EmploymentsByEmployerId |
List of employments for an employer__Activity name :__ GetEmploymentsByEmployerIdGet a list of employments for an employerThis endpoint only returns the employments that meet the filter settings set at the user level. Note that filter settings are set for a user <-> employer <-> client combination.
Catalog: LoketNlRest
Schema: Employment
This is a read-only table function. The loket.nl (REST) API may not support changing the data or the Invantive SQL driver for loket.nl (REST) does not cover it. In the latter case, please use the table NativePlatformScalarRequests to upload data to the loket.nl (REST) API.
Select loket.nl (REST) API URL: /providers/employers/{employerId}/employees/employments
Insert loket.nl (REST) API URL: /providers/employers/{employerId}/employees/employments
Update loket.nl (REST) API URL: /providers/employers/{employerId}/employees/employments
Delete loket.nl (REST) API URL: /providers/employers/{employerId}/employees/employments
Field Selection Method: NotRequired
Base Path: _embedded[*]
Select loket.nl (REST) API Operation: get /providers/employers/{employerId}/employees/employments
Table Function Parameters
The following parameters can be used to control the behaviour of the table function EmploymentsByEmployerId. A value must be provided at all times for required parameters, but optional parameters in general do not need to have a value and the execution will default to a pre-defined behaviour. Values can be specified by position and by name. In both cases, all parameters not specified will be treated using their default values.
Value specification by position is done by listing all values from the first to the last needed value. For example with `select * from table(value1, value2, value3)` on a table with four parameters will use the default value for the fourth parameter and the specified values for the first three.
Value specification by name is done by listing all values that require a value. For example with `select * from table(name1 => value1, name3 => value3)` on the same table will use the default values for the second and fourth parameters and the specified values for the first and third.
Name |
Data Type |
Required |
Default Value |
Documentation |
employerId |
guid |
☑ |
The unique identifier of the employer |
Table Function Columns
The columns of the table function EmploymentsByEmployerId are shown below. Each column has an SQL data type.
Name |
Data Type |
Label |
Required |
Documentation |
calculateWorkingHours |
boolean |
☐ |
Automatically calculate working hours for the employment if the option automatically calculate hours is selected for a given period. NL: Completeren/Berekenen uren |
cancellationNoticeDate |
datetime |
☐ |
The date on which the notice was given by either the employee or the employer. NL: DatumOpzegging |
cancellationPeriodEmployee |
int32 |
☐ |
The notice period an employee is required to give the employer when resigning. The unit of time that applies to this field is described in the noticePeriodTimeUnit property. NL: OpzegtermijnWerknemer |
cancellationPeriodEmployer |
int32 |
☐ |
The notice period an employer is required to give the employee when terminating the contract. The unit of time that applies to this field is described in the noticePeriodTimeUnit property. NL: OpzegtermijnWerkgever |
cancellationPeriodTimeUnit_key |
int32 |
☐ |
cancellationPeriodTimeUnit_value |
string |
☐ |
commissionUntilDate |
datetime |
☐ |
The date on which the employment will end. NL: AanstellingTot |
commissionUntilDate1 |
datetime |
☐ |
Until date for commision #1. NL: AanstellingTot1 |
commissionUntilDate2 |
datetime |
☐ |
Until date for commision #2. NL: AanstellingTot2 |
commissionUntilDate3 |
datetime |
☐ |
Until date for commision #3. NL: AanstellingTot3 |
commissionUntilDate4 |
datetime |
☐ |
Until date for commision #4. NL: AanstellingTot4 |
commissionUntilDate5 |
datetime |
☐ |
Until date for commision #5. NL: AanstellingTot5 |
commissionUntilDate6 |
datetime |
☐ |
Until date for commision #6. NL: AanstellingTot6 |
deviatingCLAExternalParty |
int32 |
☐ |
CLA (CAO) code in case of a deviating CLA for external parties . NL: CaoKlantgroepAfwijkend |
deviatingCLATaxReturn |
int32 |
☐ |
CLA (CAO) code in case of a deviating CLA for tax returns. NL: CAOUWV |
emailLeaveRequest |
string(255) |
☐ |
Recipient e-mail adress for notification in case of leave requests. NL: EmailVerlofaanvraag |
employee_dateOfBirth |
datetime |
☐ |
The date of birth |
employee_employeeNumber |
int32 |
☐ |
The employee number to uniquely identify a employee within a employer. |
employee_firstName |
string(28) |
☐ |
The first name of the employee |
employee_formattedName |
string(82) |
☐ |
Formatted name of the employee based on the value of `howToFormatLastName` |
employee_id |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
employee_initials |
string(6) |
☐ |
The initials of the employee |
employee_lastName |
string(25) |
☐ |
The last name of the employee |
employee_lastNamePartner |
string(25) |
☐ |
The last name of the partner of the employee |
employee_photo |
string |
☐ |
A photo of the employee to use as a avatar/profile picture. The last part of the returned endpoint is the version of the logo this allows users to cache the image. Changing the value of the version will not influence the output. |
employee_prefix |
string(10) |
☐ |
The prefix of the employee |
employee_prefixPartner |
string(10) |
☐ |
The prefix of the partner of the employee |
employeeProfileId_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employeeProfileId_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentContractType_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentContractType_value |
string |
☐ |
employmentDurationType_key |
int32 |
☐ |
employmentDurationType_value |
string |
☐ |
endDate |
datetime |
☐ |
The date on which the employment ends. NL: DatumUitDienst |
endOfEmploymentDueToIllness |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the reason for the termination of an employment is due to long-term illness. NL: ZiekUitDienst |
endOfEmploymentReason_key |
int32 |
☐ |
The key for the reason for the end of the employment. |
endOfEmploymentReason_value |
string |
☐ |
The description of the reason for the end of the employment. |
endOfEmploymentReasonTaxAuthorities_key |
int32 |
☐ |
The key for the reason for the end of the employment. |
endOfEmploymentReasonTaxAuthorities_value |
string |
☐ |
The description of the reason for the end of the employment. |
essMutationSet_key |
int32 |
☐ |
essMutationSet_value |
string |
☐ |
exemptionInsuranceObligation_key |
int32 |
☐ |
exemptionInsuranceObligation_value |
string |
☐ |
exemptionPremiumWaiverMarginalLabour |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether an exemption (i.e. waiver) on the premium marginal labour (vrijstelling marginale arbeid) applies for this employment. NL: PremieVrijstellingMarginaleArbeid |
exemptionWorkRelatedExpenseScheme |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether an exemption (i.e. non-participation) on the work-related expense scheme (werkkostenregeling) applies for this employment. NL: WerkkostenRegelingUitsluiting |
firstDayNotification |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether a first-day notification (EersteDagsMelding) was created for the employment. Attention: this indication cannot be altered after an employment has been created. NL: EersteDagsMelding |
hasOnCallAppearanceObligation |
boolean |
☐ |
In the case of an on-call employment this field indicates whether the employment has an appearance obligation. This field can be `null` in cases where it is unknown whether the employment has an appearance obligation. NL: SoortOproepkrachtOfInvalkracht |
historicalStartDate |
datetime |
☐ |
The historical date on which the employee was first employed. This field is used when an employee has multiple employments in time. In most cases this field should be used as the date on which the employee started working for the company. NL: HistorischeDatumInDienst |
id |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
incomeRelationshipNumber |
int32 |
☐ |
The income relationship number that is required in the tax return. Together with the citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, BSN) and wage tax number, the income relationship number uniquely identifies an employment. NL: NummerInkomstenVerhouding |
isAnonymousEmployee |
boolean |
☐ |
An employee that wants to remain anonymous related to social security instances. NL: IsAnoniemeWerknemer |
isDirectorAndMajorShareholder |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the employment can be classified as a director and major shareholder (Dutch: directeur-grootaandeelhouder or DGA). This field can be `null` in cases where it is unknown whether the employment can be classified as a director and major shareholder. NL: IsDirecteurGrootAandeelhouder |
isFamilyOfOwner |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the employment can be classified as a previous owner. This field can be `null` in cases where it is unknown whether the employment can be classified as a director and major shareholder. NL: IsFamilieVanEigenaar |
isGemoedsbezwaardEmployeeInsurance |
boolean |
☐ |
Gemoedsbezwaard Werknemerverzekering. NL: IsGemoedsbezwaardWerknemerverzekering |
isGemoedsbezwaardNationalInsurance |
boolean |
☐ |
Gemoedsbezwaard Volksverzekering. NL: IsGemoedsbezwaardVolksverzekering |
isOnCallEmployment |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the employment is an on-call employment. This field can be `null` in cases where it is unknown whether the employment is an on-call employment. NL: IsOproepkrachtOfInvalkracht |
isPreviousOwner |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the employment can be classified as a previous owner. This field can be `null` in cases where it is unknown whether the employment can be classified as a director and major shareholder. NL: IsVorigeEigenaar |
namePayslip |
string(34) |
☐ |
Name that is visible on payslips for the employment. NL: NaamLoonstrook |
nonPayrollAdministration_description |
string(50) |
☐ |
Description of the administration |
nonPayrollAdministration_id |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
nonPayrollAdministration_name |
string(70) |
☐ |
Name of the non payroll administration |
participation55plusRegulationUWV |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the 55 plus regulation (55 plus regeling) is applicable for the employment. NL: Deelname55Plus |
payrollAdministration_clientNumber |
int32 |
☐ |
The client number is a unique number for administrations that are used for payrolling. This field has no value if the administration is not used for payrolling. |
payrollAdministration_description |
string(50) |
☐ |
Description of the administration |
payrollAdministration_id |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
payrollAdministration_name |
string(70) |
☐ |
Name of the payroll administration |
payrollId |
int32 |
☐ |
The payrolling number for this employment of the employee. Used by the payroll engine. This number is automatically generated and cannot be changed by the user. NL: PersoneelsnummerVerloning |
periodPayGradeAdjustment |
int32 |
☐ |
The values is used for two processes. First off, a message can be configured to notify the user(s) of a upcoming wage raise/negotiation based on the value of this field. Second, the value, in combination with `signalSalaryScaleAdjustment`, is used to signal a wage raises based on the `payScale` and ‘payGrade’. NL: PeriodeSalarisPeriodiek |
professionCode |
int32 |
☐ |
A code field for a profession. This field only applies in case of a specific CLA (Bouw / Infra). Please leave empty if not applicable. NL: BeroepUWV |
sendToExternalParty_key |
int32 |
☐ |
sendToExternalParty_value |
string |
☐ |
signalPayGradeAdjustment |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether signaling regarding salary scale adjustments are enabled for the employment. NL: SalarisschaalSignaleren |
specialIncomeRatio_key |
int32 |
☐ |
specialIncomeRatio_value |
string |
☐ |
startCancellationNoticePeriod |
datetime |
☐ |
The date on which the term of notice period starts. If the agrement states that a notice periode always starts on the first day of the month and the notice was given on the 15th the start notice periode will be the first day of the next month. NL: AanvangOpzegtermijn |
startDate |
datetime |
☐ |
The date on which this employment starts. NL: DatumInDienst |
startDateContractOfIndefiniteDuration |
datetime |
☐ |
When did the value of `employmentDurationType` change for definite to indefinite. NL: Startdatum onbepaalde tijd This value should be te samen as the `startDate` if the contract was indefinite from the start. |
temporaryTaxExemption_key |
int32 |
☐ |
temporaryTaxExemption_value |
string |
☐ |
typeOfEmployee_key |
int32 |
☐ |
typeOfEmployee_value |
string |
☐ |
typeOfParticipation_key |
int32 |
☐ |
typeOfParticipation_value |
string |
☐ |
vacationCoupons_key |
int32 |
☐ |
vacationCoupons_value |
string |
☐ |
valueOfParticipation_key |
int32 |
☐ |
valueOfParticipation_value |
string |
☐ |
wachtgeldOldRegulation |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the (old) wachtgeld regulation is applicable for the employment. NL: WachtgeldOudeRegeling |
writtenEmploymentContract |
boolean |
☐ |
Did the employment and employer make a written contract? NL: Schriftelijke overeenkomst |
13-05-2022 15:37 Version 22.1.40-BETA+3374