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Command Line Arguments

Invantive Data Hub support the command line arguments in three modes:


provider attributes, and

Invantive Script variable values.

Initially, Invantive Data Hub only accepts arguments in default mode. To switch to provider attributes, use the default mode argument attributes. Use variables to switch to Invantive Script variable values.

Default Mode Arguments

In default mode the arguments are listed below in a long and abbreviated form (between parentheses):

help (?): print a list of available command line arguments and exit.

interactive (i): allows interaction with a user behind the console when "true", such as on errors. Otherwise disallow interaction. Default is "true".

timestamp (t): whether to prefix each line of messages with a timestamp. Default is "true".

file (f): relative or absolute file path of the Invantive SQL file with instructions to execute.

user (u): name of the user to be used for authentication on the database.

encryptedpassword (e): password of the user to be used, encrypted by the device key. Only applied to data container with specified alias. Applies to data container without alias when no alias is specified.

password (e): password of the user to be used in plain text. Only applied to data container with specified alias. Applies to data container without alias when no alias is specified.

connection (c): full name of the database in the format 'GROUP\NAME'.

logfile (l): relative or absolute file path of the log file.

verbose (v): print extensive progress messages when "true". Default is "false".

logoverwrite (lo): overwrite an already existing log file when "true". Otherwise append to an existing log file. Default is "false".

licensekey (lk): use the license key provided instead of the license key loaded from the user profile.

attributes (a): switch to provider attributes mode.

variables (v): switch to Invantive Script variable values mode.

The value of the argument is provided after the argument name and a colon (':').

Multiple command line arguments can be provided in any order and in any form.

Provider Attributes Mode Arguments

In provider attributes mode, the following arguments are recognized:

name=value: set the value of a provider attribute on the default data container to the specified fixed value.

name@alias=value: set the value of a provider attribute on the data container with the specified alias to the specified fixed value.

Any default mode argument.

Invantive Script Variable Values Arguments

In Invantive Script variable values mode, the following arguments are recognized:

variable=value: set the value of an Invantive Script variable on the default data container to the specified value, after expanding Invantive Script variables..

Any default mode argument.

Data Container Aliasing

The command line arguments attribute, user and encryptedpassword can be followed by the at-sign ('@') and the alias of a data container. The value is then only used for the data container with the specified alias. When no alias is specified, the value is used on the data container without an alias.

Log File Pattern

The file path of the log file may contain characters with a special meaning. These characters are expanded when the program starts:

%Y: year.

%j: day of year (001..366).

%m: month (01..12).

%d: day of month (01..31).

%u: day of week (1..7).

%H: hour (00..23).

%M: minute (00..59).

%S: second (00..59).

%D: Windows domain name.

%U: Windows user name.

%h: Windows machine name.

Expansion takes place both in folder names as well as file name itself.


The command line argument password (p) is no longer supported as of 2018. Please use either interactive logins, preauthenticated connections or a password encrypted with the device key.


The following command line arguments change:

the database to the group 'WS203' with database 'invoicing',

choose the SQL file 'c:\jobs\first-job.sql' to run,

disable interaction,

change the provider attribute 'api-url' to '',

change the provider attribute 'api-redirect-url' to '' and

change the Invantive Script variable 'MY_NAME' to 'John Doe':

/database:WS203\invoicing /file:c:\jobs\first-job.sql /interactive:false /attribute api-url= api-redirect-url= /variable "MY_NAME=John Doe"