The import of concept invoices to King is described here. A background script is available for the invoicing of hours to processes and projects and fixed price processes. This ensures that the invoice data will be stored as concept invoice lines. The daily process is as follows:
•Go to the screen 'Submit Background Job'.
•Select the background script ‘Invoicing: Process all parts’.
•Enter the parameters as follows:
•Wait until the process is successfully completed in the screen Background Jobs.
•Now you can check the concept invoices in the screen Concept Invoice Lines.
A background script is available for the invoicing of hours to processes and projects and fixed price processes. This ensures that the invoice data will be stored as concept invoice lines. The daily process is as follows:
•Go to the screen 'Submit Background Job'.
•Select the background script ‘King: Extraction sales orders’.
•Wait until the process is successfully completed in the screen Background Jobs.
•The output file is an XML file, such as:
•You can now retrieve the XML file as an attachment of the background job and import it into KING using the following menu:
•The XML file can be saved, for example, in the folder ‘out’ of the server.
•Change the options for import as follows: