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Invantive Estate

In this screen you can register contract process generations.Open screen in browser Open Form

You can use this screen to indicate that a contract process must be generated on a specific basis or frequency. This is useful for follow-up support such as changing backup tapes, etc or the monthly billing payments for a certain period.

Contract Task Generation Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:


The first date and time that a process is generated.

Continue Till

The first date and time where no processes are generated anymore.

Repeat Generator

Reference to a repeat generator as registered in Repeat Generators.


Reference to a project as registered in Projects.

Cost Type

Reference to a cost category as registered in Cost Category.


Reference to a contract as registered in Contracts.

Process Template

Reference to a process as registered in Processes.

Process Last Generated

Reference to the last process produced as registered in Processes.

Initial Status

Reference to an initial process status as registered in Process Statuses.

Initial Category

Reference to an initial process category for the new processes as registered in Process Categories.

Next Generation based upon

Date and time when a new process will be generated.

Note that the generation of processes always happens when the time for which the process is to be created has elapsed. Generating processes is independent of the system time and continue until processes are generated for the entire period as specified under 'Start' and 'Continue until'.

The meaning of the other fields:


The unique number with which the contract process generation is identified.


In the description of the process template and the explanation of the process units you can use variables. The variables are replaced with the current valid values when the process is generated. You can use the following variables:

:pjt_code: project code.

:kbg_code: cost category code.

:ctt_volgnummer: contract code.

:hgr_code: repeat generator code.

:ctg_omschrijving: description of the contract process generator.

:ctg_toelichting: explanation of the contract process generator.

:base_datetime: the content of the field 'Next Generation Based on'. If this field has no value then the Start date will be used.

:base_date: the previous variable without the time.

:base_next_datetime: a period after the :base_datetime.

:base_next_date: the previous variable without the time.

:base_next_next_datetime: two periods after the :base_datetime.

:base_next_next_date: the previous variable without the time.

:base_prev_datetime: a period earlier than :base_datetime.

:base_prev_date: the previous variable without the time.

:base_prev_prev_datetime: two periods earlier than :base_datetime.

:base_prev_prev_date: the previous variable without the time.