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Invantive Estate

This screen cost categories can be exchanged with an ERP system.Open screen in browser Open Form

Cost Category Interface Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:


The code of the cost category.


The description of the cost category.


Free text.


This cost category is treated as interest if this box is checked.

Investment Real Estate

This cost category is treated as investment property if this box is checked.


This cost category is treated as Developer Costs if this box is checked.


This cost category is treated as a provision if this box is checked.


This cost category is treated as acquisition costs for land if this box is checked.


This cost category is treated as a reserve for contingencies if this box is checked.

General Costs

This cost category is treated as general expenses if this box is checked.

Own Capital

This cost category is treated as owner's capital if this box is checked.

Unique Reference in Originating System

Reference with which the record in the system of origin can be identified.

Group in Originating System

Reference to a group of records in the system of origin. The grouping of records is often used to validate the loading process using ‘application control’.

Loading Message

Displays a message on the most recent action of loading a record.

Loading Status

Displays status information about the loading process of the record. ‘E’ = ‘Error’ and ‘C’ = ‘Completed’. The completed load statuses will be automatically deleted at the end of the ERP processing.


The point of time the record was loaded by the ERP interface.

The meaning of the other fields:


The technical code with which the cost category can be identified.