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Invantive Estate

In this form you can register and change the project statuses.Open screen in browser Open Form

The project status is a brief summary of the overall condition of the project plus a textual explanation of the entire project. Short textual explanations concerning cost categories and budget exceedings on a cost category can be made by Comment Deviation. With this explanation you can explain the story behind the figures and the progress.

Project Status register Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:

Status Indicator

A list that classifies a project in terms of progress and budget control into one of the six possible classes.

Date of Last Review

The date the last review of the project took place.

Next Review

The date the next review of the project should take place.


A textual explanation of the project's status.

In theory, this explanation has a free format, but via the blue arrow (below the status field) you can select standard formats (templates) as your organization makes them available.

The meaning of the other fields:


Reference to a project code as registered in Projects.


Reference to a project name as registered in Projects.

Project developer

Reference to the responsible project developer as registered in Projects.

Product Group Director

Reference to the responsible product group director for the project as registered in Projects.


The city in which the project is being executed as registered in Projects.

Project Phase

The phase of the project as registered in Projects.