URL as binary data.
The URL must be publicly accessible. Use the NativePlatformScalarRequest view on cloud applications to directly access their web APIs.
- URL: the URL to collect the data from.
referenced by:
Collects all data from the URL as text.
The URL must be publicly accessible. Use the NativePlatformScalarRequest view on cloud applications to directly access their web APIs.
- URL: the URL to collect the data from.
- Encoding: the encoding from the data to receive, which is by default UTF8.
referenced by:
referenced by:
Collect the quarter from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
Gets the user log on code.
Returns: the user log on code.
referenced by:
Collect the year from a date.
- Input: A dateTime.
referenced by:
Converts a value into a BLOB.
- Input: value to convert.
referenced by:
Converts a value into a boolean. Boolean expressions keep their value, for numbers 0 is considered false and all other values true and all dates are false. For texts, the following are considered true: 'true', 't', 'yes', 'y', 'on', '1', 'True', 'TRUE', 'T', 'YES', 'Y', 'ON'. False are 'false', 'f', 'no', 'n', 'off', '0', 'False', 'FALSE', 'F', 'NO', 'N' and 'OFF'. In all other scenarios, the default boolean conversion of Invantive holds.
- Input: value to convert.
to_boolean ::= TO_BOOLEAN
referenced by:
Converts a value into text.
- Input: value to convert.
- Format: format mask. Optional; defaults to American style. List of format masks is available in a separate section.
referenced by:
Converts a value into a datetime.
- Input: value to convert.
- Format: format mask. Optional; defaults to American style. List of format masks is available in a separate section.
referenced by:
Converts a value into a guid.
- Input: value to convert.
referenced by:
Converts a value into a number. An error is raised when the value can not be converted to a number.
- Input: value to convert.
- Format: format mask. Optional; defaults to local style. List of format masks is available in a separate section.
referenced by:
Generates a blob with 0-byte values.
- Length: Produce a blob with this length in terms of bytes.
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The time of the system clock in local time at the device where Invantive SQL runs.
Returns: current date/time.
now ::= ( NOW | GETDATE | SYSDATETIME ) parenthesisOpen parenthesisClose | SYSDATE
referenced by:
utc ::= UTC_DATE ( parenthesisOpen parenthesisClose )? | ( GETUTCDATE | NOWUTC ) parenthesisOpen parenthesisClose | SYSDATEUTC
referenced by:
fullTableIdentifier ::= ( ( catalogIdentifier DOT schemaIdentifier? | schemaIdentifier ) DOT )? tableIdentifier
referenced by:
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referenced by:
referenced by:
fieldIdentifier ::= ( alias DOT )? identifier
referenced by:
referenced by:
identifierWithMinus ::= ESCAPED_IDENTIFIER | identifier ( MINUS ( identifier | INT_OR_DECIMAL_C )? )*
referenced by:
referenced by:
- catalogIdentifier
- column
- columnNoAlias
- createTableArgument
- csvTableColumnSpec
- dataContainerAlias
- excelTableColumnSpec
- fieldIdentifier
- htmlTableColumnSpec
- identifierWithMinus
- joinSet
- jsonTableColumnSpec
- namedExpression
- noJoinSet
- pSqlVariableName
- parameterExpression
- partitionIdentifier
- partitionSimpleIdentifier
- roleIdentifier
- schemaIdentifier
- tableIdentifier
- xmlTableColumnSpec
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
A constant value with associated data type. The null value is typically associated with the null data type.
referenced by:
A constant text value with varchar2 data type.
referenced by:
- allColumnsSpecColumnNamePostfix
- allColumnsSpecColumnNamePrefix
- allColumnsSpecLabelPostfix
- allColumnsSpecLabelPrefix
- alterDataDictionarySetBackingConnectionString
- alterPersistentCacheConfigureWebhooksStatement
- alterPersistentCacheDownloadStatement
- alterPersistentCacheDropStatement
- alterPersistentCachePurgeStatement
- alterPersistentCacheSetBackingConnectionString
- alterPersistentCacheSetDataContainerOptions
- alterPersistentCacheSetStatement
- alterPersistentCacheSetTableOptions
- beginTransactionStatement
- commitTransactionStatement
- constant
- htmlTableColumnSpec
- htmlTableExpression
- intervalConstant
- jsonTableColumnSpec
- labeled
- pSqlExecuteNativeStatementNS
- partitionIdentifier
- resultSetName
- rollbackTransactionStatement
- xmlTableColumnSpec
A constant interval value, reflecting the time span between two dates. The string constant consists of an integer number and unit of time, taken from the following list:
- Millisecond,
- second,
- minute,
- hour,
- day,
- week, and
- year.
The units may be postfixed with an 's' without changing meaning, like 'years'.
Valid interval values are for example: "5 seconds", "20 hours" and "1 year". There is no support for combined intervals such as "30 minutes and 30 seconds".
referenced by:
- alterPersistentCachePartitionRefreshStatement
- alterPersistentCacheRefreshStatement
- alterPersistentCacheTableRefreshStatement
- constant
- httpDiskCache
- httpMemoryCache
- ods
A constant numeric value with numeric data type.
referenced by:
- alterPersistentCacheDownloadStatement
- alterPersistentCachePartitionRefreshStatement
- alterPersistentCacheRefreshStatement
- alterPersistentCacheSetStatement
- alterPersistentCacheTableRefreshStatement
- constant
- createTableStatement
- csvTableColumnSpec
- dataTypeWithLength
- excelTableColumnSpec
- excelTableOptions
- insertStatement
- internetTableOptions
- joinSet
- limitClause
- partitionIdentifier
- partitionSimpleIdentifier
- synchronizeStatement
- topClause
booleanConstant ::= true | false
referenced by:
- alterPersistentCacheSetStatement
- alterPersistentCacheSetTableOptions
- constant
- httpDiskCache
- httpMemoryCache
- ods
The "unknown" value null.
referenced by:
The PSQL create function statement creates a PSQL block that executes the code and returns a value to the caller using the 'return' statement. An error is raised when a function, procedure or package with the same name already exists. When 'or replace' is specified, a previously existing function with the same name is dropped before creating the new function.
pSqlCreateFunction ::= CREATE ( OR REPLACE )? pSqlFunctionSpec
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referenced by:
pSqlFunctionSpec ::= FUNCTION pSqlVariableName ( PARENTHESIS_OPEN pSqlArgumentList PARENTHESIS_CLOSE )? RETURN dataType ( AS | IS ) pSqlBlockOptionalDeclare
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The PSQL create function statement creates a PSQL block that executes code when called. An error is raised when a function, procedure or package with the same name already exists. When 'or replace' is specified, a previously existing procedure with the same name is dropped before creating the new procedure.
pSqlCreateProcedure ::= CREATE ( OR REPLACE )? pSqlProcedureSpec
referenced by:
referenced by:
referenced by:
pSqlProcedureSpec ::= PROCEDURE pSqlVariableName ( PARENTHESIS_OPEN pSqlArgumentList PARENTHESIS_CLOSE )? ( AS | IS ) pSqlBlockOptionalDeclare
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pSqlArgumentList ::= pSqlArgument ( COMMA pSqlArgument )*
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A PSQL block is a structure to define procedural logic. It can contain both procedural logic as well as SQL statements like "select".
pSqlBlock ::= ( DECLARE pSqlDeclareSection )? pSqlBody
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A PSQL declare section defines one or more local variables, which are available in the block and nested blocks.
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An item declaration defines one named variable, based upon data type. The initial value can be added as a constant.
pSqlItemDeclaration ::= pSqlVariableName dataType ( ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR expression )? BATCHSEPARATOR
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A PSQL body contains the procedural logic as well as SQL statements. Variables must have been declared beforehand.
referenced by:
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A number of basic PSQL statements are available.
pSqlStatement ::= pSqlAssignmentStatement | pSqlContinueStatement | pSqlExecuteImmediateStatement | pSqlExecuteNativeStatement | pSqlExitStatement | pSqlGotoStatement | pSqlLabelStatement | pSqlIfStatement | pSqlLoopStatement | pSqlNullStatement | pSqlBlock | pSqlRaiseStatement | pSqlReturnStatement | pSqlProcedureStatement | pSqlCallProcedureStatement | sqlStatement BATCHSEPARATOR
referenced by:
- pSqlBlockOrStatement
- pSqlBodyNoBatchSeparator
- pSqlExceptionWhenName
- pSqlExceptionWhenOthers
- sqlOrPSqlStatement
A PSQL block or statement defines a procedural step or a SQL statement to be executed.
referenced by:
referenced by:
- pSqlElsIfExpression
- pSqlForNumberLoopStatement
- pSqlForRecordLoopStatement
- pSqlIfStatement
- pSqlRepeatUntilLoopStatement
- pSqlWhileLoopStatement
The null-statement is a NOP-statement (No Operator). The use of the null-statement is necessary when a PSQL statement is needed, but no activity needs to be performed such as with an if statement. The null-statement also makes explicit that a developer has considered the actions needed and found that no action applies to a specific scenario. This leads to improved code documentation.
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Return a value from a function to the calling code.
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The assignment statement assign a new value to a variable. To assign the results of a SQL query to a value, use a select ... into ... statement.
pSqlAssignmentStatement ::= pSqlVariableName ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR ( expression BATCHSEPARATOR | pSqlCallProcedureStatement )
referenced by:
This PSQL continue statement continues execution of the innermost loop at the start of the loop. When a boolean expression is specified, the innermost loop is only started at the start when the boolean expression evaluates to true.
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The execute immediate PSQL statement enables the use of SQL statements that are compiled at runtime. For instance dynamic DDL statements can not always be executed on compiled time and the execute immediate enables these.
referenced by:
referenced by:
Execute a statement directly on a specific data container. The statement must match the native SQL or API code for the data container specified. Output of the statement is retrieved into PSQL variables.
referenced by:
pSqlExecuteNativeStatementNS ::= EXECUTE NATIVE expression ( into pSqlVariableList )? DATACONTAINER stringConstant
referenced by:
This PSQL exit statement exits execution of the innermost loop. When a boolean expression is specified, the innermost loop is only exited when the boolean expression evaluates to true.
pSqlExitStatement ::= EXIT ( WHEN expression )? BATCHSEPARATOR
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Continue execution at the location of the specified label.
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Specificy location of a label.
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The if-statement performs conditional logic. When the boolean expression after if holds, the PSQL block after the 'then' will be executed. Other branches can be specified using an elsif. Otherwise, and only when specified, the logic after the else is executed.
pSqlIfStatement ::= IF expression THEN pSqlBlockOrStatements pSqlElsIfExpression* ( ELSE pSqlBlockOrStatements )? END IF BATCHSEPARATOR
referenced by:
referenced by:
A variety of PSQL statements for loops are available.
pSqlLoopStatement ::= pSqlForNumberLoopStatement | pSqlForRecordLoopStatement | pSqlWhileLoopStatement | pSqlRepeatUntilLoopStatement
referenced by:
This PSQL integer loop statement iterates over a range of integer values, executing PSQL statements for each iterated value. The iterations goes from the first value to the last value in increments of specified step size. Default step size is 1. The iterations go backward in decrements of 1 when 'reverse' is specified.
pSqlForNumberLoopStatement ::= FOR pSqlVariableName IN REVERSE? ( expression | pSqlVariableName ) DOT DOT ( expression | pSqlVariableName ) ( STEP ( expression | pSqlVariableName ) )? LOOP pSqlBlockOrStatements END LOOP BATCHSEPARATOR
referenced by:
This PSQL result set loop statement iterates over a result set returned by an Invantive SQL query. The PSQL statements are executed for each record. The record's specific values can be retrieved using the variable.
pSqlForRecordLoopStatement ::= FOR pSqlVariableName IN PARENTHESIS_OPEN ( selectStatement | pSqlExecuteImmediateStatementNS | pSqlExecuteNativeStatementNS ) PARENTHESIS_CLOSE LOOP pSqlBlockOrStatements END LOOP BATCHSEPARATOR
referenced by:
This PSQL loop statement (or 'repeat until') executes PSQL statements as long as the specified loop is not terminated using an 'exit' statement.
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This PSQL while loop statement executes PSQL statements as long as the specified boolean condition evaluates to true at loop end.
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The raise statement raises one from a list of pre-defined exceptions:
- INVALID_NUMBER: typically used when a string is converted to a number, but does not contain a valid number.
- NO_DATA_FOUND: typically used when a 'select into' statement returns zero rows.
- PROGRAM_ERROR: typically used to signal an (internal) system error.
- TOO_MANY_ROWS: typically used when a 'select into' statement returns two or more rows.
- VALUE_ERROR: typically used when during evaluation of an expression an error occurs.
- ZERO_DIVIDE: typically used when the right-hand side of a divide is zero.
The raise_application_error statement raises an exception, which consists of a non-unique numeric identification plus a message text.
referenced by:
pSqlProcedureStatement ::= IDENTIFIER ( parenthesisOpen arithmeticExpressionList? parenthesisClose )? BATCHSEPARATOR
referenced by:
pSqlCallProcedureStatement ::= IDENTIFIER DOT IDENTIFIER parenthesisOpen arithmeticExpressionList? parenthesisClose BATCHSEPARATOR
referenced by:
referenced by:
- pSqlArgument
- pSqlAssignmentStatement
- pSqlDropFunction
- pSqlDropProcedure
- pSqlExceptionWhenName
- pSqlForNumberLoopStatement
- pSqlForRecordLoopStatement
- pSqlFunctionSpec
- pSqlGotoStatement
- pSqlItemDeclaration
- pSqlLabelStatement
- pSqlProcedureSpec
- pSqlVariableList
- Invantive ® BV
- Biesteweg 11
- 3849 RDHierden
- Nederland
- Sales: +31 88 00 26 500
- Support: forums.invantive.com
- Office hours: 09:00 - 17:00 CET
- E-mail: sales@invantive.eu
- Web: invantive.com
- Report security incident
- Telephone: +31 88 00 26 598
- Email: security@invantive.eu
- More information
- Information for use in Outlook
- Chamber of Commerce : 130 31 406
- Managing Director: Guido Leenders
- Company domiciled in Roermond.
- VAT: NL812602377B01
- Founded:
- 2012 NAICS: 511210
- Bank: IBAN NL 42 RABO 01 23 4097 80, BIC RABO NL 2U.
- PayPal: sales@invantive.eu
- Rabobank Groep N.V., Kantoor: Rabobank Peel, Maas en Leudal.
- Sint Antoniusstraat 40, 6093 GC, Heythuysen, Nederland