System Variables |
A number of pre-defined system variables exist:
•environmentvariable:NAME: value of the operating system environment variable with the name 'NAME'.
•antivirusinfo: description of the anti-virus product in use.
•clipboardtext: current contents of the Windows clipboard.
•clrversion: full version of the Common Language Runtime.
•clrversion:build: build of the Common Language Runtime.
•clrversion:major: major version of the Common Language Runtime.
•clrversion:majorrevision: major revision of the Common Language Runtime.
•clrversion:minor: minor version of the Common Language Runtime.
•clrversion:minorrevision: minor revision of the Common Language Runtime.
•commandline: command line for this process.
•currentdirectory: path of the current working directory.
•date: date of the workstation.
•datetime: date and time of the workstation.
•directoryseparator: OS-specific separator for directory.
•directoryseparatoralt: alternative OS-specific separator for directory.
•hasteamviewer: whether TeamViewer in version 10 is present.
•installationfolder: Obsoleted.
•ipaddress: primary IP-addres of the workstation on the internal network.
•ipaddressexternal: primary IP-address of the workstation on the Internet.
•is64bitoperatingysystem: whether the operating system runs in 64-bit mode.
•is64bitprocess: whether the current process runs in 64-bit mode.
•isvirtualmachine: whether the workstation is a virtual machine.
•logicalcorecount: number of logical cores of the workstation.
•machinename: NetBIOS name of the workstation.
•now: date and time of the workstation in the format YYYYMMDDHH24MISS.
•os: current platform version number.
•osname: human-friendly name of the operating system.
•pathseparator: OS-specific separator for path.
•physicalcorecount: number of physical cores in the workstation.
•physicalmemoryinbytes: number of bytes in the physical memory of the workstation.
•processorcount: number of physical processors in the workstation.
•processorid: ID of the processor.
•sid: security identifier.
•stacktrace: stack trace of the program.
•systemdirectory: fully qualified path of the system directory.
•systempagesize number of bytes in the system memory page.
•time: time of the workstation.
•user: user of the workstation.
•userdesktopdirectory: fully qualified path of the desktop directory of the current user.
•userdocumentsdirectory: fully qualified path of the documents directory of the current user.
•userdomain: network domain name associated with the current user.
•userfavoritesdirectory: fully qualified path of the favorites directory of the current user.
•userhomedirectory: fully qualified path of the home directory of the current user.
•userinteractive: whether the current process is running in interactive mode.
•userpicturesdirectory: fully qualified path of the pictures directory of the current user.
•userprofiledirectory: fully qualified path of the profile directory of the current user.
•volumeseparator: OS-specific separator for volume.
•workingset: amount of physical memory mapped to the process context.