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Invantive Vision

This screen allows you to remove all or part of projects.Open screen in browser Open Form

Delete Projects Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:

Include All

If checked, all items listed below will be deleted.

Include Project

If checked, the project will be deleted. Normally you will never select this without selecting other parts.

Include Project Authorisations

If checked, the project authorizations will be deleted.

Include budgets

If checked, then the budgets will be deleted.

Include Contract Budgets

If checked, the contract budgets will be deleted.

Include Revenues

If checked, then the revenues will be deleted.

Include Purchase Orders

If checked, the purchase assignments will be deleted.

Include Latest Estimates

If checked, the latest estimates will be deleted.

Include Invoice Lines

If checked, then the invoice lines will be deleted.

Include Cash Flows Projections

If checked, the cash flow projections will be deleted.

Take Processes

If checked, the processes will be deleted.

Include Process Notes

If checked, the process notes will be deleted.

Include Process Units

If checked, the process units will be deleted.

Include Timesheets

If checked, then the timesheets will be deleted.

Include Budget Movements

If checked, the budget movements will be deleted.

Include Project Involvements

If checked, then the involvement of people in the project will be deleted.

Include Project Allocations

If checked, then the allocation of persons to the project will be deleted.

Include Project Versions

If checked, the project versions will be deleted.

Include Documents

If checked, the documents will be deleted.

Include Project Classifications

If checked, the project classifications will be deleted.

Include Project Relations

If checked, the project relations will be deleted.

Include Process Involvement

If checked, then all the persons involved in the process of the project will be deleted.

Include Process Classifications

If checked, the process classifications will be deleted.

Include Process Relations

If checked, the process relations will be deleted.

Include Contracts

If checked, the contracts will be deleted.

Include Contract Process Generation

If checked, the contract processes generation will be deleted.

Are you sure?

Only if you also select this one project data will be deleted.

The meaning of the other fields:


The code of the project that will be deleted.


The name of the project that will be deleted.


Indicates that the project has already been closed when checked.


The legal structure under which the project is realized.


The buyer of the project.


Place where the project is realized.