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Catalog: Nmbrs
Schema: Company
Label: Company Cost Units
The data in this table is partitioned per value of the COMPANY_CODE column.
This is a read-only table. The NMBRS API may not support changing the data or the Invantive SQL driver for NMBRS does not cover it. In the latter case, please use the table NativePlatformScalarRequests to upload data to the NMBRS API.
NMBRS API URL: CompanyService.asmx
Topic: CostUnit_GetList
Base XPath: /soap:Envelope/soap:Body/ncs:CostUnit_GetListResponse
XPath: /ncs:CostUnit_GetListResult/ncs:CostUnit
Filters on API Server: CompanyId
Default Namespace Prefix: ncs
The columns of the table CompanyCostUnits are shown below. Each column has an SQL data type.
Name |
Data Type |
Label |
Required |
Documentation |
int32 |
Code |
☐ |
int64 |
Company ID |
☑ |
string |
Description |
☐ |
ID |
int32 |
ID |
☐ |
06-04-2021 14:38 Version 20.1.393-BETA+3152