bank_statement_line |
Bank Statement Line
Catalog: Odoo
Schema: account
Populate factory part for
The data in this table is partitioned per value of the column.
This is a read-only table. The Odoo API may not support changing the data or the Invantive SQL driver for Odoo does not cover it. In the latter case, please use the table NativePlatformScalarRequests to upload data to the Odoo API.
Table Columns
The columns of the table bank_statement_line are shown below. Each column has an SQL data type.
Name |
Data Type |
Label |
Required |
Documentation |
access_token |
string |
Security Token |
☐ |
access_url |
string |
Portal Access URL |
☐ |
Customer Portal URL |
access_warning |
string |
Access warning |
☐ |
account_number |
string |
Bank Account Number |
☐ |
activity_calendar_event_id_label |
string |
☐ |
activity_calendar_event_id |
string |
☐ |
activity_date_deadline |
datetime |
Next Activity Deadline |
☐ |
activity_exception_decoration |
string |
Activity Exception Decoration |
☐ |
Type of the exception activity on record. |
activity_exception_icon |
string |
Icon |
☐ |
Icon to indicate an exception activity. |
activity_ids |
string |
☐ |
activity_state |
string |
Activity State |
☐ |
Status based on activitiesOverdue: Due date is already passedToday: Activity date is todayPlanned: Future activities. |
activity_summary |
string |
Next Activity Summary |
☐ |
activity_type_icon |
string |
Activity Type Icon |
☐ |
Font awesome icon e.g. fa-tasks |
activity_type_id_label |
string |
☐ |
activity_type_id |
string |
☐ |
activity_user_id_label |
string |
☐ |
activity_user_id |
string |
☐ |
always_tax_exigible |
boolean |
Always Tax Exigible |
☐ |
amount_currency |
decimal |
Amount in Currency |
☐ |
The amount expressed in an optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry. |
amount_paid |
decimal |
Amount paid |
☐ |
amount_residual_signed |
decimal |
Amount Due Signed |
☐ |
amount_residual |
decimal |
Residual Amount |
☐ |
amount_tax_signed |
decimal |
Tax Signed |
☐ |
amount_tax |
decimal |
Tax |
☐ |
amount_total_in_currency_signed |
decimal |
Total in Currency Signed |
☐ |
amount_total_signed |
decimal |
Total Signed |
☐ |
amount_total |
decimal |
Total |
☐ |
amount_untaxed_signed |
decimal |
Untaxed Amount Signed |
☐ |
amount_untaxed |
decimal |
Untaxed Amount |
☐ |
amount |
decimal |
Amount |
☐ |
asset_asset_type |
string |
Asset Type |
☐ |
asset_depreciated_value |
decimal |
Cumulative Depreciation |
☐ |
asset_depreciation_beginning_date |
datetime |
Date of the beginning of the depreciation |
☐ |
asset_id_display_name |
string |
Asset Id Display Name |
☐ |
asset_id_label |
string |
☐ |
asset_id |
string |
☐ |
asset_ids |
string |
☐ |
asset_number_days |
int32 |
Number of days |
☐ |
asset_remaining_value |
decimal |
Depreciable Value |
☐ |
asset_value_change |
boolean |
Asset Value Change |
☐ |
attachment_ids |
string |
☐ |
authorized_transaction_ids |
string |
☐ |
auto_post_origin_id_label |
string |
☐ |
auto_post_origin_id |
string |
☐ |
auto_post_until |
datetime |
Auto-post until |
☐ |
This recurring move will be posted up to and including this date. |
auto_post |
string |
Auto-post |
☑ |
Specify whether this entry is posted automatically on its accounting date, and any similar recurring invoices. |
bank_partner_id_label |
string |
☐ |
Technical field to get the domain on the bank |
bank_partner_id |
string |
☐ |
Technical field to get the domain on the bank |
campaign_id_label |
string |
☐ |
This is a name that helps you keep track of your different campaign efforts, e.g. Fall_Drive, Christmas_Special |
campaign_id |
string |
☐ |
This is a name that helps you keep track of your different campaign efforts, e.g. Fall_Drive, Christmas_Special |
commercial_partner_id_label |
string |
☐ |
commercial_partner_id |
string |
☐ |
company_currency_id_label |
string |
☐ |
company_currency_id |
string |
☐ |
company_id_label |
string |
☐ |
company_id |
string |
☐ |
count_asset |
int32 |
Count Asset |
☐ |
count_deferred_expense |
int32 |
Count Deferred Expense |
☐ |
count_deferred_revenue |
int32 |
Count Deferred Revenue |
☐ |
country_code |
string |
Country Code |
☐ |
The ISO country code in two chars. You can use this field for quick search. |
create_date |
datetime |
Created on |
☐ |
create_uid_label |
string |
☐ |
create_uid |
string |
☐ |
cron_last_check |
datetime |
Cron Last Check |
☐ |
currency_id_label |
string |
☐ |
currency_id |
string |
☐ |
date |
datetime |
Date |
☑ |
depreciation_value |
decimal |
Depreciation |
☐ |
direction_sign |
int32 |
Direction Sign |
☐ |
Multiplicator depending on the document type, to convert a price into a balance |
display_inactive_currency_warning |
boolean |
Display Inactive Currency Warning |
☐ |
display_name |
string |
Display Name |
☐ |
display_qr_code |
boolean |
Display QR-code |
☐ |
draft_asset_exists |
boolean |
Draft Asset Exists |
☐ |
draft_deferred_expense_exists |
boolean |
Draft Deferred Expense Exists |
☐ |
draft_deferred_revenue_exists |
boolean |
Draft Deferred Revenue Exists |
☐ |
duplicated_ref_ids |
string |
☐ |
edi_blocking_level |
string |
Edi Blocking Level |
☐ |
edi_document_ids |
string |
☐ |
edi_error_count |
int32 |
Edi Error Count |
☐ |
How many EDIs are in error for this move ? |
edi_error_message |
string |
Edi Error Message |
☐ |
edi_show_abandon_cancel_button |
boolean |
Edi Show Abandon Cancel Button |
☐ |
edi_show_cancel_button |
boolean |
Edi Show Cancel Button |
☐ |
edi_state |
string |
Electronic invoicing |
☐ |
The aggregated state of all the EDIs with web-service of this move |
edi_web_services_to_process |
string |
Edi Web Services To Process |
☐ |
expense_sheet_id |
string |
☐ |
extract_attachment_id_label |
string |
☐ |
extract_attachment_id |
string |
☐ |
extract_can_show_banners |
boolean |
Can show the ocr banners |
☐ |
extract_can_show_send_button |
boolean |
Can show the ocr send button |
☐ |
extract_detected_layout |
int32 |
Extract Detected Layout Id |
☐ |
extract_error_message |
string |
Error message |
☐ |
extract_partner_name |
string |
Extract Detected Partner Name |
☐ |
extract_remote_id |
int32 |
Id of the request to IAP-OCR |
☐ |
extract_state_processed |
boolean |
Extract State Processed |
☐ |
extract_state |
string |
Extract state |
☑ |
extract_status_code |
int32 |
Status code |
☐ |
extract_word_ids |
string |
☐ |
fiscal_position_id_label |
string |
☐ |
Fiscal positions are used to adapt taxes and accounts for particular customers or sales orders/invoices. The default value comes from the customer. |
fiscal_position_id |
string |
☐ |
Fiscal positions are used to adapt taxes and accounts for particular customers or sales orders/invoices. The default value comes from the customer. |
foreign_currency_id_label |
string |
☐ |
The optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry. |
foreign_currency_id |
string |
☐ |
The optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry. |
has_message |
boolean |
Has Message |
☐ |
has_reconciled_entries |
boolean |
Has Reconciled Entries |
☐ |
hide_post_button |
boolean |
Hide Post Button |
☐ |
highest_name |
string |
Highest Name |
☐ |
id |
int32 |
ID |
☐ |
inalterable_hash |
string |
Inalterability Hash |
☐ |
internal_index |
string |
Internal Reference |
☐ |
invoice_cash_rounding_id_label |
string |
☐ |
Defines the smallest coinage of the currency that can be used to pay by cash. |
invoice_cash_rounding_id |
string |
☐ |
Defines the smallest coinage of the currency that can be used to pay by cash. |
invoice_date_due |
datetime |
Due Date |
☐ |
invoice_date |
datetime |
Invoice/Bill Date |
☐ |
invoice_filter_type_domain |
string |
Invoice Filter Type Domain |
☐ |
invoice_has_outstanding |
boolean |
Invoice Has Outstanding |
☐ |
invoice_incoterm_id_label |
string |
☐ |
International Commercial Terms are a series of predefined commercial terms used in international transactions. |
invoice_incoterm_id |
string |
☐ |
International Commercial Terms are a series of predefined commercial terms used in international transactions. |
invoice_line_ids |
string |
☐ |
invoice_origin |
string |
Origin |
☐ |
The document(s) that generated the invoice. |
invoice_outstanding_credits_debits_widget |
byte[] |
Invoice Outstanding Credits Debits Widget |
☐ |
invoice_partner_display_name |
string |
Invoice Partner Display Name |
☐ |
invoice_payment_term_id_label |
string |
☐ |
invoice_payment_term_id |
string |
☐ |
invoice_payments_widget |
byte[] |
Invoice Payments Widget |
☐ |
invoice_source_email |
string |
Source Email |
☐ |
invoice_user_id_label |
string |
☐ |
invoice_user_id |
string |
☐ |
invoice_vendor_bill_id_label |
string |
☐ |
Auto-complete from a past bill. |
invoice_vendor_bill_id |
string |
☐ |
Auto-complete from a past bill. |
is_in_extractable_state |
boolean |
Is In Extractable State |
☐ |
is_move_sent |
boolean |
Is Move Sent |
☐ |
It indicates that the invoice/payment has been sent. |
is_reconciled |
boolean |
Is Reconciled |
☐ |
is_storno |
boolean |
Is Storno |
☐ |
journal_id_label |
string |
☐ |
journal_id |
string |
☐ |
line_ids |
string |
☐ |
made_sequence_hole |
boolean |
Made Sequence Hole |
☐ |
medium_id_label |
string |
☐ |
This is the method of delivery, e.g. Postcard, Email, or Banner Ad |
medium_id |
string |
☐ |
This is the method of delivery, e.g. Postcard, Email, or Banner Ad |
message_attachment_count |
int32 |
Attachment Count |
☐ |
message_follower_ids |
string |
☐ |
message_has_error_counter |
int32 |
Number of errors |
☐ |
Number of messages with delivery error |
message_has_error |
boolean |
Message Delivery error |
☐ |
If checked, some messages have a delivery error. |
message_has_sms_error |
boolean |
SMS Delivery error |
☐ |
If checked, some messages have a delivery error. |
message_ids |
string |
☐ |
message_is_follower |
boolean |
Is Follower |
☐ |
message_main_attachment_id_label |
string |
☐ |
message_main_attachment_id |
string |
☐ |
message_needaction_counter |
int32 |
Number of Actions |
☐ |
Number of messages which requires an action |
message_needaction |
boolean |
Action Needed |
☐ |
If checked, new messages require your attention. |
message_partner_ids |
string |
☐ |
move_id_label |
string |
☐ |
move_id |
string |
☐ |
move_type |
string |
Type |
☑ |
my_activity_date_deadline |
datetime |
My Activity Deadline |
☐ |
name |
string |
Number |
☐ |
narration |
string |
Terms and Conditions |
☐ |
needed_terms_dirty |
boolean |
Needed Terms Dirty |
☐ |
needed_terms |
byte[] |
Needed Terms |
☐ |
online_account_id_label |
string |
☐ |
online_account_id |
string |
☐ |
online_link_id_label |
string |
☐ |
online_link_id |
string |
☐ |
online_partner_information |
string |
Online Partner Information |
☐ |
online_transaction_identifier |
string |
Online Transaction Identifier |
☐ |
partner_bank_id_label |
string |
☐ |
Bank Account Number to which the invoice will be paid. A Company bank account if this is a Customer Invoice or Vendor Credit Note, otherwise a Partner bank account number. |
partner_bank_id |
string |
☐ |
Bank Account Number to which the invoice will be paid. A Company bank account if this is a Customer Invoice or Vendor Credit Note, otherwise a Partner bank account number. |
partner_credit_warning |
string |
Partner Credit Warning |
☐ |
partner_id_label |
string |
☐ |
partner_id |
string |
☐ |
partner_name |
string |
Partner Name |
☐ |
partner_shipping_id_label |
string |
☐ |
The delivery address will be used in the computation of the fiscal position. |
partner_shipping_id |
string |
☐ |
The delivery address will be used in the computation of the fiscal position. |
payment_id_label |
string |
☐ |
payment_id |
string |
☐ |
payment_ids |
string |
☐ |
payment_ref |
string |
Label |
☐ |
payment_reference |
string |
Payment Reference |
☐ |
The payment reference to set on journal items. |
payment_state_before_switch |
string |
Payment State Before Switch |
☐ |
payment_state |
string |
Payment Status |
☐ |
payment_term_details |
byte[] |
Payment Term Details |
☐ |
pos_order_ids |
string |
☐ |
pos_payment_ids |
string |
☐ |
pos_session_id_label |
string |
☐ |
pos_session_id |
string |
☐ |
posted_before |
boolean |
Posted Before |
☐ |
purchase_id_label |
string |
☐ |
Auto-complete from a past purchase order. |
purchase_id |
string |
☐ |
Auto-complete from a past purchase order. |
purchase_order_count |
int32 |
Purchase Order Count |
☐ |
purchase_vendor_bill_id_label |
string |
☐ |
Auto-complete from a past bill / purchase order. |
purchase_vendor_bill_id |
string |
☐ |
Auto-complete from a past bill / purchase order. |
qr_code_method |
string |
Payment QR-code |
☐ |
Type of QR-code to be generated for the payment of this invoice, when printing it. If left blank, the first available and usable method will be used. |
quick_edit_mode |
boolean |
Quick Edit Mode |
☐ |
quick_edit_total_amount |
decimal |
Total (Tax inc.) |
☐ |
Use this field to encode the total amount of the invoice.Odoo will automatically create one invoice line with default values to match it. |
quick_encoding_vals |
byte[] |
Quick Encoding Vals |
☐ |
ref |
string |
Reference |
☐ |
repair_ids |
string |
☐ |
restrict_mode_hash_table |
boolean |
Lock Posted Entries with Hash |
☐ |
If ticked, the accounting entry or invoice receives a hash as soon as it is posted and cannot be modified anymore. |
reversal_move_id |
string |
☐ |
reversed_entry_id_label |
string |
☐ |
reversed_entry_id |
string |
☐ |
running_balance |
decimal |
Running Balance |
☐ |
sale_order_count |
int32 |
Sale Order Count |
☐ |
secure_sequence_number |
int32 |
Inalteralbility No Gap Sequence # |
☐ |
sequence_number |
int32 |
Sequence Number |
☐ |
sequence_prefix |
string |
Sequence Prefix |
☐ |
sequence |
int32 |
Sequence |
☐ |
show_discount_details |
boolean |
Show Discount Details |
☐ |
show_name_warning |
boolean |
Show Name Warning |
☐ |
show_payment_term_details |
boolean |
Show Payment Term Details |
☐ |
show_reset_to_draft_button |
boolean |
Show Reset To Draft Button |
☐ |
source_id_label |
string |
☐ |
This is the source of the link, e.g. Search Engine, another domain, or name of email list |
source_id |
string |
☐ |
This is the source of the link, e.g. Search Engine, another domain, or name of email list |
state |
string |
Status |
☑ |
statement_complete |
boolean |
Is Complete |
☐ |
statement_id_label |
string |
☐ |
statement_id |
string |
☐ |
statement_line_id_label |
string |
☐ |
statement_line_id |
string |
☐ |
statement_line_ids |
string |
☐ |
statement_valid |
boolean |
Is Valid |
☐ |
stock_move_id_label |
string |
☐ |
stock_move_id |
string |
☐ |
stock_valuation_layer_ids |
string |
☐ |
string_to_hash |
string |
String To Hash |
☐ |
suitable_journal_ids |
string |
☐ |
suspense_statement_line_id_label |
string |
☐ |
suspense_statement_line_id |
string |
☐ |
tax_cash_basis_created_move_ids |
string |
☐ |
The cash basis entries created from the taxes on this entry, when reconciling its lines. |
tax_cash_basis_origin_move_id_label |
string |
☐ |
The journal entry from which this tax cash basis journal entry has been created. |
tax_cash_basis_origin_move_id |
string |
☐ |
The journal entry from which this tax cash basis journal entry has been created. |
tax_cash_basis_rec_id_label |
string |
☐ |
tax_cash_basis_rec_id |
string |
☐ |
tax_closing_end_date |
datetime |
Tax Closing End Date |
☐ |
tax_country_code |
string |
Tax Country Code |
☐ |
tax_country_id_label |
string |
☐ |
tax_country_id |
string |
☐ |
tax_lock_date_message |
string |
Tax Lock Date Message |
☐ |
tax_report_control_error |
boolean |
Tax Report Control Error |
☐ |
tax_totals |
byte[] |
Invoice Totals |
☐ |
Edit Tax amounts if you encounter rounding issues. |
team_id_label |
string |
☐ |
team_id |
string |
☐ |
timesheet_count |
int32 |
Number of timesheets |
☐ |
timesheet_encode_uom_id_label |
string |
☐ |
timesheet_encode_uom_id |
string |
☐ |
timesheet_ids |
string |
☐ |
timesheet_total_duration |
int32 |
Timesheet Total Duration |
☐ |
Total recorded duration, expressed in the encoding UoM, and rounded to the unit |
to_check |
boolean |
To Check |
☐ |
If this checkbox is ticked, it means that the user was not sure of all the related information at the time of the creation of the move and that the move needs to be checked again. |
transaction_ids |
string |
☐ |
transaction_type |
string |
Transaction Type |
☐ |
transfer_model_id_label |
string |
☐ |
transfer_model_id |
string |
☐ |
type_name |
string |
Type Name |
☐ |
unique_import_id |
string |
Import ID |
☐ |
user_id_label |
string |
☐ |
user_id |
string |
☐ |
website_id_label |
string |
☐ |
Website through which this invoice was created for eCommerce orders. |
website_id |
string |
☐ |
Website through which this invoice was created for eCommerce orders. |
website_message_ids |
string |
☐ |
Website communication history |
write_date |
datetime |
Last Updated on |
☐ |
write_uid_label |
string |
☐ |
write_uid |
string |
☐ |
01-03-2023 15:29 Version 22.1.135-BETA+3826