PayrollAdministrationJournalRuns |
Catalogus: LoketNlRest
Schema: Views
Dit is een alleen-lezen view. De REST API biedt mogelijk geen ondersteuning voor het wijzigen van de data of het Invantive UniversalSQL-stuurprogramma voor REST ondersteunt dit niet. In het laatste geval gebruikt u de tabel NativePlatformScalarRequests om gegevens te uploaden naar de REST-API.
View Kolommen
De kolommen van de view PayrollAdministrationJournalRuns worden hieronder weergegeven. Elke kolom heeft een SQL-gegevenstype.
Naam |
Datatype |
Label |
Verplicht |
Documentatie |
epr_address_city |
string(24) |
Plaats |
☐ |
City of the address |
epr_address_country_isoCode |
string(2) |
Land ISO-code |
☐ |
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 value for the country |
epr_address_country_key |
int32 |
Landsleutel |
☐ |
The key for the country. Possible values can be aquired via the metadata endpoint |
epr_address_country_value |
string(50) |
Landwaarde |
☐ |
The name of the country |
epr_address_furtherIndication_key |
int32 |
Adres Verdere Indicatiesleutel |
☐ |
The key of the further indication. Possible values can be aquired via the metadata endpoint |
epr_address_furtherIndication_value |
string |
Adres Verdere Indicatiewaarde |
☐ |
The description of the further indication, the possible values are "WW" and "AB" |
epr_address_houseNumber |
int32 |
Huisnummer |
☐ |
House number of the address |
epr_address_houseNumberAddition |
string(4) |
Huisnummertoevoeging |
☐ |
An addition to further specify the house/door/postbox. For example used to specifty a room of floor number in addition to the house number. |
epr_address_location |
string(35) |
Locatie |
☐ |
The location like to further specify the address |
epr_address_postalCode |
string(9) |
Postcode |
☐ |
The postal code of the address |
epr_address_province_key |
int32 |
Adres Provinciesleutel |
☐ |
The key for the province. Possible values can be aquired via the metadata endpoint |
epr_address_province_value |
string(50) |
Adres Provinciewaarde |
☐ |
The name of the province. Only the Dutch provices are supported and not translated |
epr_address_street |
string(24) |
Straat |
☐ |
Streetname of the address |
epr_branch_key |
int32 |
Filiaal Sleutel |
☐ |
The key of the branch. Possible values can be aquired via the metadata endpoint |
epr_branch_value |
string(50) |
Filiaalwaarde |
☐ |
Description of the branch. Branch is only available in Dutch |
epr_chamberOfCommerceNumber |
string(35) |
KvK-nummer |
☐ |
Chamber of commerce number. In Dutch "Kamer van koophandel" number |
epr_companyName |
string(70) |
Naam bedrijf |
☐ |
Naam van het bedrijf |
epr_contact_function |
string(50) |
Contactpersoon Functie |
☐ |
The job title/function of the contact of the employer |
epr_contact_name |
string(50) |
Contactpersoon Naam |
☐ |
Name of the contact of the employer |
epr_contact_phoneNumber |
string(15) |
Telefoonnummer |
☐ |
The general phone number of the employer |
epr_contactInformation_emailAddress |
string(255) |
Contactgegevens E-mailadres |
☐ |
The email address of the employer |
epr_contactInformation_faxNumber |
string(15) |
Contactinformatie Faxnummer |
☐ |
The fax number of the employer |
epr_contactInformation_phoneNumber |
string(15) |
Contactgegevens Telefoonnummer |
☐ |
The telephone number of the employer |
epr_contactInformation_website |
string(255) |
Contactinformatie Website |
☐ |
The website of the employer |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_city |
string(24) |
Afwijkend Postadres Stad |
☐ |
City of the address |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_country_isoCode |
string(2) |
Afwijkend Postadres Land ISO-code |
☐ |
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 value for the country |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_country_key |
int32 |
Afwijkend Postadreslandsleutel |
☐ |
The key for the country. Possible values can be aquired by the metadata endpoint |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_country_value |
string(50) |
Afwijkende Postadres Landwaarde |
☐ |
The name of the country |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_furtherIndication_key |
int32 |
Afwijkend Postadres Verdere Indicatiesleutel |
☐ |
The key of the further indication. Possible values can be aquired by the metadata endpoint |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_furtherIndication_value |
string |
Afwijkende Postadres Verdere Indicatiewaarde |
☐ |
The description of the further indication, the possible values are "WW" and "AB" |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_houseNumber |
int32 |
Afwijkend Postadres Huisnummer |
☐ |
House number of the address |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_houseNumberAddition |
string(4) |
Afwijkend Postadres Huisnummertoevoeging |
☐ |
An addition to further specify the house/door/postbox. For example used to specifty a room of floor number in addition to the house number. |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_location |
string(35) |
Afwijkend Postadres Locatie |
☐ |
The location like to further specify the address |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_poBox |
int32 |
Afwijkend Postadres Postbus |
☐ |
Post office box |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_postalCode |
string(9) |
Afwijkend Postadres Postcode |
☐ |
The postal code of the address, only nullable if country is not The Netherlands (NL). |
epr_deviatingPostalAddress_street |
string(24) |
Afwijkende Postadresstraat |
☐ |
Streetname of the address |
epr_employerLogo |
string |
Logo Werkgever |
☐ |
The location of the logo of the employer. The last part of the returned endpoint is the version of the logo this allows users to cache the image. Changing the value of the version will not influence the output. |
epr_employerNumber |
int32 |
Werkgevernummer |
☐ |
The employer number is used in various overviews and exports to identify a specific employer in Loket (please note: this is not the identifier used in the REST API). |
epr_id |
guid |
ID |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
epr_legalForm_key |
int32 |
Rechtsvorm Sleutel |
☐ |
The key of the legal form. Possible values can be aquired via the metadata endpoint |
epr_legalForm_value |
string(50) |
Rechtsvormwaarde |
☐ |
Description of the legal form. Possible values are the legel forms supported by Dutch law |
epr_providerLogo |
string |
Providerlogo |
☐ |
This logo is displayed in the interface of if null no deviating logo is present and the normal provider logo should be used (aquire the URL to the logo via ../v2/providers) |
epr_providerSettings_administrationNumber |
string(15) |
☐ |
A free field that is most commonly used to store the Debtors Number the provider uses for the employer. This field is used as a key field in some of the existing SOAP webservices. |
epr_providerSettings_groupCode |
int32 |
☐ |
The groupcode is used for grouping employers. It is used for filtering output and processes (only include employers in group 40 in this report). |
epr_providerSettings_parentEmployerForConsolidatedOverviews |
int32 |
☐ |
This field is used to link employers in order to generate reports containing the information of all the linked employers. By applying this method, infinite amount of employers can be linked. |
epr_providerSettings_sendEmailWhenSalarySlipIsAvailable |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether an e-mail should be sent to an employee if a salary slip becomes available in the employee portal ('s "werknemer.loket") |
epr_sbi_key |
int32 |
SBI-sleutel |
☐ |
The key of the SBI code. Possible values can be aquired via the metadata endpoint |
epr_sbi_sbiCode |
string(32) |
SBI Code |
☐ |
Possible values are the values from the Dutch SBI 2008 |
epr_sbi_value |
string(255) |
SBI-waarde |
☐ |
Description of the SBI code |
jrn_id |
guid |
ID |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
jrn_journalRunStatus_key |
int32 |
☐ |
Possible values for the payroll run status are;* 0Staat klaar voor journaliseren* 1Geen journaal resultaten* 2Fout bij aanmaken* 3Verwijderd door gebruiker* 4Journaal gereed* 5Wordt geëxporteerd* 6Exporteren mislukt* 7Journaal geëxporteerd |
jrn_journalRunStatus_value |
string |
☐ |
The value describing the current status of the payroll run. |
jrn_methodOfCreation_key |
int32 |
Methode van Aanmaaksleutel |
☐ |
jrn_methodOfCreation_value |
string |
Waardecreatiemethodewaarde |
☐ |
jrn_payrollRun_payrollPeriod_periodEndDate |
datetime |
☐ |
The last day of the period for which the tax return message was created |
jrn_payrollRun_payrollPeriod_periodNumber |
int32 |
☐ |
The period number of the payroll period the record relates to |
jrn_payrollRun_payrollPeriod_periodStartDate |
datetime |
☐ |
The first day of the period for which the tax return message was created |
jrn_payrollRun_payrollPeriod_testYear |
boolean |
☐ |
Indicates whether the payroll periode is part of a test year.In Loket it is possible to run a year of a payrolladministration as a so-called test year. This is typically done to test the configuration of a new payroll administration, by running payrollruns within the context of a test year. Please note: if the payroll run belongs to a test year the results of the run should not be regarded as actual data but as test data. |
jrn_payrollRun_payrollPeriod_year |
int32 |
☐ |
The year of the payroll period the record relates to |
jrn_payrollRun_payrollRunId |
guid |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
jrn_payrollRun_sequenceNumberApproved |
int32 |
☐ |
Ascending sequence number related to an approved payrol run. A payroll run may have more than one journal run. With this number the journal run may be linked to the specific payroll run. |
jrn_processingFinishedTime |
datetime |
Verwerkingstijd |
☐ |
The time at which at which the journal run was finished processing |
jrn_removedBy_formattedName |
string |
Verwijderd door Naam |
☐ |
preformatted user name for displaying. \<lastname\>\", \"\<initials\>\" \"\<prefix\> |
jrn_removedBy_id |
guid |
Verwijderd door ID |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
jrn_removedBy_initials |
string(6) |
Verwijderd door Initialen |
☐ |
The initials of the user |
jrn_removedBy_lastName |
string(25) |
Verwijderd door Achternaam |
☐ |
The last name of the user |
jrn_removedBy_prefix |
string(10) |
Verwijderd door Voorvoegsel |
☐ |
The prefix of the user |
jrn_removeTime |
datetime |
Verwijder Tijd |
☐ |
The time at which the journal run was removed. |
jrn_requestedBy_formattedName |
string |
Aangevraagd door Opgemaakte Naam |
☐ |
preformated user name for displaying. \<lastname\>\", \"\<initials\>\" \"\<prefix\> |
jrn_requestedBy_id |
guid |
Aangevraagd door ID |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
jrn_requestedBy_initials |
string(6) |
Aangevraagd door Initialen |
☐ |
The initials of the user |
jrn_requestedBy_lastName |
string(25) |
Aangevraagd door Achternaam |
☐ |
The last name of the user |
jrn_requestedBy_prefix |
string(10) |
Aangevraagd door Voorvoegsel |
☐ |
The prefix of the user |
jrn_requestTime |
datetime |
Aanvraagtijd |
☐ |
The time at which the payroll run was requested by the user |
jrn_sequenceNumber |
int32 |
Volgnummer |
☐ |
Ascending sequence number over ALL journal runs for the payroll administration. |
pan_address_city |
string(24) |
Plaats |
☐ |
City of the address |
pan_address_country_isoCode |
string(2) |
Land ISO-code |
☐ |
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 value for the country |
pan_address_country_key |
int32 |
Landsleutel |
☐ |
The key for the country. Possible values can be aquired via the metadata endpoint |
pan_address_country_value |
string(50) |
Landwaarde |
☐ |
The name of the country |
pan_address_furtherIndication_key |
int32 |
Adres Verdere Indicatiesleutel |
☐ |
The key of the further indication. Possible values can be aquired via the metadata endpoint |
pan_address_furtherIndication_value |
string |
Adres Verdere Indicatiewaarde |
☐ |
The description of the further indication, the possible values are "WW" and "AB" |
pan_address_houseNumber |
int32 |
Huisnummer |
☐ |
House number of the address |
pan_address_houseNumberAddition |
string(4) |
Huisnummertoevoeging |
☐ |
An addition to further specify the house/door/postbox. For example used to specifty a room of floor number in addition to the house number. |
pan_address_location |
string(35) |
Locatie |
☐ |
The location like to further specify the address |
pan_address_postalCode |
string(9) |
Postcode |
☐ |
The postal code of the address |
pan_address_province_key |
int32 |
Adres Provinciesleutel |
☐ |
The key for the province. Possible values can be aquired via the metadata endpoint |
pan_address_province_value |
string(50) |
Adres Provinciewaarde |
☐ |
The name of the province. Only the Dutch provices are supported and not translated |
pan_address_street |
string(24) |
Straat |
☐ |
Streetname of the address |
pan_administrationNumber |
string(15) |
Administratienummer |
☐ |
The administration number is a free field commonly used to register the debtors number. |
pan_cao_key |
int32 |
CAO-sleutel |
☐ |
pan_cao_value |
string(50) |
CAO-waarde |
☐ |
pan_claTaxReturnCBSCode |
int32 |
☐ |
The CBS code of the CLA (NL: CAO nummer), which is used for payroll tax return purposes. If no CLA is applicable than is field may be filled with value 9999. Please also note that this value might be empty (this is not recommended but it's possible). |
pan_clientNumber |
int32 |
Klantnummer |
☐ |
The client number is a unique number for administrations that are used for payrolling. This field has no value if the administration is not used for payrolling. |
pan_contact_name |
string(50) |
Contactpersoon Naam |
☐ |
Name of the contact of the administration |
pan_contact_phoneNumber |
string(15) |
Telefoonnummer |
☐ |
The general phone number of the administration |
pan_description |
string(50) |
Omschrijving |
☐ |
Description of the administration |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_city |
string(24) |
Afwijkend Postadres Stad |
☐ |
City of the address |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_country_isoCode |
string(2) |
Afwijkend Postadres Land ISO-code |
☐ |
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 value for the country |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_country_key |
int32 |
Afwijkend Postadreslandsleutel |
☐ |
The key for the country. Possible values can be aquired by the metadata endpoint |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_country_value |
string(50) |
Afwijkende Postadres Landwaarde |
☐ |
The name of the country |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_furtherIndication_key |
int32 |
Afwijkend Postadres Verdere Indicatiesleutel |
☐ |
The key of the further indication. Possible values can be aquired by the metadata endpoint |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_furtherIndication_value |
string |
Afwijkende Postadres Verdere Indicatiewaarde |
☐ |
The description of the further indication, the possible values are "WW" and "AB" |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_houseNumber |
int32 |
Afwijkend Postadres Huisnummer |
☐ |
House number of the address |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_houseNumberAddition |
string(4) |
Afwijkend Postadres Huisnummertoevoeging |
☐ |
An addition to further specify the house/door/postbox. For example used to specifty a room of floor number in addition to the house number. |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_location |
string(35) |
Afwijkend Postadres Locatie |
☐ |
The location like to further specify the address |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_poBox |
int32 |
Afwijkend Postadres Postbus |
☐ |
Post office box |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_postalCode |
string(9) |
Afwijkend Postadres Postcode |
☐ |
The postal code of the address, only nullable if country is not The Netherlands (NL). |
pan_deviatingPostalAddress_street |
string(24) |
Afwijkende Postadresstraat |
☐ |
Streetname of the address |
pan_employerId |
guid |
☐ |
The id of the employer to which this payrolladministration belongs. |
pan_endDate |
datetime |
Einddatum |
☐ |
The last day the payroll administration is active. |
pan_groupClassification_key |
int32 |
☐ |
pan_groupClassification_value |
string |
☐ |
pan_groupCode |
int32 |
Groepscode |
☐ |
Number (integer) used for grouping administrations. |
pan_id |
guid |
ID |
☐ |
The unique identifier of an object (GUID/UUID) |
pan_loonmodel_key |
int32 |
☐ |
pan_loonmodel_value |
string(50) |
☐ |
pan_name |
string(70) |
Naam |
☐ |
Name of the administration |
pan_payrollPeriodType_key |
int32 |
Loonverwerking Periodesoortsleutel |
☐ |
pan_payrollPeriodType_value |
string(50) |
Loonverwerking Periodesoortwaarde |
☐ |
pan_payrollTaxesNumber |
string(12) |
☐ |
The payroll tax number, loonheffingennummer, is the number that is used for the Loonaangifte for the Belastingdienst. |
pan_shortName |
string(12) |
Korte Naam |
☐ |
Shortened name of the administration |
pan_startDate |
datetime |
Startdatum |
☐ |
The first day the payroll administration is active. |
10-06-2024 18:51 Versie 24.1.3-BETA+4689