ConceptEmployeeByConceptEmployeeId |
Details of a concept employee__Activity name :__ GetConceptEmployeeByConceptEmployeeIdGet the details of a concept employee
Catalogus: LoketNlRest
Schema: ConceptEmployee
Dit is een alleen-lezen tabelfunctie. De REST API biedt mogelijk geen ondersteuning voor het wijzigen van de data of het Invantive UniversalSQL-stuurprogramma voor REST ondersteunt dit niet. In het laatste geval gebruikt u de tabel NativePlatformScalarRequests om gegevens te uploaden naar de REST-API.
Parameters van Tabelfunctie
De volgende parameters kunnen worden gebruikt om het gedrag van de tabelfunctie ConceptEmployeeByConceptEmployeeId in te stellen. Voor verplichte parameters moet altijd een waarde worden opgegeven, maar optionele parameters hoeven in het algemeen geen waarde te hebben en de uitvoering zal standaard een vooraf bepaald gedrag vertonen. Waarden kunnen worden gespecificeerd op basis van positie en naam. In beide gevallen worden alle niet-gespecificeerde parameters geëvalueerd aan de hand van hun standaardwaarden.
Waardespecificatie op positie gebeurt door alle waarden van de eerste tot de laatste benodigde waarde op te sommen. Bijvoorbeeld: een `select * uit tabel(waarde1, waarde2, waarde3)` op een tabel met vier parameters zal de standaardwaarde voor de vierde parameter gebruiken en de opgegeven waarden voor de eerste drie.
Waardespecificatie op naam gebeurt door alle waarden die een waarde vereisen op te sommen. Bijvoorbeeld met `selecteer * uit tabel(naam1 => waarde1, naam3 => waarde3)` op dezelfde tabel zullen de standaardwaarden voor de tweede en vierde parameter worden gebruikt en de opgegeven waarden voor de eerste en derde.
Naam |
Datatype |
Verplicht |
Standaardwaarde |
Documentatie |
conceptEmployeeId |
guid |
☑ |
The unique identifier of the concept employee |
Kolommen van Tabelfunctie
De kolommen van de tabelfunctie ConceptEmployeeByConceptEmployeeId worden hieronder weergegeven. Elke kolom heeft een SQL-gegevenstype.
Naam |
Datatype |
Label |
Verplicht |
Documentatie |
creationDate |
datetime |
Aanmaakdatum |
☐ |
The date time on which the record was added (ISO-8601) |
employeeData_address_city |
string(24) |
☐ |
City of the address |
employeeData_address_country_isoCode |
string(2) |
☐ |
employeeData_address_country_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employeeData_address_country_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
employeeData_address_furtherIndication_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employeeData_address_furtherIndication_value |
string |
☐ |
employeeData_address_houseNumber |
int32 |
☐ |
House number of the address |
employeeData_address_houseNumberAddition |
string(4) |
☐ |
An addition to further specify the house/door/postbox. For example used to specifty a room of floor number in addition to the house number. |
employeeData_address_location |
string(35) |
☐ |
The location like to further specify the address |
employeeData_address_postalCode |
string(9) |
☐ |
The postal code of the address |
employeeData_address_street |
string(24) |
☐ |
Streetname of the address |
employeeData_contactInformation_emailAddress |
string(255) |
☐ |
The e-mail address of the employee. |
employeeData_contactInformation_faxNumber |
string(15) |
☐ |
The fax number to contact this individual |
employeeData_contactInformation_mobilePhoneNumber |
string(15) |
☐ |
The mobile phone number of the employee. |
employeeData_contactInformation_phoneNumber |
string(15) |
☐ |
Het telefoonnummer van de werknemer. |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_city |
string(24) |
☐ |
City of the address |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_country_isoCode |
string(2) |
☐ |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_country_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_country_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_furtherIndication_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_furtherIndication_value |
string |
☐ |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_houseNumber |
int32 |
☐ |
House number of the address |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_houseNumberAddition |
string(4) |
☐ |
An addition to further specify the house/door/postbox. For example used to specifty a room of floor number in addition to the house number. |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_location |
string(35) |
☐ |
The location like to further specify the address |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_postalCode |
string(9) |
☐ |
The postal code of the address |
employeeData_deviatingPostalAddress_street |
string(24) |
☐ |
Streetname of the address |
employeeData_employeeNumber |
int32 |
☐ |
The employee number to uniquely identify an employee within an employer. |
employeeData_iban |
string(35) |
☐ |
International Bank Account Number. Only IBAN without spaces are accepted. |
employeeData_identityDocument_documentIdentification |
string(20) |
☐ |
Description of the type of document |
employeeData_identityDocument_typeOfDocument_key |
int32 |
☐ |
The key for the type of document. Possible values can be acquired via the metadata endpoint |
employeeData_identityDocument_typeOfDocument_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
Description of the type of document |
employeeData_personalDetails_civilStatus_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employeeData_personalDetails_civilStatus_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
employeeData_personalDetails_dateOfBirth |
datetime |
☐ |
The date of birth of the employee. |
employeeData_personalDetails_firstName |
string(28) |
☐ |
De voornaam van de werknemer. |
employeeData_personalDetails_formattedName |
string(82) |
☐ |
Formatted name of the employee based on the value of `howToFormatLastName` |
employeeData_personalDetails_gender_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employeeData_personalDetails_gender_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
employeeData_personalDetails_howToFormatLastName_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employeeData_personalDetails_howToFormatLastName_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
employeeData_personalDetails_initials |
string(6) |
☐ |
The initials of the employee. |
employeeData_personalDetails_lastName |
string(25) |
☐ |
De achternaam van de werknemer. |
employeeData_personalDetails_lastNamePartner |
string(25) |
☐ |
The last name of the employee`s partner. |
employeeData_personalDetails_nationality_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employeeData_personalDetails_nationality_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
employeeData_personalDetails_placeOfBirth |
string(24) |
☐ |
Place of birth of the employee |
employeeData_personalDetails_prefix |
string(10) |
☐ |
The prefix to the last name of the employee. |
employeeData_personalDetails_prefixPartner |
string(10) |
☐ |
The prefix to the last name of the employee"s partner. |
employeeData_personalDetails_title_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employeeData_personalDetails_title_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
employmentData_calculateWorkingHours |
boolean |
☐ |
Automatically calculate working hours for the employment if the option automatically calculate hours is selected for a given period. |
employmentData_cancellationNoticeDate |
datetime |
☐ |
The date on which the notice was given by either the employee or the employer. |
employmentData_cancellationPeriodEmployee |
int32 |
☐ |
The notice period an employee is required to give the employer when resigning. The unit of time that applies to this field is described in the noticePeriodTimeUnit property. |
employmentData_cancellationPeriodEmployer |
int32 |
☐ |
The notice period an employer is required to give the employee when terminating the contract. The unit of time that applies to this field is described in the noticePeriodTimeUnit property. |
employmentData_cancellationPeriodTimeUnit_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_cancellationPeriodTimeUnit_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_commissionUntilDate |
datetime |
☐ |
The date on which the employment will end. |
employmentData_deviatingCLATaxReturn |
int32 |
☐ |
CLA (CAO) code in case of a deviating CLA for tax returns . |
employmentData_emailLeaveRequest |
string(255) |
☐ |
Recipient e-mail adress for notification in case of leave requests. |
employmentData_employeeProfileId_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_employeeProfileId_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_employmentContractType_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_employmentContractType_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_employmentDurationType_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_employmentDurationType_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_essMutationSet_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_essMutationSet_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_exemptionInsuranceObligation_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_exemptionInsuranceObligation_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_firstDayNotification |
boolean |
Eerste Dag Melding |
☐ |
Indicates whether first-day notification (EersteDagsMelding) is applicable for the employment |
employmentData_hasOnCallAppearanceObligation |
boolean |
☐ |
In the case of an on-call employment this field indicates whether the employment has an appearance obligation. This field can be `null` in cases where it is unknown whether the employment has an appearance obligation. |
employmentData_historicalStartDate |
datetime |
Dienstverbandgegevens Historische Startdatum |
☐ |
The historical date on which the employee was first employed. This field is used when an employee has multiple employments in time. In most cases this field should be used as the date on which the employee started working for the company. |
employmentData_incomeRelationshipNumber |
int32 |
☐ |
The income relationship number that is required in the tax return. Together with the citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, BSN) and wage tax number, the income relationship number uniquely identifies an employment. |
employmentData_isAnonymousEmployee |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether employee is anonymous |
employmentData_isDirectorAndMajorShareholder |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the employment can be classiefied as a director and major shareholder (Dutch --> directeur-grootaandeelhouder or DGA). This field can be `null` in cases where it is unknown whether the employment can be classified as a director and major shareholder. |
employmentData_isFamilyOfOwner |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the employment can be classified as a previous owner. This field can be `null` in cases where it is unknown whether the employment can be classified as a director and major shareholder. |
employmentData_isGemoedsbezwaardEmployeeInsurance |
boolean |
☐ |
Gemoedsbezwaard Werknemerverzekering |
employmentData_isGemoedsbezwaardNationalInsurance |
boolean |
☐ |
Gemoedsbezwaard Volksverzekering |
employmentData_isOnCallEmployment |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the employment is an on-call employment. |
employmentData_isPreviousOwner |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the employment can be classified as a previous owner. This field can be `null` in cases where it is unknown whether the employment can be classified as a director and major shareholder. |
employmentData_namePayslip |
string(34) |
☐ |
Name that is visible on payslips for the employment |
employmentData_nonPayrollAdministration_description |
string(50) |
☐ |
Description of the administration |
employmentData_nonPayrollAdministration_id |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
employmentData_nonPayrollAdministration_name |
string(70) |
☐ |
Name of the administration |
employmentData_participation55plusRegulationUWV |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the 55 plus regulation (55 plus regeling) is applicable for the employment |
employmentData_payrollAdministration_clientNumber |
int32 |
☐ |
The client number is a unique number for administrations that are used for payrolling. This field has no value if the administration is not used for payrolling. |
employmentData_payrollAdministration_description |
string(50) |
☐ |
Description of the administration |
employmentData_payrollAdministration_id |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
employmentData_payrollAdministration_name |
string(70) |
☐ |
Name of the administration |
employmentData_periodPayGradeAdjustment |
int32 |
☐ |
The values is used for two processes. First off, a message can be configured to notify the user(s) of a upcoming wage raise/negotiation based on the value of this field. Second, the value, in combination with `signalSalaryScaleAdjustment`, is used to signal a wage raises based on the `payScale` and ‘payGrade’. |
employmentData_professionCode |
int32 |
☐ |
A code field for a profession. |
employmentData_sendMdvNotification |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicate if a Mdv (melding dienstverband) should be send. |
employmentData_signalPayGradeAdjustment |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether signaling regarding salary scale adjustments are enabled for the employment |
employmentData_specialIncomeRatio_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_specialIncomeRatio_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_startCancellationNoticePeriod |
datetime |
☐ |
The date on which the term of notice period starts. If the agrement states that a notice periode always starts on the first day of the month and the notice was given on the 15th the start notice periode will be the first day of the next month. |
employmentData_startDate |
datetime |
☐ |
The date on which this employment starts. |
employmentData_startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration |
datetime |
☐ |
When did the value of `employmentDurationType` change for definite to indefinite. This value should be te samen as the `startDate` if the contract was indefinite from the start. |
employmentData_typeOfEmployee_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_typeOfEmployee_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_typeOfParticipation_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_typeOfParticipation_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_vacationCoupons_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_vacationCoupons_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_valueOfParticipation_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentData_valueOfParticipation_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentData_writtenEmploymentContract |
boolean |
☐ |
Dit the employment and employer make a written contract? |
fiscalData_annualSalary |
double |
Fiscale Gegevens Jaarloon |
☐ |
The fiscal annual salary |
fiscalData_applyDayTables |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the value of the day table is used for the calculation of payroll tax |
fiscalData_applyDeviatingPayrollTaxPercentageOn_key |
int32 |
☐ |
fiscalData_applyDeviatingPayrollTaxPercentageOn_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
fiscalData_applyPayrollTaxDeduction |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether payroll tax deduction is appliclable (loonheffingskorting) |
fiscalData_applyStudentDeduction |
boolean |
☐ |
Apply the "Scholierenregeling" |
fiscalData_deviatingCalculationRulePayrollTax_key |
int32 |
☐ |
fiscalData_deviatingCalculationRulePayrollTax_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
fiscalData_deviatingPayrollTaxPercentage |
double |
☐ |
Indicates a deviating payroll tax percentage is to be applied |
fiscalData_deviatingPayrollTaxTableColour_key |
int32 |
☐ |
fiscalData_deviatingPayrollTaxTableColour_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
fiscalData_residentOf_key |
int32 |
Fiscale Gegevens Ingezetene van Sleutel |
☐ |
fiscalData_residentOf_value |
string(80) |
Fiscale Gegevens Ingezetene van Waarde |
☐ |
Description of the type of document |
id |
guid |
ID |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
organizationalEntityData_department_code |
int32 |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_department_description |
string |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_department_key |
guid |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_deviatingFunctionDescription |
string |
☐ |
The deviating function description of the employment. This description deviates from the value of the `function` field. |
organizationalEntityData_deviatingFunctionGroup |
string |
☐ |
The deviating functiongroup description of the employment. |
organizationalEntityData_distributionUnit_code |
int32 |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_distributionUnit_description |
string |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_distributionUnit_key |
guid |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_function_description |
string |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_function_group |
string |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_function_key |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
organizationalEntityData_internalTelephoneExtensionNumber |
string |
☐ |
The phone extention number for the employment. |
organizationalEntityData_placeOfEmployment |
string |
☐ |
The place of employment (standplaats) for the employment. |
organizationalEntityData_standardFunction_category |
int32 |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_standardFunction_code |
string(6) |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_standardFunction_key |
int32 |
☐ |
organizationalEntityData_standardFunction_value |
string |
☐ |
otherPayrollVariablesData_deviatingPremiumGroup_key |
int32 |
☐ |
otherPayrollVariablesData_deviatingPremiumGroup_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
selfService_status |
string(50) |
☐ |
Description of the status |
socialSecurityData_healthCareInsuranceActType_key |
int32 |
☐ |
socialSecurityData_healthCareInsuranceActType_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
socialSecurityData_isInsuredForOccupationalDisabilityInsuranceAct |
boolean |
☐ |
Will contributions for the Occupational Disability Insurance Act (WAO) be payed for this employment |
socialSecurityData_isInsuredForSicknessBenefitsAct |
boolean |
☐ |
Will contributions for the Sickness Benefits Act (ZW) be payed for this employment |
socialSecurityData_isInsuredForUnemploymentInsuranceAct |
boolean |
☐ |
Will contributions for the Unemployment Insurance Act (WW) be payed for this employment |
uniqueName |
string(255) |
Unieke Naam |
☐ |
The unique name for this concept employment. It is commonly used as a displayname in the user interface to select this entry in a dropdown box. |
wageData_applyPayGrade |
boolean |
☐ |
Apply pay grade indicates that after submitting the record the server will replace the value of `grossWage` with the value represented by the selected `payGrade`. A pay grade contains time based values, the value that is active on the `start date` of the record will be selected. |
wageData_grossWage |
double |
☐ |
The gross wage for the employee |
wageData_grossWageType_key |
int32 |
☐ |
wageData_grossWageType_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
wageData_netWage |
double |
☐ |
Net wage for the employment |
wageData_netWageType_key |
int32 |
☐ |
wageData_netWageType_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
wageData_payGrade_key |
int32 |
☐ |
wageData_payGrade_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
wageData_payScale_key |
int32 |
☐ |
wageData_payScale_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
workingHoursData_averageParttimeFactor |
double |
☐ |
This field is used to register the deviating value of the parttimefactor. The parttimefactor is normally calculated by workinghours dividing by shifthours multplied by 100 |
workingHoursData_calculateUsingWorkPattern_daysDailyRate |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the number of days of dailyrate should be calculated based on the workpattern. The number of days are normally calculated by the working hours. |
workingHoursData_calculateUsingWorkPattern_deviatingDaysAndHours |
boolean |
☐ |
Indication whether the deviating hours per week and deviating SV-days per period are to be automatically calculated based on the workpattern. Please note (!) that any values in the deviatingHoursPerWeek and deviatingSvDaysPerPeriod fields (of this workingHours record) will be overwritten based on this calculation if true (and endDate=NULL)! |
workingHoursData_calculateUsingWorkPattern_hoursBrokenPeriod |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the hours for the payrolling should be calculated based on the workpattern in broken periods. These are periods of in or out of service. |
workingHoursData_calculateUsingWorkPattern_hoursPeriod |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the hours for the payrolling should be calculated based on the workpattern for regular periods. |
workingHoursData_calculateUsingWorkPattern_leaveHours |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether then leave balances (verlof) are to be calculated based on the workpattern. |
workingHoursData_contractCode_code |
int32 |
☐ |
workingHoursData_contractCode_description |
string |
☐ |
workingHoursData_contractCode_key |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
workingHoursData_deviatingHoursPerWeek |
double |
☐ |
Fulltime hours are normally based as defined by the shift, this optional field is used to register a deviating value. The value can be less or more then the fulltime hours a week. |
workingHoursData_deviatingSvDaysPerPeriod |
decimal |
☐ |
Sv (social insurance) days are normally calculated by hours per shift, this optional field is used to register a deviating value. |
workingHoursData_flexibleHoursContract_key |
int32 |
☐ |
workingHoursData_flexibleHoursContract_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
workingHoursData_regularWorkPattern |
boolean |
☐ |
When the employee works the same amount of hours per day every week, then the workpattern is regular. |
workingHoursData_shift_bonusPercentage |
decimal |
☐ |
The bonus percentage used in wage calculations for the hours made in this shift. |
workingHoursData_shift_fullTimeHoursPerWeek |
decimal |
☐ |
The full time hours for an employment that is linked to this shift. |
workingHoursData_shift_shiftNumber |
int32 |
☐ |
The number for the shift. |
workingHoursData_workPattern_evenWeeks_friday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_evenWeeks_monday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_evenWeeks_saturday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_evenWeeks_sunday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_evenWeeks_thursday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_evenWeeks_tuesday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_evenWeeks_wednesday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_oddWeeks_friday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_oddWeeks_monday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_oddWeeks_saturday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_oddWeeks_sunday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_oddWeeks_thursday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_oddWeeks_tuesday |
double |
☐ |
workingHoursData_workPattern_oddWeeks_wednesday |
double |
☐ |
10-06-2024 18:51 Versie 24.1.3-BETA+4689