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Navigation: Invantive Script > Variables

Application Variables

A number of pre-defined application variables exist:

applicationfolder: folder from which the application is running.

cachedirectory: directory in which the cached files for the current application version are loaded.

centralsettingsdirectory: directory below which all configuration settings are stored.

connectionname: name of last used database in Invantive Keychain.

containertitle: title of the form containing the control (extended with tab page title if present).

copyright: application's copyright text.

currentversion: label of the application's version.

currentversionshort: short description of the application's version.

datadirectory: directory in which deployed data files are stored.

defaultsettingsfile: default databases settings configuration file.

expirationdate: application's build expiration date (if any).

globalfirstuse: date time of any first use of any Invantive product.

globalnumberofapplicationstarts: number of application starts of any Invantive application.

globalusersettingsfile: global user.settings file with preferences.

hasbeenoptimized: whether or not the application has been optimized.

helpfilelocationproducer: full path to the help file.

installericonfile: name of the icon file to be used located within the startup directory.

internalname: application's internal name.

invantivetempdirectory: directory in which the temp files for Invantive software are stored.

iscurrentusersystemuser: whether the current user is a system user.

isfirstrun: whether this is the first run of the application installation since installation or upgrade.

isloggedon: whether a connection has been made and is still open to a database.

lastavailablebandwidth: last available measured bandwidth.

lastavailablelatency: last available measured latency.

lastlanguage: last user user interface language.

loggingfile: full file name of the logging file with unprocessed log messages.

multicorejitprofilefile: full file name of the Multi-Core JIT Profile file.

name: name of the application used in dialogs.

nameversion: name of the application used in dialogs, followed by the version in brackets.

newsitemcachefile: full file name of the news items cache.

numberofconnectionsmade: number of database connections made by any Invantive application.

optimizationdirectory: directory in which the application optimization files for the current application are loaded.

optimizationlogfile: full file name and path to the optimization log file for this process.

productinstallationfirstuse: date time of any first use of this Invantive product installation.

productinstallationnumberofapplicationstarts: number of application starts of this Invantive product installation.

productinstallationusersettingsfile: user's settings for a specific product and its installation.

productnumberofapplicationstarts: number of application starts of this Invantive product.

productusersettingsfile: user's settings for a specific product.

querytoolcentraldirectory: central folder for Invantive Query Tool.

serverlicenseexists: whether the server license exists.

serverprefixurl: server prefix URL.

starterdirectory: directory in which the Invantive Starter parameter files are stored.

supportemail: localized support email address.

supportwebsite: support website.

tempdirectory: directory in which the temp files for the current application are stored.

translationfilename: translation file name and path.

urllobcache: full path to the URL LOB cache file.

usedsettingsfilename: file name for the used 'settings.xml'.

userlayoutdirectory: directory where user specific layouts of the user interface are stored.