CalendarAvailableHoursByEmployerId |
List available hours per employment (for calendar)__Activity name :__ GetCalendarAvailableHoursByEmployerIdFor a calendar, this endpoint returns the availability of an employment expressed as a pattern for both odd and even weeks. Note that multiple patterns can be active in the time period that is requested using the query parameter `startDate` and `endDate`. While multiple patterns can be returned, on any date only one pattern is active. The patterns do not overlap.The available hours for a day are determined by the bi-weekly work pattern (as defined in the Working Hours resource) if such a work pattern is present for the employment. If no bi-weekly work pattern is present and the employment is NOT an on-call employment than the number of standard hours (either shiftHours or deviatingHoursPerWeek) is equally divided over the working days within each week (Monday through Friday).This endpoint only returns objects for which the employment meets the filter settings set at the user level. Note that filter settings are set for a user <-> employer <-> client combination.
Catalog: LoketNlRest
Schema: Calendar
This is a read-only table function. The (REST) API may not support changing the data or the Invantive SQL driver for (REST) does not cover it. In the latter case, please use the table NativePlatformScalarRequests to upload data to the (REST) API.
Select (REST) API URL: /providers/employers/{employerId}/employees/employments/calendar/availablehours
Insert (REST) API URL: /providers/employers/{employerId}/employees/employments/calendar/availablehours
Update (REST) API URL: /providers/employers/{employerId}/employees/employments/calendar/availablehours
Delete (REST) API URL: /providers/employers/{employerId}/employees/employments/calendar/availablehours
Field Selection Method: NotRequired
Base Path: _embedded[*]
Select (REST) API Operation: get /providers/employers/{employerId}/employees/employments/calendar/availablehours
Table Function Parameters
The following parameters can be used to control the behaviour of the table function CalendarAvailableHoursByEmployerId. A value must be provided at all times for required parameters, but optional parameters in general do not need to have a value and the execution will default to a pre-defined behaviour. Values can be specified by position and by name. In both cases, all parameters not specified will be treated using their default values.
Value specification by position is done by listing all values from the first to the last needed value. For example with `select * from table(value1, value2, value3)` on a table with four parameters will use the default value for the fourth parameter and the specified values for the first three.
Value specification by name is done by listing all values that require a value. For example with `select * from table(name1 => value1, name3 => value3)` on the same table will use the default values for the second and fourth parameters and the specified values for the first and third.
Name |
Data Type |
Required |
Default Value |
Documentation |
employerId |
guid |
☑ |
The unique identifier of the employer |
endDate |
datetime |
☑ |
A valid date (yyyy-MM-dd). Last day of the timebox for which calendar data will be collected. |
startDate |
datetime |
☑ |
A valid date (yyyy-MM-dd). First day of the timebox for which calendar data will be collected. |
Table Function Columns
The columns of the table function CalendarAvailableHoursByEmployerId are shown below. Each column has an SQL data type.
Name |
Data Type |
Label |
Required |
Documentation |
department_code |
int32 |
☐ |
department_description |
string |
☐ |
department_key |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
employee_formattedName |
string(82) |
☐ |
Formatted name of the employee based on the value of `howToFormatLastName` |
employee_id |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
employment_id |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
13-05-2022 15:37 Version 22.1.40-BETA+3374