Persons |
This screen lets you record and people change. Open Form
A person is a physical person who makes use ofInvantive Estate (a ‘user’) or from who data is registered in Invantive Estate. A person can be an employee of your organization, but also a relationship with a supplier or a private individual.
Persons with a username can use the application. However, to use reports or screens, they need to get roles (see Role Authorisations) and possibly get access to projects (see Project Authorisations).
Note that a special user named ‘system’ exists. This user normally is solely used to install the application or its newer versions and to initially create the first users. This user cannot be deleted and has unlimited access to all screens and information.
The meaning of the entry fields is:
Name |
Name |
The name of the person. |
Gender |
The gender of the person. |
First Name |
The first name. |
Initials |
Initials of the name, for example ‘J.E.’. |
Unique Initials |
The unique abbreviation of the name. The initials are used in reports or in screens when there is not enough space available to show the whole name. |
Middle Name |
Middle name of the name, for example ‘van de’. |
Surname |
Surname. |
Function |
The function of the person within the company. |
Organization |
The organization where the person is employed. |
Business |
The organization where the person is employed, see Organizations. |
Language |
Reference to a language as registered in Languages. |
Manager |
The manager or supervisor of the person. |
Department |
The department to which the person belongs. |
Room |
The room where the person has its workplace. |
Titles |
Possible titles of the individual. |
Employee Number |
Identification number of the person within the organization where the person is employed. |
IP Address List |
List of IP addresses used by this person. |
Contact Information |
Email address 1 |
The email address of the person. |
Email Address 2 |
A second alternative email address of the person. |
Email Address 3 |
A second alternative email address of the person. |
Email Address 4 |
A fourth alternative email address of the person. |
Work |
The telephone number of the person at work. |
Work Extension |
The extension number of the person at work. |
Mobile Number |
The mobile number of the person. |
Home |
The phone number where the person can be reached at home. |
Fax |
The fax number of the person. |
SIP Address |
Het SIP address of the person |
Email Address for Workflow |
The email address receiving the emails that are generated by the workflow. The application uses this email address in case it needs to send messages to the user. |
Address |
Address 1 |
Address of the person (for example, street and house number) |
Address 2 |
Extra address line, in case needed. |
Zip Code |
Postal code. |
City |
Place of residence |
Country |
Country of residence. |
City of Birth |
City of birth. |
Country of Birth |
Country where the person was born. |
Social Media |
Hyves Address |
Het Hyves address of the person. |
LinkedIn Address |
Het LinkedIn address of the person. |
Facebook Address |
Het Facebook address of the person. |
MySpace Address |
Het MySpace address of the person. |
ICQ Address |
Het ICQ address of the person. |
Skype Address |
Het Skype address of the person. |
Xing Address |
Het Xing address of the person. |
Twitter Address |
Het Twitter address of the person. |
Plaxo Address |
Het Plaxo address of the person. |
YouTube Address |
Het YouTube address of the person. |
Other |
Website (URL) |
The URL of the personal website. |
Date of Birth |
The date of birth of the user. |
Wedding Date |
The date of the last marriage. |
Date of Death |
The date of death. |
Partner |
The name of the partner. |
Children |
The names of any children, separated by a randomly chosen separator. |
Nickname |
The nickname. |
Hobbies |
The hobbies. |
IBAN Number |
The IBAN of the bank account of the person. |
Social Security Number |
The SSN is a unique personal number. It is used for identification and tax purposes. The Social Security Number consists of 9 digits. Unlike many similar numbers, no check digit is utilized. |
Signature (URL) |
The Internet address of the image of the signature. |
Passport Photo (URL) |
The URL of the passport photo of the person. This URL can be used in ‘online directories’. The passport photo is after ‘Update Contacts’ also visible in Microsoft Outlook. The resolution for Microsoft Outlook should preferably be at least 72x72 pixels. |
RDBMS User |
The RDBMS user name associated with this Invantive Estate user. Is used to automatically log in when you use your own reporting software. |
Internal Rate |
The internal rate of the person. |
Working Schedule |
The working schedule of the person, see Working Schedules. |
Date of Last Review |
The date the last review of the person took place. The date of last review provides an indication of the reliability of the data. Usually when the data becomes older, it will be less reliable. |
Remarks |
Free text box where notes on the person can be added. |
Documents |
Linked documents, see Linking Documents. |
Allow Emails |
When checked, the person authorized to unsolicited commercial emails. |
Date Emails Allowed |
The date the person has given permission for unsolicited commercial emails. |
Emails Allowed Evidence |
The evidence in the form of an IP address, a URL or a text showing that the person has given permission for unsolicited commercial emails. |
Classification |
The classification of the process. A classification is a label that can be linked to a project, an organization, a process, a document or a person. Using these labels you can find your information more efficient. |
The significance of the action buttons:
Open Processes |
Opens a window with all the processes whose process holder is the person selected. |
Author of Document |
Opens a window with all the documents whose author is the person selected. |
User Roles |
Opens the screen containing all user roles of the selected person. |