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Invantive Estate

In this screen you can register and change process statuses.Open screen in browser Open Form

A process status describes the condition of a process (see Processes).

Task Statuses Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:


The code.


The description.

External Description

The description used for displaying on reports and screens designed for third parties such as customers.


The importance of the process status for planning purposes.

Sort Order

A numerical value on which the statuses are sorted when a list is visible in the screen.

Progress (%)

Indicates to what extent the process is completed.

Icon (URL)

The relative URL of the icon belonging to the process status. The icon must be 16 pixels high and 16 pixels wide.

Start status

Indicates if this status is the status with which the performing of the process begins.

End Status

Indicates if this status is the status with which the performing of the process ends.

Send over Deadline Emails

Indicates if emails are sent to the process holder if the process passes the deadline.

Allow Non End Status Timesheets

Indicates if the process status allows hours that do not have the end status.

Allow Non-invoice Status Timesheets

Indicates if the process status allows hours that do not have the invoice status.

Modifications Hours

Indicates if it is allowed to change hours.

Allow Quick Notes

Indicates if it is allowed to change work instructions.


Indicates if the execution of the process is temporarily postponed.

Work in progress

Indicates if the process is executed.

Bad Credit Check

Indicates that the funding of the process is insufficient.

To Be Discussed

Indicates that the process should be discussed.

Ready for Invoicing

Indicates if the process is ready to be invoiced.


Indicates if the process is booked and by this will obtain the end status.


Indicates that the process was approved for implementation.