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In this form you can register and change settings.Open screen in browser Open Form

It may take up to 30 seconds until a change of a setting becomes effective. If you want to avoid this, restart the web server.

The settings apply to the entire application and all users.


Settings Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:



Environment in Footer (HTML)

In each screen this text will appear in the footer. In this footer you can use HTML codes, such as <b<...<b> for bold printed text. See, for example, for more information.

Retention Period Jobs (days)

The minimum number of days that the ERP jobs and the associated messages are preserved.

Retention Period Messages (days)

The minimum number of days that messages are kept before being automatically deleted. Relieving the server can cause that the realized retention period of messages is longer than the indicated retention period. However, the realized retention period will never be shorter.

Documents Folder on Server

The folder on the server in which attached documents are stored.

Do mind: both the web server and the database must have write permissions for this!

Documents Load Folder on Server

The folder on the server in which attached documents are temporarily stored until they can be moved to the document folder after being fully received.

Do mind: both the web server and the database of Invantive Estate must have write permissions for this!

Documents Recycle Bin Folder on Server

The folder on the server in which the attached documents are stored after being deleted. The administrator can choose to delete the documents from the recycle bin after a short of long period of time.

Do mind: both the web server and the database of Invantive Estate must have write permissions for this!

Maximal Document Size (KB)

The maximum size of the new documents in kilobytes.

Mail Server via SMTP

The name or the address of the SMTP mail server with which outgoing email messages can be sent.

Email Address Sender

The email address from where sent emails originate.

Name of Sender

The name of the sender.

Email Address Dealer

The email address of the dealer of Invantive Estate.

Proxy Server

The Internet address of the proxy server. A proxy server is a server located between a user's computer and the computer containing the requested information by the user (the English word proxy means ‘intermediary’). If someone on a computer, where the address of a proxy server is set, is trying to reach another computer, then this will not be done directly but via the proxy server. The goal of this intermediate step depends on the type of proxy server.

Proxy Port

The computer port that the client computer uses to connect with the proxy server.

Domains not through Proxy

Domains that do not make contact via the proxy server.

Interval between Message Delivery Retry (sec)

Outgoing messages are queued. In case delivering a message fails, it is tried again after the interval, until it is processed successfully.

Number of Days Anniversaries to be Shown

Indicates the number of days in the future that anniversaries are displayed after logging in in Invantive Estate.


The organization for which the application runs.

Application Administrator

The name of the person responsible for application management. This name is displayed for information on several locations within the application.

Purchasing Conditions

The standard conditions of purchase applicable to purchases.

Selling Conditions

The standard selling conditions applicable to sales.

VAT Code

VAT is within Invantive Estate automatically calculated using a VAT code. The standard VAT code can be selected here.

Allow Budget Movements Across Master Rollup Cost Categories

If this box is checked it is allowed to move budgets across Master Rollup Cost Categories in the screen Budget Movements.

Check Existence of URL

If this box is checked, the existence of the specified URL will be checked when logging in.


Possible explanation.



RDBMS User Prefix

Unique prefix per Invantive Estate environment in the database. Often ‘P_’ is used for production and ‘A_’ for acceptance.

PL/SQL Profiling

When checked, all software written in PL/SQL will be profiled. See PL/SQL Profiling.

Log Business Rules

When checked, a print about the execution of a business rule will be sent to the ‘dbms_output’.

PL/SQL Report Function for URL Authentication

Name of the PL / SQL function that provides data authentication for p_user_name and p_password to make it possible to download URL's from sub functions.

PL/SQL Function for PDF Watermark

The name of the PL / SQL function that determines watermark or letterhead for reports and documents in PDF format. The parameters have to be equal to the parameters of the supplied PL / SQL function bubs_get_pdf_watermerk. See also Report Building.

PL/SQL Function for Report Location

The name of the function that determines the location of the reports and the ETL-scripts. This PL / SQL function returns the location of a report and ETL script if at another place to be searched than the default location. This function is used to store custom reports to a different place so they do not need to be installed again after an upgrade.

An example:

create or replace function bubs_get_report_location

( p_master_report_name varchar2 /* Example: bubs_arf */

, p_mime_type          varchar2 /* Example: application/pdf */

, p_parameter_list     varchar2 /* Example: {REPORT_LOCALE=nl_NL...} */

, p_user_friendly_name varchar2 /* Example: Functies per Rol (PDF) */

, p_uri                varchar2 /* Example: /usr_gle_bubs/ */

, p_user_name          varchar2 /* Example: system */

, p_report_name        varchar2 /* Example: bubs_arf, can differ when using subfunctions. */


return varchar2




* $Id: bubs_isg_all.xml,v 1.35 2009-11-20 21:32:40 jen Exp $


* (C) Copyright 2004-2012 Invantive Software BV, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.


* Function to get a different location from which to load a report.

* Especially useful to load files from /local.




 return '';



PL/SQL function for Connection Name

Name of the PL/SQL function that specifies the name of the connection for a report.

PL/SQL function for Pre-report trigger

Name of the PL/SQL function that returns 'Y' if the connection of the report supports 'pre-report events'.

PL/SQL function for Post-report trigger

Name of the PL/SQL function that returns 'Y' if the connection of the report supports 'post-report events'.

PL/SQL function for System Compliant Report

Name of the PL/SQL function that returns 'Y' if the connection of the report supports ${} JDBC-driver.

Data security


All Projects Visible

When this field is checked, every user will be able to see all projects.

All Projects Editable

When this field is checked, each user can edit all projects when having edit rights in the screen.

Audit Interaction

This permits to set the auditing of interactions on/off. Disabling the auditing of interactions increases the performance of the system. To make the changed setting to become active you need to restart the web server.

Audit Transactions

This permits to set the auditing of transactions on/off. Disabling the auditing of transactions increases the performance of the system. To make the changed setting to become active you need to restart the web server.

Close Inactive Connection After (sec)

Indicates how many seconds after user inactivity via the web front end the connection will be broken.

Show Warning on Upcoming Closing due to Inactivity (sec)

Indicates after how many seconds the warning appears that the connection will be broken due to inactivity of the user via the web front end. Between the warning and the disconnection there is usually a time lag of a few hundred seconds.

Prognosis Model


Automatically Create Contract Budget of 0

When checked, when using a new contract automatically a contract budget of zero will be created if no contract budget exists.

Explanation on Automatically Created Contract Budget

The explanation that is added to a contract budget in the event a contract budget is automaticaly created.

Release Balance on Automatically Created Contract Budget

A budgetary surplus is used to compensate for shortages on automatically created contract budgets when this is checked.

Automatically Create contract budget for Remaining Cost Category Budget

When checked, a remaining cost category budget is automatically created when using a new contract.

Notes for Automatically Created Contract Budges for Remaining Cost Category Budget

The explanation that is added to a contract budget in the event a contract budget is automatically created for a remaining cost category.

Contract for Remaining Cost Category Budget

Identification of the contract for the remaining cost category budget. This identification can be a number, letters or a combination of both.

Release Deviation for Automatic Contract Budget for Remaining Cost Category Budget

A budgetary surplus is used to compensate for shortages on automatically created for remaining cost category budgets when this is checked.

General Ledger


Monetary Unit

The currency unit used by the general ledger.

Expression Period (SQL)

The SQL expression that delivers the period to the general ledger based on posting date.



Company Name (short)

The company name which will be printed on the reports when little space is available on the pages.

Company Name (long)

The company name which will be printed on the reports when plenty space is available on the pages.

Logo on Reports (URL)

The URL being used to show the logo on the reports. This URL will be searched from the application server because the report is generated on the application server.

Footer Logo on Reports

Footer Logo shown on Reports.

Logo on Displays (URL)

The URL being used to show the logo on the screens. This URL will be searched from the user's PC.

Voorvoegsel Server (URL)

The path to find the application, in the format of a URL.

Main Menu (URL)

The URL that will be used to specify the main menu in the event the field 'Start page (URL)' in My Preferences is empty. The URL will be requested with the parameter MNU_CODE = Main. The URL will be searched from the user's PC.

Splash (URL)

The URL used to find the image of the login screen. See also Start up and Login. The URL will be searched from the user's PC.

Title (HTML)

The application's title as shown on the login screen. See also Start up and Login.

Company Logo (URL)

The URL used to put the company logo on letter paper, such as for time registration.

Screen CSS (URL)

The URL of a CSS style sheet used to determine the color scheme and style elements.

Handheld CSS (URL)

The URL of a CSS style sheet used to determine the color scheme and style elements on a PDA or any other mobile device.

Print CSS (URL)

The URL of a CSS style sheet used to determine the color scheme and style elements on a print.

Prefix Background Output File

The prefix for the file name of the output file of a background job.

Postfix Background Output File

The postfix for the file name of the output file of a background job.

Prefix Background Log File

The prefix for the file name of the log file of a background job.

Postfix Background Log File

The postfix for the file name of the log file of a background job.

Payoff Company (Input with Layout)

The payoff of the company for use on letter paper, directly below the logo, used, for example, for time registration. See Input with Layout for layout possibilities.

Footer (Input with Layout)

The footer's layout for use on the bottom of letter paper, used, for example, for time registration. See Input with Layout for layout possibilities.

Company Address (Input with Layout)

The company address' layout under the payoff and the logo for use on letter paper, used, for example, for time registration. See Input with Layout for layout possibilities.

Local HTML Head

With local HTML you can change the layout of the screen. In this case, it concerns the section above the head of the screen.

The following parameters can be used:

:productname: the name of the used product, for example 'Invantive Vision'.

:usertelult: the preferred telephone number of the user, for example '088 0026500'.

:siteid: the unique identification of the installation, for example 'L123-ACME'.

:useremail: the email address of the user, for example ''.

:userlogon: the login code of the user, for example 'j.doe'.

:username: the name of the user, for example 'John Doe'.

:language: the language in which the user operates, for example 'nl' for Dutch.

:locale: the region code of the language in which the user operates, for example 'UK' for Great Britain.

Local HTML Header

With local HTML you can change the layout of the screen. In this case, it concerns the head section of the screen. You can use the same parameters as with 'Local HTML Above Head'.

Local HTML Footer

With local HTML you can change the layout of the screen. In this case, it concerns the foot section of the screen. You can use the same parameters as with 'Local HTML Above Head'.

Default Preferences New User



The setting for language in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Financial Unit Reporting

The settings for financial unit reporting in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Time Unit Reporting

The setting for time unit reporting in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Records per Page

The number of rows in the Search Results is shown for new users.

Merge Subprojects

The settings in the filter of new users for merging subprojects for reporting purposes. See My Preferences.

Receive Newsletter

When checked, the user will receive the newsletter of the dealer. A message will be sent to the dealer with the request to subscribe you to the newsletter. There are no charges. Besides your email address also your name will be passed on.

Show Tips

When checked, after you log on, tips for using Invantive Estate will be shown.

Show Anniversaries

When checked, after you log on, the near birthdays of users of Invantive Estate are shown.

Main Menu (URL)

The URL used to determine the main menu. This URL will be requested with the parameter MNU_CODE=Main. The URL will be searched from the user's PC. Using the field 'Start page (URL)' in the screen My Preferences the user can specify a different start page if desired.

Start Date

The settings for starting date reporting in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

End Date

The settings for end date reporting in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Adobe PDF Default Settings New Users


Use Encryption

The settings for encryption in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Password Owner

The settings for the password of the owner in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Password User

The settings for the password of the user in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Allow Printing

The setting of allow printing in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Allow Copying

The setting of allow copying in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Allow Modifying

The setting of allow modifying in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Allow Annotating

The setting of allow annotating in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Allow Fill In

The setting of allow fill in, in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Enable Screen Reader Options

The setting of enable screen reader options in the context of new users. See My Preferences.

Microsoft Excel Settings



If this box is checked, then the authorized user, can only read the Excel file. However, no changes can be made.

Change Password

The password of the Excel files necessary to change them.


Important Safety and Usage Information

Intended Use and Limitations: This software, developed by Invantive, is designed to support a variety of business and information technology data processing functions, such as accounting, financial reporting an sales reporting. It is important to note that this software is not designed, tested, or approved for use in environments where malfunction or failure could lead to life-threatening situations or severe physical or environmental damage. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Nuclear facilities: The software should not be used for operations or functions related to the control, maintenance, or operation of nuclear facilities.
  • Defense and Military Applications: This software is not suitable for use in defense-related applications, including but not limited to weaponry control, military strategy planning, or any other aspects of national defense.
  • Aviation: The software is not intended for use in the operation, navigation, or communication systems of any aircraft or air traffic control environments.
  • Healthcare and Medicine Production: This software should not be utilized for medical device operation, patient data analysis for critical health decisions, pharmaceutical production, or medical research where its failure or malfunction could impact patient health.
  • Chemical and Hazardous Material Handling: This software is not intended for the management, control, or operational aspects of chemical plants or hazardous material handling facilities. Any malfunction in software used in these settings could result in dangerous chemical spills, explosions, or environmental disasters.
  • Transportation and Traffic Control Systems: The software should not be used for the control, operation, or management of transportation systems, including railway signal controls, subway systems, or traffic light management. Malfunctions in such critical systems could lead to severe accidents and endanger public safety.
  • Energy Grid and Utility Control Systems: This software is not designed for the control or operation of energy grid systems, including electrical substations, renewable energy control systems, or water utility control systems. The failure of software in these areas could lead to significant power outages, water supply disruptions, or other public utility failures, potentially endangering communities and causing extensive damage.
  • Other High-Risk Environments: Any other critical infrastructure and environments where a failure of the software could result in significant harm to individuals or the environment.

User Responsibility: Users must ensure that they understand the intended use of the software and refrain from deploying it in any setting that falls outside of its designed purpose. It is the responsibility of the user to assess the suitability of the software for their intended application, especially in any scenarios that might pose a risk to life, health, or the environment.

Disclaimer of Liability: Invantive disclaims any responsibility for damage, injury, or legal consequences resulting from the use or misuse of this software in prohibited or unintended applications.
