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Invantive Estate

This report allows you to request the financial status on project level and on master roll up level.Open screen in browser Open Report

Financial Project Overview Level 2 Report

Every report per level from the financial project overviews is supplied with a standard heading per project. The meaning of the fields in the heading is (see Projects for an elaborate explanation):


The project to which this page refers.


The name of the project.


The city in which the project is being realized.


The current project phase.

Product group

The product group to which the project belongs to.

Free Field 1and Free Field 2

Informative fields for use of your choice.

Project developer

The responsible project developer.

Product Group Director

The responsible product group director.

Financial Administrator

The responsible administrator,

Legal Structure

The legal structure under which the project is realized.

Cooperation with

A possible cooperation agreement.

Released Budget

The released budget.

Risk Percentage

The risk percentage.

Success Percentage

The success percentage.

Exposé Date

The date on which the exposé is approved.

Start of Realization

The date on which the work has started.

End of Production

The date on which the project was delivered.

Shops (m2)

The amount of m2 shops being built.

Offices (m2)

The amount of m2 offices being built.

Other (m2)

The amount of other m2 being built.


The number of houses being built.

Parking Places

The number of parking places being built.

The meaning of the fields in the top of the page (the so-called ‘level 1 reports’) is:


The proceeds of the cost category ‘revenues’, split into budget, prognosis and the deviation from the budget.


The proceeds of the cost categories ‘costs’, split into budget, prognosis and the deviation from the budget.

Project Result

The project results, split by budget, prognosis and the deviation from the budget.

Project Result (%)

The project result as a percentage of the costs, split into budget, prognosis and deviation from the budget.

Taken result

The financial results already taken, consisting of posting entries on cost categories form the type ‘result’. In accordance with IFRS, results can be taken during the realization of the project.

Possible Remarks

Here the text ‘Negative compared to exposé’ will appear in red, if the expected project results as a percentage is worse than the budgeted results.

The meaning of the fields in the bottom of the page (so-called ‘level 2 reports’) is:


The budget.


This size of the provided orders.

Invoices with order

Invoices which are received/sent based on a provided order or on a contractual revenue.

Invoices without order

Invoices which are sent/received without order or contractual revenue.


The total of invoices with order and invoices without order.

Latest estimate.

The total of the latest estimates.

Available compared to prognosis

Budget to be spent.

Open orders

The size of the provided orders of which no invoices with order are received for.


Prognosis of the final result.


The difference between the prognosis and budget.

Contr. revenue

The size of the contractual revenues.

Budget to be realized

The size of the to be sold units.

Open contr. revenue

The size of the contractual revenues of which no invoices with order are sent.