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Invantive Estate

Using this screen you can exchange personal data with an ERP system.Open screen in browser Open Form

People Interface Screen

The meaning of the entry fields is:




The name of the person.


The gender of the person.


The initials of the person.


The unique abbreviation of the name. The initials are used in reports or in screens when there is not enough space available to show the whole name.

Middle Name

Middle name of the person.


The function of the person within the company.


The company where the person is employed.


The manager or supervisor of the person.

Employee Number

Identification number of the person within the organization where the person is employed.




The code with which the person can log in (see Start up and Login). The user cannot log in if this field is not filled out.


The password of the user. The user can change this password via screen My Preferences.


If this box is checked, the user is shown in the list of administrators in the screen where projects are uploaded (see Projects).

Project developer

If this box is checked, the user is shown in the list of administrators in the screen where projects are uploaded (see Projects).



Time Writer

If this box is checked, the user is shown in the list of persons that are allowed to write hours in the screen Timesheets.

Process Holder

In case this box is checked, the user is shown in the list of process holders in the screen where you can register processes (see Processes).

Signs timesheets

In case this box is checked, the user is shown in the list of timesheet signers in the project screen (see Projects).

Process Detector

In case this box is checked, the user is shown in the list of process reporters in the screen where you can register processes (see Processes).

Contact Information


Email address 1

The email address of the person. The application uses this email address in case it needs to send messages to the user.

Email Address 2

A second alternative email address of the person.

Email Address 3

A second alternative email address of the person.

Email Address 4

A fourth alternative email address of the person.

Mobile Number

The mobile number of the person.


The fax number of the person.


The phone number where the person can be reached at home.



Address 1

Address of the person (for example, street and house number)

Address 2

Extra address line, in case needed.

Zip Code

Postal code.


Place of residence


Country of residence.



Date of Birth

The birth date of the user (only relevant for persons who ‘represent physical persons’.

Date of Death

The date of death.


The name of the partner.


The names of any children, separated by a randomly chosen separator.


The nickname


The hobbies.

IBAN Number

The IBAN of the bank account of the person.


Free text box where notes on the person can be added.

Loading Information


Unique Reference in Originating System

Reference with which the record in the system of origin can be identified.

Group in Originating System

Reference to a group of records in the system of origin. The grouping of records is often used to validate the loading process using ‘application control’.

Loading Message

Displays a message on the most recent action of loading a record.

Loading Status

Displays status information about the loading process of the record. ‘E’ = ‘Error’ and ‘C’ = ‘Completed’. The completed load statuses will be automatically deleted at the end of the ERP processing.


The point of time the record was loaded by the ERP interface.

The meaning of the other fields:


The technical code with which the person can be identified.